Thank you Ahmad El-bahri for your comment in the article The cost of a telephone call.
The English really do have strange sayings, and often giving courses in non UK countries, I come out with a saying we would intuitively use in the UK, and I get a look of :-
“What are you taking about? How am I going to translate that?“
from my translator. A look of total confusion colours their faces.
I should not say these phrases, but it all adds to the rich tapestry of the information I an imparting to the participants.
So I have to explain.
“Bob’s your Uncle,” is said when an action or explanation is finished or could be finished, in a very easy way.
Perhaps we will be asked to explain how do something, say bake a chocolate cake.
The process of getting the ingredients, mixing them, baking the cake will be explained, and when that explanation has finished the person will signal thats the end, there is no more information to be said with, “Bob’s your Uncle“, also implying that there can be no failure in producing the chocolate cake.
Author: nlpnowcom
There is a start and an end
This morning here in Bukit Mertajam, Malaysia, I am awoken once again by the first call to prayer. The Mosque is a long way from Desa Palma where the house is, but there is only one tree I think between loudspeakers on my eardrums, so there is a direct sound flow. Again he had turned the volume up so much, he was getting feedback, a high whistle.
Laying in bed, knowing that the sun would soon usher away the dark night, I wonder if I am the person he manages to wake up at such an hour. Many times on previous first calls I have looked out of the window, and never seen any lights go on as worshipers prepare themselves. I wonder how many understands him, as most of his talks seem to be in Arabic.
I take three deep breathes to stay calm and not get agitated by such an early awakening (5:30am) Perhaps I may manage to go back to sleep. If I stay calm, the prayers will end, and peace will descend upon me again.
Then the birds start their early morning calls, replacing the night insects chirping.
It seems there is a conspiracy to keep me awake, as the early morning workers on their Honda 50 motorbikes, pop, pop, pop, passed the bedroom window. The odd workers bus, with no exhaust system to silence the noisy diesel engines. The workers are off to start their working day.
Oh Poo Poo, there is nothing for it, but get up, and start my day.
Perhaps Jean-Daniel has added more to the debate we were having on the blog about NLP and PhotoReading. But it seems our dialog may have ended, there is no message.
Maybe there will not be a “Obama and Hillary” alliance, it had ended before it had even started.
I go out into the garden and look for my new friend I gained in the last week.
We have spend ages just looking at each other, there is no conversation, but that is no barrier, there has been no physical contact, we have just being there, being together, confident that we were safe with each other.
I have become quite fond of my new friend. It has not gone too far as I know my friend has their own life to get on with, but I just love being there together just for a while.
I search and search, but my friend is not there. I feel quite empty, lost.
Have I lost my friend?
Have they found another?
I know every thing will eventually come to an end, but this relationship had only just started. There is so much I want to learn, somehow this relationship left right.
I will look again tomorrow. Hopefully I will get a message, some sign that at least they are there.

My friend the lizard
Good friends are hard to come by sometimes.
A chocolate cake
After nine and a half days of training, back to back, and as we finished the PhotoReading course, the hotel had a surprise for us.
The management of the Nippon Hotel in Istanbul, wheeled in a chocolate cake.
Ah, sheer bliss, just what the doctor ordered, it warmed the cockles of my heart.
With great ceremony, I invited Deniz my translator to cut the cake with me, which she did begrudgingly, as I think she thought that only newly married couples cut a cake in such a way. Bless. But, she was part of the training team and deserved to cut the cake too.
Participants, organisers and Deniz and myself shared the cake. Well actually, there was a lot left over. I never saw what happened to that.

Phillip Holt and Deniz Merdizan
NLP Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi, trans ya da hipnoz şart olmasa bile, hayal gücü ve transın kullanımıyla fobi ya da korkunun ortadan kaldırılması ve yerine daha yararlı bir şeyin konması açısından çok yararlı bir yoldur.
Yine, daha önce makalelerimde bahsettiğim gibi, şunu vurgulamam gerekir ki, NLP’yi uygulayan kişinin NLPnin birçok alanında olduğu gibi problemin ne olduğunu bilmesi gerekmez.
NLP içerikten bağımsızdır.
NLP Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi’nin hazırlık aşaması yine Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme ile aynıdır, yani uyum sağlamak ve kişiye olacakları anlatmak.
Süreç, sinemada olma fikrini ve içeriden gözlem ve dışarıdan gözlemi kullanır.
Hastanın zihninde olayın ilk kez görüldüğü anın filmini canlandırması istenir. Hastanın bilinçli zihninde bu olayın ne olduğunu bilip bilmemesinin hiç bir önemi yoktur. Bilinçaltı zihin bunu kendisi halleder.
Öncelikle, hastanın, rahatlama, trans ya da uyku benzeri bir duruma girmesini sağlayın ve onları sinemaya doğru yönlendirin.
Sinemaya girdiklerinde, büyük beyaz ekrana bakarak rahat bir şekilde oturmalılar.

