Author: nlpnow
Holt, sunumunun ardından dinleyicilerin sorularını yanıtladı.
Two weeks ago I was in Milan, Italy, whilst giving a course in NLP, and as promised to Richard Bacon, the Radio 5 Live presenter of the Special Half Hour between 00:30am and 01:00am, I wore the SHH badge with pride. (click to read)
Yesterday I gave a course on Mind Maps organised by Gap Consultancy in Gaziantep, a town in Southern Turkey, and again wore the SHH badge with pride.
Like the ring I wear, (click to see), the badge draws attention, but as the Special Half Hour rules dictate, I cannot divulge what is the SHH, and I have to direct the people to listen to the radio program to find out themselves.
Don’t look me in the eye.
A bit of a problem really, as the radio signals do not reach outside the UK, but then anyone can listen via the internet. (click to listen).
That raises another problem, as here in Turkey we are two hours ahead, that means waking up at 02:30am, I think the participants would rather sleep as I do. I need my beauty sleep. Or perhaps they could listen to a podcast.
So, just to show that I am honouring my part of being part of the Special Half Hour, here is a photograph of the Mind Mapping course in Gaziantep at a loss to understand the SHH.

What is this SHH? (Special Half Hour) Participants in the Mind Map course Gaziantep, Turkey
I will have to see where else I can wear the badge.
Other Entries
Rotary Club of Kingston upon Thames
Even more on the Special Half Hour Club of BBC Radio 5 Live
Special Half Hour, Radio 5 Live
More on the Special Half Hour badge of Radio Five Live
All Entries
Today, Sunday I am off again. An early start to catch one of the first flights of the morning from Heathrow airport, I hope Turkish Airlines give a better offering than the non meal Alitalia served on my last fight with them on Monday, because I will need my breakfast..
The trip to Southern Turkey, the town of Gaziantep with Gap Consultancy, will be for Mind Maps and PhotoReading, courses I love to run, but the trip will be for only five days, then back to London.
A quick stopover both inbound and outbound via Istanbul will not allow me time to go into the city, just to stay in the airport, but perhaps the next time, my next trip, then I can meet old participants and friends in that great city.
But here’s looking to seeing and meeting all my friends, past participants, new participants and the great eating places with a wonderful array of foods, some I have never experienced before.
I wrote about the gentleman I talked to in Italy about his experience in the Second World War flying in the Italian Air Force, and I felt that part of my history was missing.
We talked about how he downed two Hurricane aircraft into the sea, and escaped to fight another day. (click to read article).
He talked about The Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero (SM.79) and I searched for more details on the aircraft, hoping that perhaps there may be one in one of the many aircraft museums in the UK, visiting the Imperial War Museum in London and Duxford and RAF Hendon, but nothing.

The Italian Airforce Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero
I then decided that perhaps there maybe a plastic model construction kit I could find, and by building it I would learn more about the aircraft. That was nearly as difficult as finding a real aircraft. But after a lot of searching I found a model shop near to RAF Hendon, North London, with one last kit. The shop Hannants is on a small industrial estate, not really a shop as it does not even have a shop window, but it does have a good range of kits.
From building this aircraft, the SM.79, I felt so much nearer to the history I was told, but no-where in the books I read was there any mention of two Hurricane aircraft being lost to a SM.79. I even asked at RAF Hendon, something I will follow-up in coming months.
It is strange how we are only told we need to know about our history, and this tends to be one sided, that from the viewpoint of the country we are being taught in. Seeing the foot over the British Isle on the world globe on the statute in the Vatican, (click to see here). The history of slavery in America (click to see here).
I am learning to take what I am told with a pinch of salt, an English saying, which means, we are not being told the truth, or only a little of what we need to know.
The three engined Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero, or Sparrowhawk, was designed before the start of the Second World War as a passenger transport and fast postal link airplane, but was modified to become a torpedo and medium bomber with great success. It had a hump behind the cockpit which was able to retract to reveal a two 12.7 mm guns. It was flown by many countries.
A time to myself
Perhaps it is my lifestyle, perhaps it is because I need my own space after a full day of training, perhaps because at heart I am an introvert, but when I have a day without any training, presentations or talks, I often find myself by myself in a foreign land.
So it was in Milan. I was not going to be training everyday, and I found myself with no-one to talk to, no-one to share my time, so it was to read Owen Fitzpatrick’s book, to walk a lot, and try to see The Last Supper without success.
Although I have said there is not a lot to see in Milan, there are some great sights to see, and some that are not.
I am quite interested in aircraft, so the display at the Museo Nazionale Della Scinza e Della Tecnologia, Leonardo De Vinci, (National Museum of Science and Technology),Leonardo De Vinci disappointing with only three aircraft was disappointing, compared to some museums in the UK (see links).
Some of the sites and buildings are well worth seeing, like Duomo, Teatro Alla Scala, Milan’s famous opera theatre, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a glass roofed shopping area off Duomo, and Castello Sforzesco with the fountain that they call The Wedding Cake, and more are worth a visit, but they do seem to be spread-out, being far and few between.

