One of my up and coming training sessions will be held in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on 22nd July 2009 for the company LexisNexis with the title of Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Human Resource Professionals.
Using NLP Techniques to Enhance the Skills Required in HR Practice
Enhancing Negotiation Techniques with NLP
NLP as a Coaching Tool for HR Professionals
Utilising NLP in Interviews to Reduce Staff Turnover
More details can be seen from clicking on the icon below, by visiting my NLP web site , by visiting the LexisNexis web site or by telephoning (006) 0378823559.
It will be good to meet old and new faces in Malaysia, at this workshop. My only problem is that I will be finishing an NLP Master Practitioner course with NLPItaly in Rimini, Italy on Sunday 19th July, flying back to the UK on the 20th, catching the night flight on the same evening to arrive on the 21st July. But then this is my lifestyle, and something I often do and enjoy.
From my last course on PhotoReading (Fotografik Okuma) in Gaziantep in Southern Turkey, (click to see pictures), a participant Şule Can, came in with five books I ask all attending to do, each of about 300 pages, One of these books she had read, and the other four were on a subject she did not know but wanted to know about, or the four books should be on a related subject.
Şule came with four books on the history of the Ottoman Empire.
Şule Can PhotoReading
PhotoReading is the ability to absorb 20,000 – 30,000 WPM (Words Per Minute), that is about a page a second, and involves a process which is taught over a two and a half day course. It is a course I have taught all over the world, China, Sri Lanka, India, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Italy and the UK, so many people know how the process works.
PhotoReading is not reading word for word, although certainly we do do that, but only when required to gain specific information, and as I said, to absorb information into the inner or subconscious mind and not the conscious mind.
That last sentence means that after the page turning, turning the pages over at a page a second, we would probably not know what we have read, what is that content of the book or article. Even after over ten years of PhotoReading, I still have this experience, it is only after we start to activate the information, that is to start to gain access to that inner, subconscious mind, that we know we know.
Şule trusted what I said, and as we activated, gained access, the information from the four books on the last day, although she was talking in Turkish, I knew she was speaking with authority as observed all the participants.
“Yesterday I was chatting with my colleagues at work. We were talking about arguments and fights between siblings. All of a sudden, I started to link the reason of this matter to our ancestries, same same things had happened during the Ottoman Empire etc… It was -as Phillip said- a “bllluuugh!!!” effect. Me and talking expertly about history!!!??? When I realised that, my husband was looking at me, smiling. Thank you very much you two!”
Bugün sabah kahvemizi içerken şantiyede çok güzel bir olay yaşadım. Bu geri bildirimi size hemen vermek istedim. Konumuz kardeş kavgalarıydı. Ne alaka diyeceksiniz fakat ben genlerimizden girdim ve bir Osmanlı Tarihi profesörü gibi(.)??) aynı Phillip in dediği gibi (böğgg) yaparcasına tarihten örnekler vermeye başladım… Hayatta bilmediğim konularda konuşmayan ben, kısa bir tarih özeti yaptım sabah sabah….
Baktım eşim Hasan da hayran hayran bana bakıp kafasıyla onaylıyor ve bana göz kırptığında ne yaptığımın farkına vardım. Ben ve tarih sohbeti; harikaymış!
Size ve Phillip’e tekrar teşekkür ediyorum.”
Oh I love my work.
If you would like to organise a course in your country, please contact me by email [email protected] or telephone +448451306213 or Skype or Gizmo me by clicking on the button on the left.
* “bllluuugh!!!“ :- To talk without thinking with authority, words just pour out of our mouths, it is as if we already knew the subject.
Whilst working in Gaziantep, Southern Turkey, I am very lucky to be allowed to stay in the home of Mehpare Kileci of GAP Danışmanlık, and from my lounge diner, I have wonderful views over the local countryside, with a business park, fields of plantations, mountains in the distance and valleys with sparse vegetation.