Bu noktada, onlardan büyük beyaz ekrana bakarak rahat bir şekilde oturan kişinin içinden süzülerek çıkmalarını ve orada oturan kendilerini dışarıdan görmelerini isteyin. Hasta şimdi dışarıdan gözlem yapmaktadır.
Hasta daha sonra, sinemanın arkasına gitmeli ve projeksiyon odasına girmeli, filmin gösterildiği küçük kare ekrandan oturan ve büyük beyaz ekrana bakan diğer kendisine bakmalıdır.
Yine, hasta sinemada oturan diğer kendini dışarıdan gözlemlemektedir.
Hastaya, siyah-beyaz, hiç ses olmadan, “fobiye yol açan olayın başlangıcından hemen öncesinden, güven içinde oldukları zamandan, tamamen bittiği ve sona erdiği” zaman aralığını bir film şeklinde baştan sona kadar izlemelerini söyleyin.
Büyük beyaz ekrandaki filmi izleyen diğer kendilerini küçük kare camdan doğru izlemeleri gerekmektedir.
Filmi baştan sona üç kez oynatın.
Filmi ileri doğru sarma süreci sona erdikten sonra, filmi üç kez geri sarın. Hasta, diğer kendisini “fobiye yol açan olayın başlangıcından hemen öncesinden, güven içinde oldukları zamandan, tamamen bittiği ve sona erdiği” zaman aralığını dışarıdan gözlem yoluyla izlemeye devam etsin.
Diğer kendilerini gülerken, rahatlamış bir şekilde filmin geriye doğru sarılmış halini izlerken görsünler.
Sona erdiğinde, hastanın projeksiyon odasından ayrılmasını ve sinema salonuna geri dönmesini isteyin. Diğer kendilerini, rahat bir şekilde otururken görsünler. Onlardan diğer kendilerinin içine süzülerek girmelerini ve onla bütünleşmelerini isteyin.
Sinemadan ayrılmalarını isteyin.
Bu noktada, yaptığım işi test etmeyi severim ve onlardan süper kahraman olmalarını, sinemadan ayrılmalarını ve kendilerini bir zamanlar fobi olduğunu düşündükleri şeyi yeni pozitif bir şekilde yaparken görmelerini (dışarıdan gözlem) isteyin.
Kendilerini başarmak istedikleri şeyi başarıyla yaparken gördüklerinde, artık içeriden gözleme geçebilirler ve artık bunu yapmış olarak yeni kendileri olabilirler.
Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi, içeriden gözlem, dışarıdan gözlem, fobi ya da korkuya yol açan olayın hafızasını geri sararak hafıza yollarını yeni şekillendirme, ve geleceği şekillendirme metotlarından faydalanır.
Bütün işlerimde olduğu gibi, test etmeyi severim ve genellikle hastalarımı önceden fobi olduğunu düşündükleri ya da korktukları şey ya da durumlarla gerçekten tekrar karşılaşmalarını isterim.
Daha fazla bilgi ve seans randevusu için aşağıdaki sayfayı ziyaret ediniz. Translation by Deniz Merdivan
Life seems to be in a never-ending flux. Life changes all the time, no matter how much you can plan for the future, it seems never to go to plan.
That is one thing I like about my job. I never know what is around the corner, as I adapt the content of my courses to fit the situation, change travel arrangements if perhaps there are delays, change dates of courses, presentations or working with clients on a 1-2-1 basis.
I am kept on my toes.
Other changes happen as people come and go into my work.
Every course I give there are new faces, new characters, new personalities. Even those participants who return to progress with me to higher levels of learning have changed. And so it should be.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have been in conversation with some of my translators that have helped me deliver my courses.
The environment in the courses means we have a close working relationship, built on trust and understanding. The work of translating me is quite demanding due to the language patterns I use, the structure of my English is different to normal day-to-day conversational language, there is a purpose in what I say and how I say it.
The translator should know this structure, understand it, and then recreate it into their own language, Turkish, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, etc.
I have to know that they are doing this by calibrating with them, knowing that they are relaxed and happy, calibrating with the participants, knowing that they are getting my message, even at a subconscious level.
So this relationship with the translators takes time to build, the trust both ways, the understanding.
I have had some fantastic translators, and still do have. Deniz Merdizan will be with me in Turkey from the 27th September. Visit the web site of NLP-Time for dates. (2010, I no longer work with NLP-Time)

