NLP Recommendation Türkçe Turkish Videos

A recommendation for my training in Turkey

Another recommendation in English on my training in October 2007, in Istanbul Turkey.

Özgür Yılmaz helped with the translation from my training in the English language into Turkish for Şükrü Kılıç.

Thank you for your support and effort Özgür we will work together in the future.
NLP Türkçe Turkish Videos

A recommendation to the training given in Turkey

In October 2007 I gave a training course on NLP in Istanbul, Turkey.

This is a recommendation by Şükrü Kılıç, a participant on the course in Turkish.

Thank you Şükrü for the effort you put into the exercises and the course itself, but most of all your comments.

Memory NLP Travels

Browned Off

In the English language we have many sayings, some of which have a similar saying in other cultures and languages.

Browned Off” has a meaning that one has had enough of a situation, the situation has gone on too long, that one is “fed up“.

Perhaps you have been talking to someone and they continually tell you the same story time and time again, they will not shut up, you become fed-up of hearing the same thing, you become bored, upset, you switch off.

Perhaps you ask someone to do something, and no matter how much they promise to do that thing, to pay an invoice, get or make a drink, organise or produce something, they fail to honour that promise, but you keep asking, asking, negotiating, and they fail to deliver, saying “next week”, “soon” etc.

You get fed-up or “Browned Off” of asking, and you stop asking. 

Perhaps you retaliate by not asking them to do anything again, you stop even working, and they wonder why.

This morning I had that experience.

I woke up on a bright Sunday morning, on the last day of a course I am giving in Istanbul.

The previous night I had learned that the clocks were to go back one hour, so that meant I could have an extra hours sleep, which I badly needed.  Trouble was the staff in the company that currently organises my training in Turkey, did not learn of this extra hour, and thus opened the offices at eight (8am). Pity they have no understanding what is happening in the world around, their environment.

I love a shower first thing in the morning. It washes away the body smells, the sweat that we generate during sleep.

As I stand in the shower, with the water flowing down my body, I practice Hara, Mustapha, Antonio, Fred, re-enforcing my power, like a rock, a statue, an oak tree.

Standing there, I also imagine all the Poo Poo that has happened to me the previous day, my bad thoughts and feelings. I give them a colour, black, orange, yellow, whatever, and I imagine these feelings, thoughts being washed away with the shower water, seeing the colour, the feelings washing away, down the body, and as the water swirls down the plug or drain hole, I let those thoughts, feelings, all the Poo Poo vanish.

I looked at the water as it began to run from the tape, and it had a light brown tinge to it, which is nothing if there has been some maintenance work, just run the water for a while.

The more I looked at the water coming from the tape in the bath, the browner it got. It went from a light brown , darker and darker, until it was the colour of mud, and this had been after five minutes. I had turned the tap on with full flow, too much for the water to drain out off the plug, so the bath began to fill up, and I noticed brown deposits beginning to build up.

Five minutes later it was still coming out of the tap dark brown, so for ten minutes I stood there waiting for my shower. It paid off, because the brown liquid started to clear, to get lighter, until it became clear like crystal.

Now I could have my refreshing shower, to clear away the Poo Poo that had built-up. I thought as I got into the shower, what a horrid experience the brown water had been, but at least the rest of the hotel guests will not have to experience it, as I had cured the problem.

I stood there cleansing myself, and looked down into the bath, and noticed a brown ring running around were the water had been.

Poo Poo happens, and it will leave it’s mark on our life experiences, our memories. But we can deal with it. I am ready for a great day for the participants. 

I feel better.

Now I wait for a new day to run, just like the marathon starting here on Sunday, in the empty streets of Istanbul.


Sidebands – Win Wenger

Today rather than take transport for the whole journey, I had a walk to the course I was giving.
It was half way into this walk that I noticed there was not a cloud in the sky, and how blue the sky was. Although I did not stop walking, I became aware of other sights and sounds around me. I had not realised how tall some of the buildings were in Istanbul, and how beautiful some were. I began to notice signs, advertisements high up on the buildings and in the upper windows. How many of these signs were being seen by the general public? I had never seen them before.

I have worked with a great trainer, thinker, Dr Win Wenger, author of the Einstein Factor and originator of ImageStreaming a system to increase your intelligence and IQ, and founder of Project Renaissance, a place of development and sharing of Win Wenger’s ideas.

In his work, he describes how you should on occasions just stop and notice what is happening to you.

What is in your mind? What do you notice?

Become aware of everything about you, what you hear, see or feel. Become aware of your peripheral awareness, or Phillip’s sausage.

How often are we only aware or just pay attention to that, that is in our conscious awareness, not realising other things are there.

I remember once getting up and wanting to have breakfast as I was hungry. Going into the kitchen and seeing a box of Honey Crunch Flakes. I place the last remaining flakes into a bowl, but there was not enough to satisfy my hunger, and I spied an old box of Special “K” Flakes with strawberries.

I was not wearing my glasses, which I only need for reading, but placed some Special “K” into the bowl, and went for a shower before adding milk.

When I returned clean and refreshed, something told me to look into the bowl before adding the milk. I was glad, as the flakes seemed to be moving, even without my glasses, I could see little worm like things, little flies or insects moving about.

