NLP PhotoReading

A chocolate cake

After nine and a half days of training, back to back, and as we finished the PhotoReading course, the hotel had a surprise for us.

The management of the Nippon Hotel in Istanbul, wheeled in a chocolate cake.

Ah, sheer bliss, just what the doctor ordered, it warmed the cockles of my heart.

With great ceremony, I invited Deniz my translator to cut the cake with me, which she did begrudgingly, as I think she thought that only newly married couples cut a cake in such a way. Bless. But, she was part of the training team and deserved to cut the cake too.

Participants, organisers and Deniz and myself shared the cake. Well actually, there was a lot left over. I never saw what happened to that.

Phillip Holt and Deniz Merdizan cutting a chocolate cake after a course in Istanbul
Phillip Holt and Deniz Merdizan

Exercises NLP

NLPNOW Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi

 English version

NLP Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi, trans ya da hipnoz şart olmasa bile, hayal gücü ve transın kullanımıyla fobi ya da korkunun ortadan kaldırılması ve yerine daha yararlı bir şeyin konması açısından çok yararlı bir yoldur.

Yine, daha önce makalelerimde bahsettiğim gibi, şunu vurgulamam gerekir ki, NLP’yi uygulayan kişinin NLPnin birçok alanında olduğu gibi problemin ne olduğunu bilmesi gerekmez.

NLP içerikten bağımsızdır.

NLP Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi’nin hazırlık aşaması yine Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme ile aynıdır, yani uyum sağlamak ve kişiye olacakları anlatmak.

Süreç, sinemada olma fikrini ve içeriden gözlem ve dışarıdan gözlemi kullanır.

Hastanın zihninde olayın ilk kez görüldüğü anın filmini canlandırması istenir. Hastanın bilinçli zihninde bu olayın ne olduğunu bilip bilmemesinin hiç bir önemi yoktur. Bilinçaltı zihin bunu kendisi halleder.

Öncelikle, hastanın, rahatlama, trans ya da uyku benzeri bir duruma girmesini sağlayın ve onları sinemaya doğru yönlendirin.

Sinemaya girdiklerinde, büyük beyaz ekrana bakarak rahat bir şekilde oturmalılar.


Sinemanın içi    Inside a cinema, The Steuben Theatre in Hornell, NY.   The Steuben Theatre in Hornell, NY

Bu noktada, onlardan büyük beyaz ekrana bakarak rahat bir şekilde oturan kişinin içinden süzülerek çıkmalarını ve orada oturan kendilerini dışarıdan görmelerini isteyin. Hasta şimdi dışarıdan gözlem yapmaktadır.

Hasta daha sonra, sinemanın arkasına gitmeli ve projeksiyon odasına girmeli, filmin gösterildiği küçük kare ekrandan oturan ve büyük beyaz ekrana bakan diğer kendisine bakmalıdır.

Yine, hasta sinemada oturan diğer kendini dışarıdan gözlemlemektedir.


Hastaya, siyah-beyaz, hiç ses olmadan, “fobiye yol açan olayın başlangıcından hemen öncesinden, güven içinde oldukları zamandan, tamamen bittiği ve sona erdiği” zaman aralığını bir film şeklinde baştan sona kadar izlemelerini söyleyin.


Büyük beyaz ekrandaki filmi izleyen diğer kendilerini küçük kare camdan doğru izlemeleri gerekmektedir. 

Filmi baştan sona üç kez oynatın.


Filmi ileri doğru sarma süreci sona erdikten sonra, filmi üç kez geri sarın. Hasta, diğer kendisini “fobiye yol açan olayın başlangıcından hemen öncesinden, güven içinde oldukları zamandan, tamamen bittiği ve sona erdiği” zaman aralığını dışarıdan gözlem yoluyla izlemeye devam etsin.

Diğer kendilerini gülerken, rahatlamış bir şekilde filmin geriye doğru sarılmış halini izlerken görsünler. 


