English Courses NLP

English with NLP Class of June 2007

The final day of English with NLP in Istanbul, Turkey. June 2007.


Coaching Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Recommendation Stage Hypnosis Turkish

A Recommendation by Elif Canan Onat

An interesting talk about myself, Phillip Holt, by the Turkish broadcaster and University lecturer E lif Canan Onat.

Elif has requested that I remove this Youtube entry.

I always think I am normal. To me I am anyway.

See other recommendations (click here.

Coaching Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Recommendation Stage Hypnosis Turkish

A Recommendation in Turkish

A recommendation, I hope of my work and training in Turkey.

Yaptıgım calısma ve egitimler ile ilgili bir tavsiye duymak ve izlemek isteyen kişilere, lütfen buradaki videoyu izleyin.

Ali Gök, July 2007

Perhaps someone could help me here, by telling me what is said please.

See other recommendations (click here.



If something is going to happen it will, or the fact is we are drawn together, people, article or matter in some way.

In a previous blog article War of the Worlds – H.G. Wells, Jeff Wayne I wrote:-

Synchronicity. The release of human possibilities. Breaking free of limits. It will happen if it should happen.

C.G. Jung describes synchronicity as “a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the possibility of chance is involved.”

I had planned an article which I published this morning 21st July 2007 at 0100 hours, 1 o’clock in the morning, or 1am titled To empty my Brain where I write about Slingbox, Skype and the new internet TV service Joost. The article had been written for some days, but the timing to publish was not right until this Saturday morning. I had set the publication date in the software.

As people will know, I love new technology, new ideas, and I have to be there first, try it out, use it, I want to learn, I can see applications for these new ideas to solve some problem, or to help me in some way.

Internet TV is an area I have played with for sometime. I am away from home a lot in different parts of the world, and to relax in strange beds and rooms, to relax and switch my brain off is often difficult. To read if I have time or especially watch TV, is one way for me to relax and switch off.

Foreign TV is very often frustrating, especially as I do not know the language, or do not understand the program content, what is happening. That is where Slingbox and Joost come in, it enables me if I have free internet access, I refuse to pay the high costs of hotel internet access, to watch British, English language TV.

The yesterday afternoon, Friday, I received from the BBC an invitation to join their Beta testing of a new service they are soon to launch on the internet, called BBC iPlayer.

BBC iPlayer will be a service which enables enrolled subscribers to download a range of BBC television programmes to the PC from the last seven days. BBC iPlayer Beta is currently open to a limited number of people in a closed environment, although it will launch in Open Beta to the public on July 27.

It is strange that they contact me.

How did they know of my interest?

Are they watching me?

Strange how we are drawn together. It happens to me such a lot.

Coaching English Courses Hypnosis Memory NLP PhotoReading Recommendation Turkish

A recommendation for my work and training in Turkish

Yaptıgım calısma ve egitimler ile ilgili bir tavsiye duymak ve izlemek isteyen kişilere, lütfen buradaki videoyu izleyin.

An English version can be seen by clicking here.  English version

Zehra Gurol, July 2007

See other recommendations (click here.)

Coaching Hypnosis Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Recommendation

A recommendation from a participant in English.

For someone who would like to see and hear a recommendation for my work and training, please see the video here.

Türkce versiyon icin burayı tıklayarak izleyebilirsiniz.  Türkçe versiyonu

Zehra Gurol, July 2007

See other recommendations (click here.)

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Unspecified Predicates


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

A statement that is missing the descriptive Predicates, (click to read), of an action or thing.


“It is raining.”


“How hard is it raining?”


“She hit me.”


“How hard did she hit you?”

Back to Meta Model diagram (click)

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Lack of Referential Index


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Lack of Referential Index occurs in a statement when the person doing the act is delete or not mentioned, or by using a group name rather than referring to a specific person.

Common words used in statements which have a Lack of Referential Index are:-

            “a person, they, we, people, someone.”

A statement can be made:-

            “People love chocolate cakes.”

This can be challenged by:-

            “Which people in particular like chocolate?”
            “Who specifically likes chocolate cake?”


            “French people love to eat frogs legs.”


            “Which French people eat frogs legs?”
            “Who in particular loves frogs legs?”