My subconscious had told me something was wrong, but I had to have been aware of what I was being told by my subconscious as my blurred eyes had not told me.

Just stop now, and take a moment to listen to the sounds about you, and ask what are those sounds.

Look around you, and notice the little things you have missed, it could be a pen, a mark on the wall. What is it, how did it get there?

Notice your own feelings. Are they good? If not change your state now to a good state.

Notice the Sidebands as Win Wenger calls the, the things that are outside your normal awareness.

Take control.

Note. Having worked with Win Wenger, I am pleased to say that I have been accredited to become a trainer of his work. Please contact for further details. [email protected]

Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading

PhotoReading – Is it Reading?

A comment was posted by Marius (click to see link) from I believe Romania, which said:-
    “In the photo reading I’m sceptically about the possibility to create meanings, understandings
    and links between the new knowledges and the old ones in the short time of readings.”

Firstly, PhotoReading is not reading in the conventional sense, but is a system, a whole mind system, and it has many stages, in fact five.

Let us firstly consider the human mind, how it accepts, absorbs, processes and retrieves information, as I have written in previous blogs. I will provide links where appropriate.

We can look at the work of George Miller and his assumption that the human mind can only accept 7+/-2 pieces of information at any one time, let me add, at a conscious level.   Read blog, click here.

Please note at a conscious level, because just like a camera captures the whole scene onto the film with the opening and closing of the shutter, so in the blink of the eye, the image that enters the lens of the eye, affects the rods and cones, the light receptors, at the back of the eye, which are then passed to visual cortex for processing by the brain.

Here the 7+/-2 principle takes effect, the NLP statement that the human brain deletes, distorts and generalises information, that as an iceberg, we are only consciously aware of what is above the surface level. Yet, the information has entered the brain, and at some level has had an effect on the brain.

Yes, we are not consciously aware of it. The course of PhotoReading teaches you how to access this information, to go below the surface level.

So, there are five stages to PhotoReading, there is the :-

            Prepare  getting yourself and the book or material ready, especially yourself with a good purpose.
            Preview  getting an overview, an outline of the information.
            PhotoRead / page turning  absorbing the information into the inner mind. A page a second.
            Activation  using techniques to access, to bring to the conscious level desired knowledge.
            Rapid Read  to get a greater comprehension by going through the whole book, front to back.

Although the page turning at a page a second, or absorbing 20,000 – 30,000 words per minute (WPM), may take only a few minutes, the whole process will take as long as you require, perhaps three hours, including Mind Mapping (click to see web site) the results, for the purpose you have.

Not only do you learn the processes, but also learn relaxation techniques, to help the brain to absorb, process and retrieve information from the inner mind.

To make an understanding of any received information, in any of the modalities V,A,K,O or G, we have to go on the transderivational search, which accesses previously learned information, or old memory or neuron pathways. From this transderivational search, new information is linked to old learnings, even at the subconscious level.

By going through the processes 4 and 5 of the PhotoReading above, these old and new memory/neuron pathways and links or associations are reinforced.

As a trainer, it is my task to remove skepticism, low esteem, and inappropriate beliefs, to give confidence to do the system and to use it.

In NLP it is believed that if others can do something, then you can too. 

                                                Try it, you might like it.

English Courses NLP Travels

Again Sleep Eludes Me

After finishing a two day training in the Bosch company near Izmir, Turkey, I had not heard from the company who organises my trainings in Turkey as to where I was to stay in Istanbul. I was to return straight after the finish of the course on the 9:15pm Friday flight to Istanbul, and start another course 9am Saturday.
I arrived in Ataturk Airport, Istanbul, and still no message as to a hotel where I am to stay.

I called a friend, and asked for a bed for the night. But now I find myself wide awake at 3am in the morning. I will be in no fit state to start a nine day course. I am just like the previous night, fighting with my internal mind, and no sleep. If only I could talk to someone. 

On top of that, there are a lot of outstanding fees for my training sessions.

This is the last straw.

I cannot carry on working for nothing, and living on the streets.

So I go on the internet to answer my emails. and notice more invitations to join Facebook, a site that people join as a community, to link with other friends.

I am amazed how addictive it has become to many people. It seems to have taken over their lives.

It is the same as MSN chat lines or SMS mobile telephone messages. It seems that people would rather communicate in cyberspace, not to speak face to face with other people, even when they are sitting opposite to them.

It seems that people spend hours on Facebook, not communicating in the real world, but to virtual friends. Perhaps they neglect to do their normal day to day tasks, maybe, their work suffers, or relationships too.

How often are we absorbed in our own world (or cyberworld), and fail to see reality, the real world around us?

How often have we failed consider the people who rely on us for work we must do, commitments we must honour, friends and colleagues we should have paid attention to?

How often have we overlooked those that love us, that are near and dear to us, that want to give their affection, and dream of getting love and affection back?

Perhaps too often. It is only when we loose these loved ones, friends and colleagues that we realise how we have become so obsessed and addicted to the unreal world, of TV, video games and the internet.

Sleep well world. I will now go and play on Facebook.

