Mind Maps

Mind Map Participants

Mind Map course with Phillip Holt in Istanbul, TurkeyMind Maps (click to visit web site) course held in the Taxim Hill hotel, located in Taxim Square, Istanbul, proved to be a fun and easy learning day for me and the participants.

Not only did the participants learn, but my translator for the day, Aylin Mutlu, also learned how easy it is to translate and to learn at the same time.

It was good to meet with one of the participants, Sahika Alkan, (left of the picture) in another course a couple of days later, who has followed my training and purchased a good set of coloured pens and a good quality art pad, to practice her Mind Maps and record her meetings and her plans for the future.

Mind Maps, as created by Tony Buzan, is a way to use the brain as it should be used, to capture information quickly, to retain the information in the brain and memory, and giving us a quick and easy method to revise and access information.

I have been training Mind Maps as a Licensed Trainer of Tony Buzan for a number years, all over the world, to the general public, students, universities and corporates, including HSBC Bank China, Turkcell and Global Communications from Turkey.

Phillip Holt teaches Mind Maps in HSBC Bank

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Unspecified Predicates


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

A statement that is missing the descriptive Predicates, (click to read), of an action or thing.


“It is raining.”


“How hard is it raining?”


“She hit me.”


“How hard did she hit you?”

Back to Meta Model diagram (click)

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Lack of Referential Index


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Lack of Referential Index occurs in a statement when the person doing the act is delete or not mentioned, or by using a group name rather than referring to a specific person.

Common words used in statements which have a Lack of Referential Index are:-

            “a person, they, we, people, someone.”

A statement can be made:-

            “People love chocolate cakes.”

This can be challenged by:-

            “Which people in particular like chocolate?”
            “Who specifically likes chocolate cake?”


            “French people love to eat frogs legs.”


            “Which French people eat frogs legs?”
            “Who in particular loves frogs legs?”

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Coaching NLP Turkish

NLP Now – Meta Model – YÜKLEMLER – Türkçe – Turkish

                                                                                                                                               English version

Meta Model yüzeysel seviyedeki veya silinerek aktarılan bilgideki kullandığımız dil kalıplarına bakar.

Yüklemler kelimeleri kullanırken hangi temsil sistemini nasıl kullandığımızı gösterir.

Bir bilgiyi işlerken , duyusal bilgiyi içsel olarak kodlama veya sunma biçimimize temsil sistemi denir.

Ana temsil sistemleri Görsel (G) , İşitsel (İ) , Dokunsal (D) olanlardır , diğer iki ikincil de Kokusal (K) ,ve Tatsal (T) olanlardır. Ayrıca İçsesimiz veya içsel diyaloğumuz da var insanlar kendileri ile konuşuyorlat.

Bu içsel bilgi haznemiz ile iletişim kurduğumuzda fiiller , zarflar , sıfatlar gibi kullanacağımız işlenmiş kelimeler , bilgiyi işlerkenki temsil sistemimizi tanımlar.Bu işlenmiş kelimelere yüklemler diyoruz.

İletişimde  bulunduğumuz insanların temsil sistemlerini anladığımızda daha iyi bir iletişim için onlarla uyum sağlayabiliriz.




Parlak, loş, renkli, Siyah Beyaz Odaklanmış ,Uzak, Yakın, Şeffaf, Manzara, Görünüş 

Yükses, Yumuşak, Duymak, Sesler, Şarkı, Anlatmak, Tonlama, Donuk, Armoni, Dinlemek, Konuşmak 

Duygular, His, Sıcak, Soğuk, Serin, Yoğun, Yüklü, hafif, Ağır, Dokunuş
Anlattığın şeyi görüyorum.Ne söylediğini duyuyorum.Söylediklerin bende bir takım hisler uyandırdı.
O bize bakıyor.Çalan zil kadar açık.Bunun için bazı duygularım var.
Buraya bak beni anladın mı ?Kulağıma müzik gibi geliyor.Sıkı sıkı tut.
Ne demek istediğini göster.Aynı frekanstayız.Boynunda ağrı var.
Anladım. Resmi gördüm.Doğru sesler alıyorum.Tam zamanında adım at.
Herşey beyaza döndü.Kendi fikirlerini seslendirdi. Baskı altında görünüyor.