Duomo Basillica, Milan Italy

Detail of Duomo Basillica, Milan

The Wedding Cake fountain, Castello Sforzesco , Milan
A fellow trainer of NLP and friend of over ten years, Owen Fitzpatrick, we shared some training in Italy recently,
It was during our brief encounter over the last few weeks, Owen gave me one of his books that he has written titled Not Enough Hours.
It was obvious that a lot of research and work was devoted to this book. It is written in a well constructed and easy to read and understand way.
It was interesting for me to read that most other books on time management say that tools like diaries, to do list are a waste of time and that they do not use them, yet when you read them, there they are.
Owen tells us how to manage your time, to take control, what is the concept of time, how our body clock works, with tips on how to implement his concepts.
With examples from his TV series on Irish televison RTE, it is easy to see how you can take control of your time management.
A good read and system.
Alitalia, what is in a name?
Unfortunately I did not check the time the NLP Master Practitioner course finished in Milan yesterday, and booked my flights as if we were to end at 6pm, but we finished at 1pm. Oh Poo Poo. I had a 8pm flight.
No problem, I can have some lunch at the New York bar and restaurant and get to the airport early, perhaps they would get me on an earlier flight. No chance, I had a ticket which was not changeable. Oh well, hour hours of sitting around in the small Linate airport.
I like Linate Airport as it is very close to Milan center, perhaps 15 minutes taxi ride compared to Malpensa which is about one hour from Milan center, about a 20 Euro taxi fare compared to a 100 Euro fare.
I sat there in the airport near a café, and watched and observed people, some leaving home to go away on holiday, some finishing their holiday, some meeting people, some saying goodbye. There was a mixture of emotions, happiness, sadness, anxiety, stress, relaxation, frustration, love, care and compassion, it was all there.
When it was time to give my suitcase to Alitalia, two hours before departure, I did so with a sore backside, sitting for so long on a metal chair began to become uncomfortable, and I went through security at departures and through the inevitable duty free shops, finding a coffee bar. This time my cappuccino had no smiling face (see previous article).
After passing through passport control, there were the same metal seating, but I can use my self hypnosis to remove the pain in the backside whilst I wait, as I again I watched my fellow passengers. Some were musicians carrying like they were babies their string instruments, some were business people reading the notes they would need in the business meetings, some were models perhaps just finishing a photo shoot in fashionable Milan, some were on the mobile phones pacing up and down, some were going or returning on holiday.
Then the departure time changed on the gate, not 7:40 but 8:15.
No announcement, just the change on the board as the person at the gate held her head down.
No point in me loosing my cool, laugh it off, make a joke of it. Then it came to me.
8:10 came and still no bus came to take us from departure gate to the aircraft, and people started to get fidgety, and with no announcements being made going to the dispatchers, who firmly kept their heads down.
With only about 26 passengers, once we were put onto a bus, it was a quick process, but then more delay as we waited in the bus beside the aircraft for what seemed an age, even the bus driver was getting frustrated by the wait.
Some passengers were getting concerned as it was not an ALITALIA plane but and Air One aircraft. Perhaps they did not know that the two airlines had merged to prevent ALITALIA going into bankruptcy.
By this time I was getting hungry, my poor stomach was as if it was cut open, and I think other passengers were the same. Most airlines give a drink and a sandwich, but I had flown Air One before, and I think they are cutting costs.
Eventually we took off, and after climbing over some angry looking clouds over the Alps, they came round with the trolley.
A drink and some biscuits, thats was it. My hunger would have to wait until I got home.
But wait, just before we landed, we were offered a sweet.

