English Courses Memory Mind Maps NLP Phobias PhotoReading Stage Hypnosis Travels Turkish

NLP, PhotoReading, Mind Maps, Hypnosis, Memory, Coaching and Learning English

NLPNOW for training

My day was taken up by planning course for the future year here in Turkey, so that there will be no clashes with courses in other countries, such as Sri Lanka, India, Italy, UK etc.

Over the last number of years I have been traveling regularly to Turkey amongst other countries to give training to companies, individuals and to public classes in NLP, Hypnosis, Mind Maps, PhotoReading, Memory Techniques, Coaching etc. and enjoying every moment. Why did I waste 35 years working in the computer industry?

It was said once that I could not be good because I do so much. Well I made a strategic decision to go to the founders of any technologies the originators, to learn from them, and get their aurthortity to teach their work.

For a number of years I was an assistant on Richard Bandler’s courses, I watched I learned from the co-founder of NLP, and got his approval as a trainer of the Society of NLP, I worked and learned hypnosis from Paul McKenna and the Dean of Stage Hypnosis, Ormond McGill, I went to Paul Schelle to learn PhotoReading, I went to Tony Buzan to learn Mind Maps, Dr Win Wenger of Image Streaming, Joe McMoneagle of the Stargate project, the man with the biggest memory Gianni Golfera. I have not learned from someone who learns from someone else who learns from someone else. And, I certainly have not plagiarized others work and called it my own by changing a few words but keeping the content and structure exactly the same.

So the question was put, why should our clients come to NLPGrup, why should they get a certificate or license.

I put it to the sales team that perhaps it is like going to buy a car.

You have two outlets next to each other one with the sign Toyota and the other Toy Ota.

The first outlet has brand new cars with warranty, straight from the factory, shinning paintwork, all the extras.

When you look in at the second outlet, you see there is a sign on the from of the car that looks like Toyota, but when you look at the wheels they are from a babies pram, the bodywork is made from a cardboard box that once held a refrigerator, the seats are cushions, and there is no engine but a hole in the floor where your legs fit to propel you along the road.

With NLPGrup they are getting the real Toyota.

The English courses are extremely interesting. A friend and my translator in Italy, Elena Martelli, teaches Italian in Bologna to mature foreign students, when not in class they stay with Italian families, and become totally immersed in the language. Total immersion is the best way to learn a language not two hours a week, I know I have tried and failed.

We have the students 12 hours a day for 9 days, 9am till 9pm, and I sometimes have them for three sessions, 9am, 1:30 pm and 6:30pm, to teach them accelerated learning techniques, relaxation and some NLP.

It is a joy to see and hear the change made in the participants language, although they may not notice themselves.

Perhaps I need the magic switch I use on my Stage Hypnosis to get them to speak Martian.

Have a good day.


Friday, my last day of rest, Ho Ho

Yesterday, I had another lay-in, and then took the ferry to Kadikoy to the office/school to arrange the training courses for the rest of the year here in Turkey, and to have lunch in a small family run restaurant/café.

On my journey, I was able to watch people going about their day, some were in a hurry to get to meetings, some had nothing to do, some were tourists being overwhelmed by new sights and sounds.

La Cantine and Tunel Tram
La Cantine and Tunel Tram

They looked at the old tram which rumbles up and down Taxim Hill between Taxim Square and Tunel. A real old machines, lovingly maintained, which makes them a joy to ride.

Beside the tram stop a vendor sells the traditional Simit, a round ring of bread with I presume sesame seeds, the Turkish people love them, as there are vendors on every street corner, or you hear them shouting out for people to buy them as they balance a tray of the on their head, or you see them walking between the cars of the ever increasing traffic jams with simit’s strung on broom handles.

On my journey on the ferry to the Eastern side, I sat in the open stern, cold but enjoying the views of Istanbul. I look back to where we had just departed, as a young woman  threw pieces of Simit into the air for the hungry seagulls to pluck midair, to the masses of apartments perched on the step hills of Istanbul.

There, I say the Galata Tower. From 1348 this tower has dominated the skyline of Istanbul, originally known as the Tower of Christ, it was a lookout tower of the Genoese colony called Galata. this 12-storey construction once functioned as a jail for prisoners of war, a shipyard, a warehouse and a fire station. Today the Galata Tower is one of Istanbul’s major attractions, offering fantastic views of the city and its landmarks. It is said that, an Ottoman citizen, Hezarfen Ahmet Celebi was the first person to fly, launched himself from the tower and crossed the Bosphorus.