Deniz Merdizan
But as life changes so do my translators who leave me to find pastures new. Full time work.
Zümrüt Demirel now works for a major telecommunications company.
Zümrüt Demirel
Arzu Ozen who had been with me for a number of years translating in Turkey, now travels the world as a full time translator.

Arzu Ozen
Today I hear from Aylin Mutlu who starts a full time appointment in Ankara as a translator and assistant on Monday next.

Aylin Mutlu
Good luck me duks.
London is
London is great.
Over the last couple of days, I have been busy, seeing clients, preparing for the Stage Hypnosis Course on 20th and 21st of September 2008 in London, and trying to sort out the rest of the year for the countries I will be visiting to give training sessions, Turkey, Italy, Bahrain, UK etc.
I have had no time to think, which has been good.
When I needed help, mostly it has been there, supporting me, spurring me on, answering my questions, translating emails for me.
But there has been frustrations. With somethings I needed help, but could not find the anyone, I needed answers, but could not find the people or they did not or have not answered me.
Late Friday afternoon I needed to rearrange flights, and the best way was to accomplish it by sitting in front of the people, face to face, so of to Central London I went.
London is quite small really. It is easy to get around, from A to B, via X, by bus, tube, taxi or as we say in the UK, “Shanksy’s Pony”.
So from my meeting in New Burlington Street, near Hamley’s Regent Street store, the best know toy shop in the world, on a warm late afternoon, I decided to walk back to Waterloo to catch the train home.
Pushing my way passed the tourists enjoying Piccadilly Circus, standing under Eros, hoping perhaps his arrow of love will capture someone for them, into China Town with a great restaurant for you to visit Wong Kei, out into Leicester Square with all its’ cinemas, then over the River Thames to Waterloo railway station, there is so much to see, and no time to do it in.
If you ever visit London, walk.

Piccadilly Circus from Regent Street, London

Eros in Piccadilly Circus, London
China Town, London
PS. for my American friends, we British are strange, and we pronounce words not as spelt. So Leicester Square is not pronounced “lie cester“, but “les ter” Square.

PPS. At the restaurant Wong Kei, do not expect good service with a smile, the waiters will be tell you off, where to sit, what to do, to hurry up, even take the unfinished food from under your nose if you take too long to eat. That is what makes Wong Kei a must to visit for good food at a very cheap price and to have a great time.