View from Mahpare’s home in Gaziantep, Turkey
In the morning, I would stand in the garden waiting to go to the Mind Mapping and PhotoReading courses held at the Gaziantep Tennis Club, enjoying the early sun already reaching temperatures requiring me to remove my suit jacket, taking in the sights and sounds of a lone car straining to climb the little used road from the town in the valley below the house, and the smells, the fragrances, the perfumes of the plants and flowers.
In the evening, after completing another day of training, sometimes being greeted by the family dog Zeus, we would climb the steep stairs leading from the garage to the entrance to the house, again the smells of the garden met the nose.
Mehpare, pointed-out one plant that she and her husband Necdet loved, but did not know the English name.
Silly me did not have a good look at the plant or flower, but my mind took me back to memories of previous experiences, (NLP, Transderivational Search), and to a particular night in Antalya, again in Southern Turkey, a popular holiday resort, and where I gave an NLP Practitioner course.
I walked around the harbour one evening with my translator Asu, and there I was confronted my many Jasmine plants, with a wonderful and powerful perfume coming from the blooms.
Taking some of the bloom, I laid them on my pillow, and I still remember the perfume as I drifted off to sleep.
I could not though as I stood next to Mehpare the name of that plant.
I tried everything I could to remember the name of the plant, me a person that will train others to gain better memory skills, but nothing. The more I tried the more frustrated I became, and that is why I became consumed in searching for the name as I stood there, instead of taking a closer look at the blooms of Mehpare’s plant.
It was whilst dragging my suitcase back to my home in the UK, Norbiton Hall, on my return trip from Gaziantep, thinking what I could eat for my evening meal that the name of plant came to me.
As I teach, it is when the mind is relaxed, distracted, that it really gets to work. At a subconscious level, unknown at a conscious level i.e. we are not aware, it is still working on problems, searching for answers.
Jasmine flowers
When I contacted Mehpare, she had already done her searching and took a photograph of her plants blooms and told me it was Honeysuckle.
Honeysuckle flowers and plant
In my mind I was still convinced that it was Jasmine, because it invoked a strong memory from my past, especially Antalya.
I think you are correct Mehpare, but my memory of Antalya is still stronger.
There are some beautiful sights, sounds and smells as you walk in the countryside so near to the heart of London, and it seems strange that in the distance you can see the City of London, the towering office blocks with people crammed into a small area, yet you are with wild animals, fantastic gardens like the Isabella Plantation, and strange sights.
Here is the Push Me, Pull Me animal. It is an animal that sometimes reflects life.
The Push Me Pull Me Animal
I have often had clients who have had a relationship problem, and recently it was a couple who from appearances loved each other a lot, but they could not become one, a couple.
They were both giving the right signals to each other, they helped each other through difficulties, but that is where it stayed.
When I listened to their individual stories, I could begin to understand.
The lady was making signals that said to the man, I am available, come and get me, I want you, contact me, help me, and the man responded. She was pulling him towards her.
When the man responded, there was the feedback, I am not available, I am out tonight, etc, from her. She was pushing him away.
Just like the Push Me Pull Me animal, she did not know which direction to go.
Now I could not tell either of them which direction to go. It would be incorrect for me to do so as a Coach. It is a coach’s duty to get the party or parties to come to their own answers, yes to be a guide, but for them to resolve the issues.
I had a friend John, who was married, and unfortunately there was a medical problem with the wife, which meant she lost her womanhood. The psychological problems that caused her, meant that she had to lay blame for her loss, and in her mind it was the husband, who had no responsibility for what happened.
The wife hated the husband for what had happened to her, and yet she could not let him go, there was a love hate relationship with her. He stood by her until he became ill, he did not know what to do, should he continue in the marriage or divorce for the sake of both their sanities.
She did not know if she loved or hated the husband, he did not know whether to end the relationship or continue. Push Me, Pull Me.