Sona erdiğinde, hastanın projeksiyon odasından ayrılmasını ve sinema salonuna geri dönmesini isteyin. Diğer kendilerini, rahat bir şekilde otururken görsünler. Onlardan diğer  kendilerinin içine süzülerek girmelerini ve onla bütünleşmelerini isteyin.


Sinemadan ayrılmalarını isteyin.

Bu noktada, yaptığım işi test etmeyi severim ve onlardan süper kahraman olmalarını, sinemadan ayrılmalarını ve kendilerini bir zamanlar fobi olduğunu düşündükleri şeyi yeni pozitif bir şekilde yaparken görmelerini (dışarıdan gözlem) isteyin.


Kendilerini başarmak istedikleri şeyi başarıyla yaparken gördüklerinde, artık içeriden gözleme geçebilirler ve artık bunu yapmış olarak yeni kendileri olabilirler.

Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi, içeriden gözlem, dışarıdan gözlem, fobi ya da korkuya yol açan olayın hafızasını geri sararak hafıza yollarını yeni şekillendirme, ve geleceği şekillendirme metotlarından faydalanır.

Bütün işlerimde olduğu gibi, test etmeyi severim ve genellikle hastalarımı önceden fobi olduğunu düşündükleri ya da korktukları şey ya da durumlarla gerçekten tekrar karşılaşmalarını isterim.

Daha fazla bilgi ve seans randevusu için aşağıdaki sayfayı ziyaret ediniz.                                                                                             Translation by Deniz Merdivan

NLP Thoughts

Web of lies

I recently read a report credited to the WEB pioneer, London born Sir Tim Berners-Lee.

The report indicated that a few people with deep personal issues, can spread those beliefs very easily by making them very believable.

This can happen with just one person making a statement, which then becomes a deep seated belief in others.

In 2004, the British Sunday Times published the following :-

Andrew Wakefield, the doctor who champions the alleged link between measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism in young children, stands discredited for misleading his medical colleagues and The Lancet, the professional journal that published his findings.

Wakefield had published that giving the MMR injection was the cause of autism. that there was a link between the two.

His research was flawed.

He did not disclose the fact that countries that did not give the MMR injection to children had just as high an incidence of autism in the population as those countries that gave MMR.

He did not disclose that he was being funded by people who were seeking evidence to use against MMR vaccine manufacturers.

He did not disclose that symptoms of autism showed themselves at the same age as MMR was given.

He made an assumption that A caused B.

In NLP terms, Cause and Effect.

The result was that parents did not allow their children to have the MMR injection, and incidents of measles, mumps and rubella increased.

THE END OF THE WORLD. Yes, recently we were to expect the end of the world with the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) particle accelerator on the Swiss French border, which would create a black hole swallowing up the Earth.

Some people believed it. Others who did not believe still had the seed of doubt planted in their brain, “perhaps it is the end of the word“.

There have been many cult religions, where followers or believers, follow the teachings of one person, as if what is being said is nothing but the truth. The Peoples Temple Agricultural Project in Jonestown, in the USA Waco. 

Misinformation, wrong beliefs can sow those seeds in others.

A fellow trainer Jonathan Altfeld on his first visit to London told me his father had said to him, not to travel to London as it was a bomb site. His father had been in London during World War 2, and that was his belief of what London was like.

Another trainer friend Jill Lawday had been told not to travel to Turkey by her family, as the country was lawless, a dangerous place to be. She found as I have that it is one of the most pleasant countries in the world, and the people kind and considerate. OK, I have had the apartment is was staying in broken into, and I have been taken advantage of, lost money, but perhaps that was my fault, and will happen anywhere.

I was in contact with a friend who will be traveling for the first time to the UK and London, and they stated to me that they have their umbrella ready for the trip.

Where has that idea come from?

One person who had an experience of visiting London and it rained, presupposes (NLP Meta Model term) that it always rains in London. They then spread the news of their belief, and others take it up, and spread the misinformation.

Annual average rainfall in London is around 600 mm, compared to New York at 1173 mm, Jerusalem at 450 mm, Beirut at 600 mm, and Istanbul which is 650 mm.