Try it you might like it.
Spitfire Rebuild at Fort Perch Rock
I received this message from Jamie Simmons, after he read my articles on the Spitfire and Hurricane aircraft. I have asked Jamie if there are any photographs of their aircraft so that I can post them on the blog.
Please help with their project if you can.
My name is Jamie Simmons and volunteer my help by restoring classic aircraft and components for The Aircraft Museum at Fort Perch Rock in New Brighton.
We have in our collection the remains of a Spitfire Mk2a which crashed during the war at Birkenhead Park, the pilot bailed out landed to fight another day.
The Spitfire is very complete from nose to tail and as we also have the manufacturers ID plate this constitutes an excellent point at which to start a rebuild to fly.
This would be a five year rebuild and have a restoration company based in the Isle of Wight named Airframe Assemblies who specialise in Spitfire rebuilds and restorations, we are looking for interested companies/persons to help rebuild this piece of British history, the benefits are aircraft displays, film work, documentary, corporate events and air displays, the first being a documentary on the rebuild and awareness of the rebuild at air displays and fund raising.
If you are interested or know of any company who would like to help please contact me by Email:-
Your Sincerely
Mr Jamie Simmons
The Aircraft Museum
Fort Perch Rock
Back in January 2008 I wrote a blog about Weatherseal Windows titled Did I upset you? Unwanted telephone calls. I was receiving telephone call after telephone call after telephone call, trying to sell me more replacement windows, a patio door or a conservatory. Very useful for the flat, especially as it is on the 2nd floor.
Today they started again. A telephone call.
The caller with a French accent, told me that I was due a rebate on the windows that were installed in 1999.
After nine years? I asked.
That was because they placed a sign outside when they were installing the windows, and from that Weatherseal Windows had four recommendations, and thus I was entitled to 5% commission.
Well I know no sign was place anywhere, and no photographs were taken by Weatherseal Windows, and I certainly would not recommend Weatherseal Windows.
But no, the salesman was adamant that I was entitled to 5% commission, and that I would get a letter in the next week confirming this.
Come on Weatherseal Windows I was not born yesterday. What’s the catch.
All the salesman wanted me to do was if in the next few years I wanted anymore work done, a patio, a conservatory, new door, please PLEASE consider Weatherseal Windows.
OK I would consider you Weatherseal Windows if I wanted to put a conservatory half way up the side of a building.
Being nice I did not say that, but on being asked if there was something I might consider in the future, I thought why not a garage door. I have not got a garage, but perhaps in the future I may get one for my Mazda RX7 car.
He admitted that they did not make garage doors, but perhaps I could have a normal door plus a patio door.
Are you stupid Mr Weatherseal Windows salesman?
OK I said.
Then I was asked, had I seen the brown Weatherseal Windows vans in the area today?
Well they are in the area, and they would like to visit me this afternoon to give me a quote.
“Sorry I am going out NOW.“
“Then this evening?“
“No, I will not be back until 11pm.“
“We will be with you at 9am tomorrow then.“
“No I will be catching a 6am flight.“
“Then you are not eligible to the 5% commission.” and the telephone went dead.
Weatherseal Windows take me off your data base, I do not like your sales tactics, trying to get a salesman into my home.
Oh I am getting grumpy in my old age.
Still a boy racer in my RX7
My early introduction to cars as seen in the previous article My early introduction to racing cars had and still has an influence on me. In Saudi Arabia I had a Nissan 280ZX sports car, not very good for carrying diving equipment and driving in the desert. I replaced that car with a Toyota Celica. Still a little sporty, but I could just about travel in the desert with it.

It was my intention, my dream whilst working in Saudi Arabia to own a Mazda RX7. I wanted to drive the car from Jeddah, all the way back to the UK. That was not to happen.
But, syncronicity, the first garage I went to on my return to the UK looking for a car after years of working in the Middle East, was a Mazda dealer, and they were selling their managing directors wifes RX7 car, she had owned for six months and hardly ever used.
The car is still mine, all mine.
I have not used it, and it has not moved for nearly five years, as I have a Mercedes to carry all my sound equipment about in, but today I got the RX7 back on the road, taken it to a local garage for a full service, in the hope that I can drive it once again.

Mazda introduced the RX7 in 1978, although my car was first registered in 1988. It has a twin rotor rotary engine, also known as a Wankel rotary which it had licensed from NSU-Wankel, rather than having the conventional piston engine.
The rotary Wankel engine, with few moving parts, is quite and smooth, so smooth that Mazda had to put a buzzer alarm in case drivers over-reved above 7000 rpm. But it is very costly in petrol, only achieving some 18 miles per gallon. *
Very few RX7‘s, styled on the Porsche 944 but looking more like the Porsche 928, were produced, and have since been replaced by the RX8, still with the rotary engine.
* 1 mile per gallon = 0.425143707 kilometers per litter
My early introduction to racing cars
In my previous article, Brooklands, my first visit I wrote about my fathers’ Riley pre-select geared car, and I remembered some old photographs, and I still am a boy racer.

Phillip in the divers seat of the riley with mother standing

Kath, my father, Grand Father, Grand Mother and Uncle Fred
The all metal racing car was the real thing to me, modeled on the racing cars of the era.
I loved that car, and still raced it around as I got older, even when I got too big to sit in the seat. I would sit on the back so that I could get my feet onto the peddles, but the center of gravity shifting back, way past the rear wheels, meaning I often found the nose of the car facing up to the sky, and me on the floor.
Great days.
Oh for those who did not believe me, see, I did have curly hair.
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