Sometimes it is good just to talk the issues through with a coach or councilor, or to talk honestly with each other, to tell ones feelings thoughts, not to be a Push Me Pull Me, leaving the other partner not knowing what direction the other wants to go.
In NLP there are techniques to coach people through the Push Me Pull Me situation. Perhaps the best one Perceptual Positions. Seeing the situation from others point of view.
If the Push Me Pull Me is not resolved there will be conflict, and that leads to misunderstanding, mistrust and unhappiness.
1960’ların sonlarında Tony Buzan tarafından ortaya çıkarılan zihin haritaları günümüzde, zihinlerini daha etkin kullanmak isteyen, gencinden yaşlısına kadar milyonlarca insan tarafından kullanılıyor. .
Zihin haritaları, yol haritalarına benzer bir biçimde: Geniş bir alana / konuya yukarıdan bakmayı, Doğru karar almayı, nerelerden geçtiğinizi ve nerelere gideceğinizi görmenizi Büyük miktarlarda veri toplayıp bunları tutmayı Yeni ve yaratıcı yollar göstererek problem çözümüne katkıda bulunmayı sağlıyor.
Zihin Haritalama tekniği; bakması, okuması, üzerinde düşünmesi ve hatırlaması eğlenceli bir teknik. Gözü ve beyni uyararak dikkatini çekiyor ve hem resmin genelini hem de detayları aynı anda görmeyi sağlıyor.
Zihin Haritalarının Uygulanması
Zihin haritaları, hayatın herhangi bir öğrenme ya da düşünme gerektiren çoğu alanında uygulanabiliyor. Kişisel olarak: planlama; yapılacaklar listeleri; projeler; iletişim; organizasyon; problem analizi ve çözümü bunlardan bazıları. Ayrıca öğrenme sürecinde hatırlama, not alma, not oluşturma, raporlama, denemeler, sunumlar, sınavlar, düşünme ve konsantrasyonda da etkili. Zihin haritası, çalışmayı, işi ve düşünmeyi daha zevkli hale getiriyor.
Photoreading eğitmeni Phillip Holt dakikada 25.000 ila 30.000 kelime absorbe edebiliyor. Diğer bir deyişle bu saniyede bir sayfa anlamına geliyor. Holt, ayrıca Buzan Merkezleri’nin “Zihin Haritaları” ve I-Mind Mapping bilgisayarlı zihin haritalama konusunda lisanslı eğitmeni.
Gaziantep’de son 3 yıldır Gap Danışmanlık’ın organize ettiği eğitimleri vermekten memnuniyet duyduğunu belirten Phillip Holt, fobilerin, sigara içme, fazla yemek yeme gibi istenmeyen alışkanlıkların ortadan kaldırılmasına yardımcı birebir seanslarla da hizmet veriyor.
Sitting here in the UK, watching the F1 Grand Prix taking place in Istanbul, I began to feel for last years World Champion, Lewis Hamilton.
Hamilton could not be beaten last year, yet this race he has just been lapped by Jenson Button in the Brawn Mercedes. How will Hamilton feel? How is his confidence?
Not only is it Hamilton who drives the Mercedes-McLaren that is down in the race placing, but so is Massa who drives the Ferrari.
What is happening?
Like anything we do, we have to have the right tools to do the job as well as having the knowledge, experience and competence.
We also have to have a good team behind us to support us.
Without all components in place working together to the full potential we will not win.
There has been other things I have noticed. Although the F1 drivers are racing each other, fighting to gain a place, there is respect for each other.
It was 6:30am this morning, asleep in my own bed for a change, when I was awoken by the sounds of torrential rain, ponding the bedroom window.
Shortly after, although dawn had already passed, the bedroom was lite-up by lightening, and shortly followed by a long sounding clap of thunder, it seemed to go on forever.
The thunderstorm continued for some time, and I was aware of the lightening and thunder, as I drifted in and out of sleep.