Air One food, biscuits, crackers and a sweet.
It was smiling faces all around at the end of the NLP Master Practitioner course in Milan, Italy as I closed the course.
The course was given by a number of trainers, Patrizia Belotti, Claudio Belotti, Alessio Roberti, Owen Fitzpatrick and myself, had given the participants a wealth of knowledge, styles and chances learn from experts with years of training behind them.

NLP Master Practitioner course in Milan, Italy
After a bottle of champagne had been shared in celebration and a photograph which the participants wanted as a memory, Elena Martelli the translator and myself were hungry, so we went to a local restaurant and bar called New York just behind the Hilton Hotel where the course was held and next to the tram terminus andStazione Centrale (the Central Railway Station).
New York offers a good range of food and buffet, and I finished my meal with a cappuccino coffee.
The owners and staff although busy, always have time for a conversation with me and a smile, but when I was served the cup of cappuccino, it the sight of it brought the biggest smile of all from me.

New York bar Milano, offers a good range of food and buffet, and I finished my meal with a cappuccino coffee.
With Jill Lawday last week, we had a day at Woodlands School, Great Warley, in the Essex, teaching Mind Maps and memory skills.
The whole of year 6, took part in the day, and with their two teachers, we went from the basics of mind maps through to making Mind Maps versus using lists, using a Mind Map as for revision, planning with Mind Maps and more.
For memory we learned how to remember facts, lists of fifteen random words, and recall them in order after only being told the words once. Not only were they able to recall the list of words given them in the order I gave them, but they could repeat the list backwards.
Mrs Harding, the Head Mistress came into the classroom at the end of the day, and the children were able to demonstrate to her what they had learned during the day, plus being able to count from 1 to 10 in Japanese. I am still struggling to count up to 7 in Turkish after over five years of giving training there, and up to the number 5 in Italian after over ten years delivering training there. I think I must apply what I teach to my own learning.
It was a wonderful experience shared with Jill to deliver the training to the twelve year olds, but also to go back in my memory to my school days, sharing the school lunch with some of the youngest pupils at the school sitting at tables designed for their body size, and trying to squeeze into a vintage school desk without success.

Jill and Phill trying to fit into a desk at the Woodlands School, Great Warley.
It was after lunch that Jill and myself walked around to the playing field, where children were playing, and we were approached by some young pupils who were preparing for a competition of hoola hoops (also spelt hula hoops). A hoola hoop is a large plastic ring, which you spin around the waist. The last time I had tried it successfully was when I was these children’s age, using my cousin Glynis’s hoop, now my physic, my body shape is not conducive in spinning the hoola hoop around my tummy when encouraged to have a go.
The is nothing like getting ready for a trip, but I have the tendency to put things off until the last moment, so as I sit in my hotel room at the start of a ten day tour of giving training in the UK and Italy, I know I am ready.
The Boy Scouts have a motto which is Be Prepared, perhaps I should have been a member of that organisation, but I was a member of the Boys Brigade which had the motto Sure and Steadfast., and I think I am that. See picture of me blowing my own trumpet.

Boys Brigade Badge
Yesterday trying to get prepared resulted in ironing some twenty plus shirts, a number of trousers, watering the plants, tidying-up, meetings, banking, and travel. It was a rushed day.
But I am ready to face a group of school children for the day to teach them memory skills and Mind Maps, or Mappe Mentalli in Italian.