From the Mayor of London’s web site it is stated:-

London receives less rainfall per head than cities like Madrid and Istanbul, and our average annual rainfall (just below 650mm) is less than Addis Ababa (1200 mm).

Be prepared, yes. I have been very wet in the middle of the desert in Saudi Arabia during a heavy rainstorm. It is very rare that I need an umbrella in London as I do in any country I travel to.

We need to remember one persons understanding or Map of the Territory is not the truth, but a representation of the truth or reality, and certainly not ours.

Anyway, my friend, when I meet you in London soon, I hope you do not have your umbrella with you. If you do, I will hit you over the head with it.

Try it, you might like it.

NLP Travels

Change, Change Change

Life seems to be in a never-ending flux. Life changes all the time, no matter how much you can plan for the future, it seems never to go to plan.

That is one thing I like about my job. I never know what is around the corner, as I adapt the content of my courses to fit the situation, change travel arrangements if perhaps there are delays, change dates of courses, presentations or working with clients on a 1-2-1 basis.

I am kept on my toes.

Other changes happen as people come and go into my work.

Every course I give there are new faces, new characters, new personalities. Even those participants who return to progress with me to higher levels of learning have changed. And so it should be.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been in conversation with some of my translators that have helped me deliver my courses.

The environment in the courses means we have a close working relationship, built on trust and understanding. The work of translating me is quite demanding due to the language patterns I use, the structure of my English is different to normal day-to-day conversational language, there is a purpose in what I say and how I say it.

The translator should know this structure, understand it, and then recreate it into their own language, Turkish, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, etc.

I have to know that they are doing this by calibrating with them, knowing that they are relaxed and happy, calibrating with the participants, knowing that they are getting my message, even at a subconscious level.

So this relationship with the translators takes time to build, the trust both ways, the understanding.

I have had some fantastic translators, and still do have. Deniz Merdizan will be with me in Turkey from the 27th September. Visit the web site of NLP-Time for dates. (2010, I no longer work with NLP-Time)

Deniz Merdizan
Deniz Merdizan

But as life changes so do my translators who leave me to find pastures new. Full time work.

Zümrüt Demirel now works for a major telecommunications company.

Zümrüt Demirel
Zümrüt Demirel

Arzu Ozen who had been with me for a number of years translating in Turkey, now travels the world as a full time translator.

Arzu Ozen

Today I hear from Aylin Mutlu who starts a full time appointment in Ankara as a translator and assistant on Monday next.

Aylin Mutlu

I wish all my many past translators in many countries my best wishes. I hope that working together has helped you gain more out of your life and your work, now and in the future, because your input into my life has helped me.

Good luck me duks.


Intuition and Instinct

Intuition can be defined as the ability to sense or know immediately without reasoning or without knowing how we came about the conclusion.

Instinct can be defined as inherent disposition of a toward a behaviour, is not learned, but is inherited or inbreed.

Both are available to humans, but the vast majority do not know of their existence, or do not recognise the signals that they give thus allowing intuition and instinct to help us.

Animals use intuition and instinct to exist. Whales, fish, birds and other wild animals use their homing instincts to migrate to far off lands. They have no GPS system.

Intuition is knowing, sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding, it is a gut feeling.

Intuition is a learned process. As we experience actions, behaviors, happenings, these are stored away in our memory banks, and as we continue in our life, we may come across similar happenings, the brain goes on a Transderivational Search of the memory bank, asking “have I had this experience or similar before?“, if so what was the outcome, what happened last time.

The searching (Transderivational Search) takes a time about one third of a second, and all this takes place in our subconscious, we are not aware of the process.

This recovered information from the Transderivational Search is sent to our conscious knowing, but the majority of humans do not recognise this information or act upon it.

An instinct will be initiated by some form of stimuli to one or more of the sensory systems or modalities, defined in NLP as VAKog.

An instinct which is inherited, inbreed, already wired in to the brain, will be different to an action created by a response, in NLP terms an anchor. An action response is learned.