At 8:30am, I awoke naturally, and got out of bed. People who have attended and been on my NLP course will remember Strategy Elicitation, and what is my strategy for getting out of bed in the morning.
The rain had stopped long ago, there was puddles in the road, but the sky was clearing, the clouds were floating away. It is going to be a nice day.
Puddles of water after the sun came out following a thunder storm in Kingston upn Thames
I had a quick shower, some breakfast and walked down the road to a local car boot sale. Not that I buy anything, I like the atmosphere, it is a chance to have human contact, and watch the bargain hunters trying to haggle down already low prices, for the most times on items that have passed their sell buy date, and should have been thrown out, disposed of years ago.
Usually, there are over 100 cars at the car boot sale, parked in every available space, but today if I said there were twenty, I would be exaggerating.
It took me 10 minutes to wander around the car boot sale, old baby clothes, hand made jewelery, a stand with home grown plants, old dresses and shoes, odds and ends that no-one wants any more, yet people were like sharks in a feeding frenzy, people of every nationality, Indians, Chinese, Africans, Polish, their languages filled my ears, their style of dressing, their smells, curries, spices they had eaten the night before oozing out of their pores.
At the car boot sale in Kingston upon Thames, with many nationalities and unwanted items to buy and sell.
Perhaps those people who had heard the rain at 6:30am, and decided that it would not be worth packing their cars with goods they wished to sell would now regret not setting-up shop, because the buyers had money to spend, and spend they were doing.
Like relationships, learning , there are going to be times when there are dark clouds, there are times when there are thunder storms, and we lay awake disturbed by what is happening. But, if we see things through, wait, the sun will come out, and it is those that persist, do not give in, follow their dream, that will gain and benefit in the long run.
Another course come to an end, and the PhotoReading course in Gaziantep in Southern Turkey, (click to read feedback) was an especially fulfilling one for me, as we had fun, we learned so much together, and the participants all gained knowledge from the 5 books they PhotoRead during the three days we had together. It was as if they had spent perhaps months of study, as I listened to the feedback as they described the contents of their books that they had no knowledge of prior to coming on the course.
Some of the Photoreaders page turning on the PhotoReading course in Gaziantep, Souther Turkey.
We had a lovely girl of eleven years old, Zeynep, who held her concentration on the course the whole time, participated in all the exercises, which gave her wonderful results on the last afternoon, even amazing the adults who helped her and each other during the activation stage.
The course was for Turkish people, unfortunately, I speak no Turkish, well perhaps I can count from one to six, and know a few words like “aşkim” pronounce “ashcum“, I need translators like Mehpare Kileci of Gap Consultancy who organises and promotes my courses, to efficiently and accurately translate my training which I deliver in English. I have been very lucky in finding such people, who sit by my side and work from 9 in the morning till 6 at night. I admire their abilities and their tenacity in putting up with me.
Being that I deliver all my courses, no matter what country I am in, it means that English speaking participants can also join the course. And so Gianfranco Pozizzi, an Italian who is working for a short period of time with Gap Consultancy to teach Italian, joined the PhotoReading course.
Gianfranco Pozizzi working on Mind Maps and PhotoReading
Gianfranco brought with him five books written in Italian to learn PhotoReading, and one exercise I love to teach is to get a participant to swap a book which they have already read and understand with another participant who likewise has read and understands their book. I ask that the persons receiving the book should not have read the book or know the subject matter it contains.
Non of the Turkish participants had any knowledge of the Italian language, so I stepped in.
I have been teaching and training in Italy for over ten years, and my knowledge of the Italian language is slightly better than Turkish, I can count to ten and order a cup of tea with milk. But, I have PhotoRead the Italian-English-Italian dictionary, and by belief is that this information is in my inner subconscious mind and is available to me, plus my belief that I am a good PhotoReader enabled me to work with Gianfranco.
