PhotoReading Recommendation Türkçe

PhotoReading, Feedback from Gaziantep. Fotografik Okuma

From my last course on PhotoReading (Fotografik Okuma) in Gaziantep in Southern Turkey, (click to see pictures), a participant Şule Can, came in with five books I ask all attending to do, each of about 300 pages, One of these books she had read, and the other four were on a subject she did not know but wanted to know about, or the four books should be on a related subject.

Şule came with four books on the history of the Ottoman Empire.

Şule Can PhotoReading

is the ability to absorb 20,000 – 30,000 WPM (Words Per Minute), that is about a page a second, and involves a process which is taught over a two and a half day course. It is a course I have taught all over the world, China, Sri Lanka, India, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Italy and the UK, so many people know how the process works.

PhotoReading is not reading word for word, although certainly we do do that, but only when required to gain specific information, and as I said, to absorb information into the inner or subconscious mind and not the conscious mind.

That last sentence means that after the page turning, turning the pages over at a page a second, we would probably not know what we have read, what is that content of the book or article. Even after over ten years of PhotoReading, I still have this experience, it is only after we start to activate the information, that is to start to gain access to that inner, subconscious mind, that we know we know.

Şule trusted what I said, and as we activated, gained access, the information from the four books on the last day, although she was talking in Turkish, I knew she was speaking with authority as observed all the participants.

Since then Şule has sent this feedback to Mehpare Kileci of GAP Danışmanlık who organises the courses in Gaziantep and Southern Turkey.

Quote:- English

“Yesterday I was chatting with my colleagues at work. We were talking about arguments and fights between siblings. All of a sudden, I started to link the reason of this matter to our ancestries, same same things had happened during the Ottoman Empire etc… It was -as Phillip said- a “bllluuugh!!!” effect. Me and talking expertly about history!!!??? When I realised that, my husband was looking at me, smiling. Thank you very much you two!”

Quote :-  Türkçe

Bugün sabah kahvemizi içerken şantiyede çok güzel bir olay yaşadım. Bu geri bildirimi size hemen vermek istedim. Konumuz kardeş kavgalarıydı. Ne alaka diyeceksiniz fakat ben genlerimizden girdim ve bir Osmanlı Tarihi profesörü gibi(.)??) aynı Phillip in dediği gibi (böğgg) yaparcasına tarihten örnekler vermeye başladım… Hayatta bilmediğim konularda konuşmayan ben, kısa bir tarih özeti yaptım sabah sabah….
Baktım eşim Hasan da hayran hayran bana bakıp kafasıyla onaylıyor ve bana göz kırptığında ne yaptığımın farkına vardım. Ben ve tarih sohbeti; harikaymış!
Size ve Phillip’e tekrar teşekkür ediyorum.”


Oh I love my work.

If you would like to organise a course in your country, please contact me by email [email protected] or telephone +448451306213 or Skype or Gizmo me by clicking on the button on the left.

* bllluuugh!!!  :- To talk without thinking with authority, words just pour out of our mouths, it is as if we already knew the subject.