Galata Tower from the Bosphorus
Galata Tower from the Bosphorus
Gatalta Tower from the ferry, with seagulls      Gallata Tower or the Tower of Christ

Again as we crossed to the other side, I saw the trade of the world happening as ships moored at the quayside to unload their cargo, and take new containers of goods to the rest of the world.

The container port of Istanbul

Tugs pushed the massive vessels into the quayside as they tied up, large cranes towered over containers stacked high on the decks. I wonder what is inside each container?

I was cold but enjoyed being alive, seeing life as it happens.

Thoughts Travels

The return home to Taxim, Tunel.

The time to leave the office/training facilities in Kadikoy, Istanbul came and I ventured into the cold afternoon to travel back to my accommodation in Taxim Tunel.

Taxim Square is if you like the Piccadilly Circus, the Leicester Square, the Times Square for Istanbul, many mass meetings are held there, with a large presence of riot clad police in attendance, it is where people meet, lovers, families and friends, a of fun, happiness. It draws people in via the buses, yellow taxis, the short Metro only perhaps six stations. Taxim Hill is a pedestrian only shopping area, recently being repaved (twice), with a twin trolley/tram service passing each other midway.

Taxi Tunel Underground Train
Taxi Tunel Underground Train

At the far end, where I stay is Tunel. This is a tunnel that links this part of Istanbul to the lower area near the Bosphorus called Karakoy, from here I catch the ferry to the other side. This tram tunnel the world’s second oldest metro was built in 1871. Again a twin tram system passing in the middle. The whole ride lasting only a couple of minutes (1.5). No chance of missing a station there are only two. But, it save a long hard and steep walk from the ferry to my flat.

A ship passes through the Bosphorus
A ship passes through the Bosphorus

Half way across the Bosphorus, we passed a large ship heading towards the Black Sea, to my amazement racing along side was a pod of dolphins breaking water as the swam against the strong current flowing towards the Aegean Sea. The dolphins swam at ease with each other, the never seem to make a mistake, make a wrong turn, hit an object, they are one with their surroundings, their environment. Why do we humans make so many mistakes, make the wrong decisions? We have much to learn about what is happening around us. For those who have worked with me, remember Phillips sausage.

Coaching Culture Hypnosis Memory Mind Maps NLP Phobias PhotoReading Presentations Radio and TV interviews Stage Hypnosis Travels

Kadikoy. Another day. Care needed.

It is still cold and raining here in Istanbul, with the high cold wind making “white horses” on the Bosphorus.

The TV crew arrived nearly two hours late, to film only a few minutes, I am very careful on what I say. A few months ago, an article appeared in a Turkish national magazine, which although not mentioning names, implied me as a trainer of NLP and a hypnotist could walk into a bank and robe them of their money.

Why am I so poor?

Also, they implied that women were easy pickings for me, so be careful. At 95, I do not have the energy to do such things, plus certain persons would murder me, and I do not like pain.

Some four years ago, I was approached by a TV production company. They asked if I could teach someone with no knowledge of hypnosis within two days to become a stage hypnotist (see, and on the second night, that person would perform in front of a live audience a stage hypnosis show. Not only did I do it, but along with another twelve people. The course has been held twice a year since, producing many successful hypnotists.

Although I asked the TV production company what was the outcome they wanted from the program regarding stage hypnosis, the good points or the bad, they said an unbiased view. The program was broadcast with the title The Darker Side of Stage Hypnosis. With nearly twenty hours of filming captured, less than ten minutes was shown.

By editing, showing what is good for them, the press can bias the news to suit themselves. How was it that during the Gulf War, the British was for the invasions, yet that little stretch of water called the English Chanel gave the French a different view of being against the war. We are brainwashed.

So I was very careful what was said. Let us see the outcome next Sunday at 10am on Turkish Expo TV.

NLP Travels

My Birthday

Today was my birthday, here in Istanbul, but nothing to do. Ho Ho.

I was asked to go to the training school (NLPGrup) to complete a certificate, and that is on the Eastern side of Istanbul, and I am staying on the Western near Taxim Tunel.