For example, instinct is when we get a smell or chemical reaction through the nasal, olfactory, sensory receptor cells, say pheromones, this may trigger a sexual response, while the hearing a load BANG through auditory sensory receptor cells may trigger a fight or flight response, we may jump, run away or fight.

Whereas, hearing a nice voice calling you, in my case my mother calling “Phillip“, creates a good reaction in me because I knew mother was baking a chocolate cake. Yet when my mother called me in a harsh loud voice, “Phillip John“, I knew I had done something wrong, I was in trouble. I had learned these reactions, my mothers voice had became an anchor, an action response, an intuition.

Is instinct the same as intuition? No, but we must learn to use them, become aware of their existence.

Become more aware like the members of the Stargate Project, et al, and Joe McMoneagle.

Use Phillip’s Sausage, for the peripheral awareness.

NLP Travels

NLP Practitioner, VICENZA, Italy

I love my work, and it was an honour to accept an invitation to be part of the training team of NLP Italy to present an NLP Practitioner course in Vicenza.

My journey had started in the UK at 4am to catch the early morning flight, BA2596, to Italy, I was tired, but I knew I would be able to sleep in the afternoon once in the hotel in Vicenza. My two day session did not start until the next day.

I arrived early in Verona, a town I had previously given courses in over the past few weeks. See entry My trip to Verona as a tourist. I was to be picked-up and taken to the venue, the Jolly Hotel Vicenza by Raffaele Tovazzi, at 1:30pm, so I had quite a wait.

Jolly Hotel Tiepolo, Vicenza

On arrival in Italy, I decided to travel into Verona town center, and sit in the town square next to the Arena.

The weather was warm, and the locals sat talking in small groups on the public benches, lovers arm in arm, families just being together. People would come and go, and it seemed to be a very social atmosphere. I joined them, sitting enjoying the morning sun, just observing the interaction between people, the tourists being amazed at the ancient buildings. It was a few hours of pure relaxation which I have not done for a long time.

Verona Arena Square

Eventually, I thought that really I should get some exercise, and get some lunch, as I was to be picked-up at 1:30pm.

Sitting in the restaurant, again just observing life passing me by, I had a telephone call, Raffaele was already in Verona, and as I was to be in the hotel the course was to be held, would I do that afternoons session.

Why not?

It was the start of a fantastic two and a half days. Superbly assisted and translated by Raffaele and Elena Martelli, we weaved our way from subject to subject of the NLP Practitioner requirements. We had messages asking me to change the plan of what I was to teach, so the other coming trainers could cover the subjects themselves. No problems I was on cloud nine, I was in the flow, I was enjoying the interaction between the participants, my translator Elena and myself.

Phillip Holt with Elena Martelli

The participants were a joy to work with, as they were so responsive, initially taken aback I think my style of training compared to the first trainer they had. But, this would only help them, seeing and working with different trainers to understand NLP even better.

So thank you participants, you helped me provide you with the training I wanted for you, and remember, you must practice, and try new things, new ideas, as you never know you might like it.

NLP Practitioner course Vicenza, September 2008

NLP Thoughts

Don’t cry over spilt milk

Continuing my getting rid of stuff, in English we my say “clearing the decks“, it was time to let go of some of my connections.

These connections were telephone lines and internet services.

Prior to ADSL, cable, high speed internet connections, when dial-up internet was the only way to get to the world wide web, I decided that I would have to install two telephone lines, and that was basically supplied by one company, BT.

This coincided with a new supplier entering the communications arena, TeleWest, later to become Virgin Media, installing for the first time their infrastructure, cables and services into the area, giving telephone, internet and TV in one package, via high speed cable.

I went with the new supplier TeleWest, having two telephone numbers,  0208 286 9554  and  0208 286 9553 . Great numbers for my business, especially to have two numbers following. I could use one for landline (telephone) communication, and the other for data and fax.

The new suppler also gave internet access at a reduced price with the package. Always glad of an offer, a bargain, I installed their internet, knowing I would gain in access speed to the internet.