Back to Meta Model diagram (click)

Coaching NLP Turkish

NLP Now – Meta Model – YÜKLEMLER – Türkçe – Turkish

                                                                                                                                               English version

Meta Model yüzeysel seviyedeki veya silinerek aktarılan bilgideki kullandığımız dil kalıplarına bakar.

Yüklemler kelimeleri kullanırken hangi temsil sistemini nasıl kullandığımızı gösterir.

Bir bilgiyi işlerken , duyusal bilgiyi içsel olarak kodlama veya sunma biçimimize temsil sistemi denir.

Ana temsil sistemleri Görsel (G) , İşitsel (İ) , Dokunsal (D) olanlardır , diğer iki ikincil de Kokusal (K) ,ve Tatsal (T) olanlardır. Ayrıca İçsesimiz veya içsel diyaloğumuz da var insanlar kendileri ile konuşuyorlat.

Bu içsel bilgi haznemiz ile iletişim kurduğumuzda fiiller , zarflar , sıfatlar gibi kullanacağımız işlenmiş kelimeler , bilgiyi işlerkenki temsil sistemimizi tanımlar.Bu işlenmiş kelimelere yüklemler diyoruz.

İletişimde  bulunduğumuz insanların temsil sistemlerini anladığımızda daha iyi bir iletişim için onlarla uyum sağlayabiliriz.




Parlak, loş, renkli, Siyah Beyaz Odaklanmış ,Uzak, Yakın, Şeffaf, Manzara, Görünüş 

Yükses, Yumuşak, Duymak, Sesler, Şarkı, Anlatmak, Tonlama, Donuk, Armoni, Dinlemek, Konuşmak 

Duygular, His, Sıcak, Soğuk, Serin, Yoğun, Yüklü, hafif, Ağır, Dokunuş
Anlattığın şeyi görüyorum.Ne söylediğini duyuyorum.Söylediklerin bende bir takım hisler uyandırdı.
O bize bakıyor.Çalan zil kadar açık.Bunun için bazı duygularım var.
Buraya bak beni anladın mı ?Kulağıma müzik gibi geliyor.Sıkı sıkı tut.
Ne demek istediğini göster.Aynı frekanstayız.Boynunda ağrı var.
Anladım. Resmi gördüm.Doğru sesler alıyorum.Tam zamanında adım at.
Herşey beyaza döndü.Kendi fikirlerini seslendirdi. Baskı altında görünüyor.




Koku, Parfüm, Odour, Fishy, Fragrant, Pungent, Smoky, Whiff

 Tatlı, Baharatlı, Sulu, çeşni, Tuzlu, Acı, Lezzet 

Anlayış, Karar, Bilgi, akıl süzgeci, öğrenmek, değerlendirmek
Hiç doğru kokular almıyorum.  Bundan hoş bir lezzet aldım Seni anlıyorum.
Kötü  kokular geliyor,bazı şeyler yanlış olmalı  Acı ilaç yutmak gibi   Ne yapacağıma karar verdim.
Yanlış kokular alıyorum. Tatlı bir kıza benziyor. Tüm opsiyonlarımı değerlendirmeliyim.
Söylediğin şüpheli kokuyor. Yaptıkları ağzımda acı bir tat bıraktı. Bunu yapmayı öğrenmek istiyorum
Hoş kokuyor.  Anne sütü gibi   Düşündüm de doğru söylüyorsun.
Keskin kokuyor ,birşeyler yanlış olmalı  Bu akşam lezzetli bir et yemek istiyorum. Bunu yapabileceğimi biliyorum.

Yüklemler Göz erişim ipuçları ile birlikte değerlendirildiğinde daha iyi bir tanıma yöntemi oluşturur.

translation by E. MINE BALIK

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Complex Equivalence


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

A Complex Equivalence creates a conclusion which is held as true from two unrelated events.

There is nearly always the use of or a implication of the words “means that.”


She is going to leave me, she has not baked a chocolate cake.”

Can be challenged by:-

“What makes you think not baking a cake means she will leave you, perhaps she has no flour?”


“You are too old, you will never learn.”


“Do only young people learn new things?”

Sometimes there is an overlap between Cause and Effect and Complex Equivalence. Cause and Effect has a time element or implication that will happen in the future, whereas, Complex Equivalence happens now or concurrently.

Back to Meta Model diagram (click)