Istanbul is in two parts, the Eastern and Western sides, with the Bosphorus dividing the two, being the border between Asia and Europe, with about 13 million residents.

Crossing the Bosphorus
Crossing the Bosphorus

The journey across the Bosphorus takes about twenty minutes, and it is a time to relax, to take in the sights either side, the Blue Mosque, the Hagia Sophia Mosque (The Pink Mosque), and many old palaces.

Today it was so grey, cold and with driving rain as the photographs show, but inside the ferry I was warm.


The Bosphorus links the Aegean, the Med to the Black Sea, and ships all shapes and sizes of all countries carrying different cargoes pass through this narrow passage. To sit and watch the passing of these ships on the bank of the Bosphorus eating a Kumpir (hot jacket potato, filled with various filings) and a Turkish coffee brings to you how small our world is.

The one Turkish characteristic which does get at me sometimes, is the wish to be first. OK, I’m British, and we British are a nation of queuers, if there are more than three people in a line, we will join the line, knowing nothing of why we are waiting. But, the Turkish people just push in front, that also happens with the driving, especially the taxis.

Yet the people are so nice. They will take time to talk to you. I had a great conversation with my taxi driver on the way home tonight, trouble was my fare went up from the usual 6 lira to 10. Oh Poo Poo. Perhaps the traffic was very bad, or as the taxi drivers say:-
                                                                    “Istanbul, traffic, problem.”

Yes traffic is the same the world over, London, Paris, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur.

So early to bed, I am told that Sky TV wants to interview me tomorrow.

Now that’s another day.

Coaching Culture Eating Out English Courses Hypnosis Memory Mind Maps NLP Phobias PhotoReading Recommendation Travels Turkish

About myself, Phillip Holt.

Phillip Holt is a Master Practitioner, and Business Practitioner of NLP, and a Trainer of NLP with the Society of NLP. He is an accomplished hypnotist, being a Board Registered Hypnotherapist, and Trainer with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH).

Phillip Holt is a Master Practitioner, and Business Practitioner of NLP, and a Trainer of NLP with the Society of NLP.  He is an accomplished hypnotist, being a Board Registered Hypnotherapist, and Trainer with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH). 

Phillip is a Certified Trainer for PhotoReading, (absorbing words at speeds of 20,000 – 30,000 words per minute, a Certified Trainer of Mind Maps (Tony Buzan), and a worldwide Trainer with Project Renaissance (Dr Win Wenger).

After many years (35+) working in the computer industry around the world for computer manufacturers, Phillip began to study and work with Artificial Intelligence and how humans collated to computers with regards to the human mind, which led to the study of Accelerated Learning Techniques, Memory Skills, and Hypnosis  and NLP.

Phillip has endeavored to learn with the originators of the techniques he teaches, working with Richard Bandler for many years, and John Grinder, the Co-Founders of NLP, plus many more great innovators.

Having being taught by Paul McKenna and Michael Breen the art of hypnosis, Phillip was approached by Ormond McGill, (The Dean of Stage Hypnosis),  and Jerry Valley to attend training for stage hypnosis in Los Angeles USA. In subsequent years Phillip promoted this training in the UK. Since that time he has given stage shows, and twice a year run training courses himself, allowing others to embark onto the profession of Stage Hypnotists. One such course being filmed by ZIG ZAG Productions, for a TV program on stage hypnosis.

Phillip appeared on was a Granada/Discovery program called Extra Ordinary People. This program has been seen worldwide. Also, Phillip was guest on Sri Lanka TV, discussing NLP in the business world. Phillip has appeared on a number of television programs, on NLP, Stage Hypnosis, and Remote Viewing. Also giving radio interviews and talks to groups.

Phillip provides training throughout the world, including, China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, the Middle East, Turkey, Italy and the UK.

He is often retained to work with individuals for a variety of problems of a personal nature, removing phobias in one session, often in minutes, or he can as a trainer with the NGH, give hypnotherapy lasting weeks. A unique point of Phillip’s work is that he visits clients homes, rather than they visit him, often being called to travel to European countries to work.  