But I retained my old BT number, I had too many associations to it. People knew the number, I had web sites giving that number for my business, my internet was connected through it.

The ISP also housed my web sites.

I was very comfortable with the arrangement.

This meant that I had two services, two telephone lines, two internet providers, and two bills (invoices) to pay.

I was still comfortable with the situation. It served my purpose.

My special telephone number  0845 130 6213  for my business was directed to the first installed BT telephone. This is useful, as my business and private life were kept separate.

My Slingbox TV service, which allows me to access British TV via my home TV, live from where-ever I am in the world from my PC and the internet, was on the old internet (ISP) connection.

But it has come to a time when I needed to sort myself out. I had paid too much out.
The old ISP had associated with another ISP, sold out. No consideration of how I felt.

Did I need the hassle?

It meant work, to transfer services from one telephone system to the other, to reinstall services I had been using on the old internet service to the new.

Some of these services needed passwords, log-in names, keys. But during my clearing out, my shredding of paperwork, I must have disposed of this information.


I hit the roof. My temper boiled over. I swore. My blood pressure hit new highs.

That was the reason I never throw anything out. Paperwork, nuts and bolts, screws, old manuals, anything. They will be needed in the future, and here was the example.

Then I realised what I was doing to myself, getting worked up was making the situation worse. It was not solving the problem. I needed to calm down.

With the help of the NLP technique I call “Fred“, “Antonio“, “Mustapha“, I took control of my state, I became calm, strong, and was able to workout a new strategy.

I realised that it was no good crying over spilt milk.

Do not cry over spilt milk

Crying over spilt milk is a loverly saying which I describe as the following.

Take a carton or bottle of milk, take the top off, and take it to the sink in the kitchen.

Pour the milk down the drain, and watch it disappear, leaving the empty carton or bottle.

The milk has gone. Finished. It is no good crying over it.

The clock still ticks away, time does not stop for anyone.

Once I stopped beating myself up over what was gone, what I had lost, I was able to sort myself out in a rational calm way, and approaching the problem from a different view point, I soon had everything sorted.

No more paying out for something that was no longer needed. The suppliers were happy to take my money, doing nothing for it.

It takes a lot to let go of what you are comfortable with, but there comes a time when things no longer fit the purpose, their services are no longer appropriate, it is then time to say good-bye, move on.


Congratulations, a new life

Congratulations on the coming of a new life.

Lily Cohen has become a Grand Mother today, and it is with great joy and happiness that I offer you Lily my best wishes, and especially your daughter Effie.

Lily and Lynda, (Lily Cohen and Lynda Wells) are two lovely ladies which many NLP’ers in Turkey and the rest of the world will have had contact, have been trained by.

I have many happy memories in Istanbul with both of you, especially with your little dog, and how you got the translator Halil (Halil Ibanoglu) to carry him around in the little bag. I always knew there was a job in life for Halil.

I hope we can share more time together in the future.

Lily Cohen             &           Lynda Wells

NLP Thoughts

I will get my own back

Today I am still throwing away loads of stuff. Every day I seem to get rid of such a lot of stuff, and yet I find more and more.

As I was filing my old tax returns, I came across this drawing I did in 1986, and it got me thinking.

I have had some bad news. I have had some bad things happening to me. I have had people taking advantage of my better nature. I have had people not telling me the truth. Loads of Oh Poo Poo experiences.

Yes I feel hurt.

Should I take offense? Should I seek revenge? Should I get my own back?

No. It will only get me even further into a depressed state, enter into the dark abyss.

The drawing made me laugh, to see the funny side of life.

Just accept what comes to us, smile, life goes on. So make out of it what you can.

Good luck and enjoy.  See more jokes at (click to view)

Drawing by Phillip Holt 1986


Time to get rid of stuff

We carry loads of unwanted “stuff” with us all the time.

Dump them.

For those who have participated my courses, you know what I mean now.

Piles of black binliners full of rubbish/stuff

For my courses visit click here