He took my book written in English by Owen Fitzpatrick on time management and I took Gianfranco’s to PhotoRead. This was on day two of the course, and we did not activate, or start asking questions until day three.
When I started telling Gianfranco about his book, the book I hadPhotoRead, the book which I had had in my hands for perhaps twelve minutes, his mouth dropped. I had to smile to myself inside, because once again, I was able to take a book in a language I cannot speak, in a language I cannot read, but have had exposure to, and was able to know the contents.
I was even able to give Gianfranco Italian words which were important within the context of the book and which were within the book, but I did not know the meaning of.
What a convincer for Gianfranco and others on the course as he relaid what had happened after the exercise to the participants. I just hope that the book I had given him, which he was able to tell me about, will make a difference in his life to manage his time better.
Participants on the PhotoReading Course in Gaziantep explaining their four books on Mind Maps and Syntopic Reading
Oh I love my work. It is just a pity I had a bad tummy on the last day. Never eat salads in a foreign country. Oh big Poo Poo.
Phillip Holt, beynin bir şeyi üç kez öğrenmesi gerektiğini, eğer üç kez tekrar edilirse o konunun hatırlanacağını söyledi.
Dünyaca ünlü NLP uzmanı, zihin haritaları ve hızlı okuma teknikleri alanında lisanslı eğitmen Phillip Holt, beynin bir şeyi üç kez öğrenmesi gerektiğini, eğer üç kez tekrar edilirse o konunun hatırlanacağını söyledi.
Özel Sanko Okulları’nın veli ve öğrencilerine yönelik ikinci kez düzenlediği ‘’Ailece Sınava Hazırlanıyoruz’’ konferansına katılan Holt, hatırlamak ve daha verimli ders çalışma becerileri konuları üzerinde durdu.
Her bireyin beyin kapasitesinin dünya hafıza şampiyonu Tony Buzan’ın beyin kapasitesiyle aynı olduğunu, farklılığın beynin kullanılma biçiminden kaynaklandığını vurgulayan Holt hafızanın kullanımı için nesneleri hayal edip onu resme dönüştürmenin önemini belirtti.
Verimli öğrenme ve hatırlamanın tekrarlamalarla mümkün olacağının altını çizen Holt ‘’Beynin bir şeyi üç kez öğrenmesi lazım, eğer üç kez tekrar ederseniz hatırlarsınız’’ dedi.
Holt düzenli uykunun öğrenilenin özümsenmesi için şart olduğunu, rahatlama tekniklerini bilmenin ise stresi azaltacağı için öğrenme ve hatırlamayı kolaylaştıracağına dikkati çekti.
Holt, sunumunun ardından dinleyicilerin sorularını yanıtladı.
Two weeks ago I was in Milan, Italy, whilst giving a course in NLP, and as promised to Richard Bacon, the Radio 5 Live presenter of the Special Half Hour between 00:30am and 01:00am, I wore the SHH badge with pride. (click to read)
Yesterday I gave a course on Mind Maps organised by Gap Consultancy in Gaziantep, a town in Southern Turkey, and again wore the SHH badge with pride.
Like the ring I wear, (click to see), the badge draws attention, but as the Special Half Hour rules dictate, I cannot divulge what is the SHH, and I have to direct the people to listen to the radio program to find out themselves.
Don’t look me in the eye.
A bit of a problem really, as the radio signals do not reach outside the UK, but then anyone can listen via the internet. (click to listen).
That raises another problem, as here in Turkey we are two hours ahead, that means waking up at 02:30am, I think the participants would rather sleep as I do. I need my beauty sleep. Or perhaps they could listen to a podcast.
So, just to show that I am honouring my part of being part of the Special Half Hour, here is a photograph of the Mind Mapping course in Gaziantep at a loss to understand the SHH.
What is this SHH? (Special Half Hour) Participants in the Mind Map course Gaziantep, Turkey
I will have to see where else I can wear the badge.
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