Koku, Parfüm, Odour, Fishy, Fragrant, Pungent, Smoky, Whiff

 Tatlı, Baharatlı, Sulu, çeşni, Tuzlu, Acı, Lezzet 

Anlayış, Karar, Bilgi, akıl süzgeci, öğrenmek, değerlendirmek
Hiç doğru kokular almıyorum.  Bundan hoş bir lezzet aldım Seni anlıyorum.
Kötü  kokular geliyor,bazı şeyler yanlış olmalı  Acı ilaç yutmak gibi   Ne yapacağıma karar verdim.
Yanlış kokular alıyorum. Tatlı bir kıza benziyor. Tüm opsiyonlarımı değerlendirmeliyim.
Söylediğin şüpheli kokuyor. Yaptıkları ağzımda acı bir tat bıraktı. Bunu yapmayı öğrenmek istiyorum
Hoş kokuyor.  Anne sütü gibi   Düşündüm de doğru söylüyorsun.
Keskin kokuyor ,birşeyler yanlış olmalı  Bu akşam lezzetli bir et yemek istiyorum. Bunu yapabileceğimi biliyorum.

Yüklemler Göz erişim ipuçları ile birlikte değerlendirildiğinde daha iyi bir tanıma yöntemi oluşturur.

translation by E. MINE BALIK

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Complex Equivalence


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

A Complex Equivalence creates a conclusion which is held as true from two unrelated events.

There is nearly always the use of or a implication of the words “means that.”


She is going to leave me, she has not baked a chocolate cake.”

Can be challenged by:-

“What makes you think not baking a cake means she will leave you, perhaps she has no flour?”


“You are too old, you will never learn.”


“Do only young people learn new things?”

Sometimes there is an overlap between Cause and Effect and Complex Equivalence. Cause and Effect has a time element or implication that will happen in the future, whereas, Complex Equivalence happens now or concurrently.

Back to Meta Model diagram (click)

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL Cause and Effect


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Cause and Effect is the implied implication that one thing has a direct effect on another, by doing one thing it will cause another thing to happen, but there is no evidence to support or demonstrate that statement.
Words that may be heard with a Cause and Effect statement could be:-

            “makes, because, then, since, so”

An example of a Cause and Effect statement:-

            “It is your fault she left you because you did not like her chocolate cake.”

This could be challenged by:-

            “What makes you think that she left me because of her chocolate cake?”


            “You do not love me any more because you do not buy me flowers.”


            “Why do you believe me not buying you flowers means I do not love you? You suffer from hay fever.”

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Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Mind Reading


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Mind Reading occurs when someone claims to think they know what another is thinking without verification.

            “I know you do not love me anymore.”

How does the speaker know that? How do they know how the person thinks or believes?

Mind Reading is believing we know the thoughts, intentions, feelings, meanings, motivation, or internal processes of another person – with no basis in a reasonable way, or not having logical grounds for interpretation or direct, sensory observation of that person.

The Mind Reading statements are challenged by asking simply “how do you know?”.

            “You do not like me anymore.”

            “What makes you think that I do not like you anymore?”

The speaker has to go on a transderivational search, (click to read) to verify what their statement actually means, which once found can be challenge.

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Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Sensory


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Sensory words will be given, that will lack clarity or precise meaning, and the NLP Practitioner will chunk down to access the missing inner meaning of what is being communicated.

            “feel, gut, happy, sad,”

all involve our senses, but do not define precisely what are those sensory words, and will be challenge.

            “What precisely do you feel about this?”

Sensory words, also define what modality the person is communicating in, V.A.K.O.G. (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, Gustatory), which will allow the NLP Practitioner the possibility of using the same modality to gain rapport and understanding.

Back to Meta Model diagram (click)

English Courses

Learning English without Stress

Learning English is so relaxing.



Where’s my shirts?

I have been in Turkey since June 15th, four weeks, delivering training every day except one, from 9 in the morning until after 7 at night, perhaps with half an hours break. But, I love my job.

The hours I work do not give me time to relax, after standing in front of people for nearly ten hours each day, the last thing I want is to socialise, go dancing, drinking, all I want is my bed, a little TV to switch my brain off, and a shower.

The type of work I do also takes me to different parts of the world as groups, companies invite me to give trainings to their organisations or to the public, which means I live out of a suitcase, leaving me only a small space to pack a limited amount of clothes.

I often forget to pack sufficient clothes for my trips. This time it was trousers. The heat, the length of time I am here, I needed an extra pair, plus some shorts because of the heat, so I had to buy some.

I also often forget to pack enough toiletries like soap, shampoo, deodorant  etc, and this time I did not bring nail clippers. My nails my finger nails are getting too long, but I am not going to buy another nail clipper.

Shirts? I usually pack enough, having a variety to choose from.

I usually give the shirts after I have worn them to the hotel to wash and iron them as I have no facilities. I did this two days ago having a couple of  clean shirts left, for the next two days.

But they have lost my shirts.

Oh Poo Poo. What do I do now? I do not want to buy more, I cannot afford more expense, but I may have no choice, I cannot go in the course in an old shirt, the participants would not get anywhere near me, they need to be washed, and I cannot go in bare chested.

Oh the joys of  living out of a suitcase.