13 Norbiton Hall, London Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 6RA, UK

12a Taman Desa Palma 2, Jalan Desa Palma, Bukit Mertajam, 14000, Malaysia

mail to:- [email protected] 

Phillip Holt is a Master Practitioner, and Business Practitioner of NLP, and a Trainer of NLP with the Society of NLP. He is an accomplished hypnotist, being a Board Registered Hypnotherapist, and Trainer with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH).


English Courses NLP Travels

Monday, the day before my birthday

Here I sit in an apartment in Istanbul, Turkey. I should have been in Ankara today delivering a course, but it was canceled at the last moment. At least I did have a late lay-in, an extra hours sleep.

Having just completed a six days courses here in Istanbul on NLP, which included giving three sessions a day to participants of an English language course, I think I deserve a rest. But, the next course they want me to run starts next Saturday, and now do I fly back to the UK, or stay here?

If I stay I have five days of nothing to do, but then I can catch up on my work.

If I fly back to the UK, I have the cost of the travel, plus I will not get back until Tuesday and then have to fly Friday mid afternoon.only really three days free.

What about the loved ones how will they take my decision?

I think I’ll stay. With Skype I can keep in touch.

I can try this blog out.

I can rest. People keep telling me to take it easy after my heart procedure. Now that was a shock to the system.

At 93 years old, yes 93. You see, in certain countries, especially Turkey, people want to know each others age. when I get the participants on my courses to introduce a fellow participant, they will say:-

“this is Fred, he is a doctor, and he is 45 years old”

so I am 93 coming to 94 tomorrow.

Yes at 93, I felt 18, I have done many things, I was fit, I am a Master Scuba diver with over 600 dives to my name all over the world, and it was on a training course in Antalya, Turkey, my translator, Asu, having heard my stories I tell to the participants, asked me to take her diving from the access point there was in the hotel grounds where the training was taking place. Being a responsible diver, I said I would go only after she got her diving qualifications from the school on-site.

She did to my surprise go and get her certification. On her last qualifying dive she ask me to accompany her and her instructor, which I did. I had difficulty in clearing my ears, equalizing the pressure in my ears as I descended, so I kept at a shallow depth, only to find the whole world spinning five minutes into the dive. I had to abort the dive. The instructor, took a look at me and saw a small amount of blood coming from my nose, and rescued me, me a Master Diver. I will never live this down, I will never dive again.

I found that my ears were blocked, I could not hear well, so on return to the UK, I went to my doctor, only to find  I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and yes, I had had pains in my jaw and neck.

That led to many hospital check-ups, the result being that I had a narrowing of an artery in my heart.

Oh Poo Poo. I needed a stent put in my heart, a small cage like device, that they insert in the artery which will be expanded, to allow to blood to freely flow again.

I amazed me that this procedure can be carried-out in a day, you go in to hospital in the morning, and leave in the afternoon.

The procedure is done whilst fully awake, and I watched on the monitors as they placed this stent in my heart or angioplasty. I felt nothing. I am glad I have learned hypnosis, I needed it.

They gave me tablets that I now have to take ever day for the rest of my life, to reduce the clotting ability of the blood, so now when I bleed, I bleed for a long time, to lower my heart rate, now about 54 BPM, compared to the average male of 78 BPM, to lower my colesteral, and yes, I was told to loose weight.

I thought I would be up and running quickly, after loosing weight, lowering my colesteral, and changing my diet, or what it seems, not eating and starving. Oh I miss my Mars bars, my chips, my pizza. I find that I have to slow down, my brain perhaps has slowed down, perhaps it is the tablets I am on.

But, I can still perform, I still can give a first rate course, the feedback from the Stage Hypnosis course participants was more than positive, as was the feedback from yesterday, and I have more courses to give.

I know lots of it is in the mind. I take control of my thoughts and I will and am winning, although now I realise that at 93 I must slow down a little.

Eat that elephant a little slower, so I do not put on weight again. (click to see entry)

Read about follow-up at Penang Adventist Hospital for a CT scan
NLP Stage Hypnosis Thoughts Travels

We have to start somewhere.

It has been said that you can eat an elephant, perhaps that is how I considered writing this blog, too big a task.

I had a participant on a Stage Hypnosis course who suggested that with all the travel I do, to so many countries, I should put my experiences down, my thoughts, my in-sights. Who would want that? Well many people. So here goes.

Perhaps I can eat an elephant, if I eat it one bite at a time.