And, I apologise to the one or two people who will not be seeing me tomorrow.

NLP Travels

Another Day, Another Journey

After writing yesterdays blog in the early hours, I was able to sleep. Now I have to re-arrange my sleep pattern, especially as I travel to Izmir in Turkey to give a two day training to staff of Bosch

Izmir is the said to be the third largest city of Turkey, and is located on the Aegean coast in Asia Minor, west Turkey, with going back to 3000 B.C. 

I doubt if I will see any of the history or culture of Izmir, from the Trojan influence some 5,000 year ago, through the Hittites involvement, to present days history of Ataturk (click to read my blog on Ataturk) driving the Greeks out on 9th September 1922, to Izmir’s rebirth as a port and favourite holiday destination, as I will arrive late this evening, start the course tomorrow, Thursday, all day, continue all day Friday and catch the 21:45 flight back to Istanbul Friday evening.

Then I have a number of decisions to make. What do I do next? I will put those to one side, as I do not want to loose anymore sleep. They can wait, as I have often done, “it will all come out in the wash”.

“It will all come out in the wash”, is an English saying which means, if we leave things to run, run their course, or go in their natural way, resolution will be found, we will get the answer or result.

I know good things are ahead and await us all.


Sleep Eludes Me

Tonight I cannot find sleep. I have lain awake now for nearly five hours, trying every trick in the book, in my armoury, my portfolio. I have tried everything I suggest to others who ask for help sleeping, except one.

Why is it that sleep eludes us?

Yes I have much on my mind.

Will the people who owe me money pay me for my work, so that I can pay my bills?

Will my next training courses be a success? Will I fulfill the expectations and outcomes? Have I been forewarned of the expectations fully?

Will the promised courses ever take place, as I rely on promoters in certain countries to organise and sell my courses? I have had cases when only one participant has been booked for a course, and I was not informed, or none were booked.

Should I change my strategy in marketing myself throughout the world?

Are my web sites working after I changed Internet Service Providers (ISP) in the last few days?

Am I getting all my emails due to my changing the ISP?

Many, many personal problems, health problems keep rolling through my mind.

STOP IT. But I can not.

As a last resort I try counting sheep as they jump over a fence, surely that will work?

But no, I still cannot sleep.

I need to empty my mind. I need to change my state.

It is no good just laying in bed feeling sorry for myself, do something constructive.

So write this blog. Perhaps it may help some other poor person awake at this time.

As I sit here in the middle of the night, 3:30am, the person or persons upstairs are up with their television on, walking around the room making the floor boards creak.

Someone coughs loudly, and I hear the deep rumble of another person snoring.

The street cleaning cart with its’ orange flashing light trundles along outside, cleaning up the previous days rubbish.

Cars race by, taking their occupants home or to work.

There are many people up at this time, going about their business. It is OK to be awake. Long has the time gone when the BBC (listen to the music “Lilliburlero” of BBC World Service in the blog) would switch off all of their broadcasts at twelve midnight and not resume again until 6am in the morning, because people should be asleep.

Yes I feel relaxed now. So good night world.

Books Coaching NLP


At the moment I am coaching some people to dream and to fulfill these dreams.

It is a dream on my part to help people to achieve excellence, over and above their dreams.

And, I just got a message from them that said they are attending a convention in the USA, where the meeting was named, “Dream, Then Do“.

Perhaps that is what we should all do, dream, and live the dream.

There is a film and a book out on the market, which is a number one best seller, much in the vain of “What the Bleep Do We Know” (see previous blog click),  in many countries of the world, having been translated into lots of languages. This film is called The Secret. (see and buy below).

How do people achieve so many great things?

How do they become rich, and rich in all senses of the meaning, not just money?

How do they achieve satisfaction and happiness?

They ask for their desires.

They ask their higher self, the ultimate, and it is theirs. You only have to ask.

But then, there is no free ride. You have to do. You have to live your life as if you have already achieve your desire.

If you have a dream, ask for if, live it. It will be yours. Any hesitation, then it will be lost.

         Dream the dreams of dreams, and they will be fully incorporated into every single muscle, every single cell, every single neuron.

Books NLP Travels

There is a Big World out there.

My travels around the world has taken me to most of continents, and many countries. It has opened my eyes to different cultures, beliefs, habits and behaviour.

I happen to believe in evolution, but do not dismiss divine creation. My trip to the Galápagos Islands (see flim of dancing Mocking birds) in the Pacific Ocean, the birthplace of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, helped to seal my beliefs, yet instill in me the understanding of how the growth of the human population is destroying our planet. We are changing the habitation, the species that exists there, by introducing our ways of living, introducing new species that knock out the indigenous species, and removing or destroying plant life and vegetation that sustains life.

I love to take a window seat on a flight, and watch the ever changing world float by there down below me as we fly at 35,000 feet. It looks so flat, and I know that this is an illusion, because I know there are many hills and valleys to be climbed and cross. I love to see the patchwork of fields, criss crossed by roads, railways, and rivers, seeing traffic, cars, lorries, trains, and wonder if the occupants know or realise that someone is looking down on them.

I look at the buildings, towns and cities, trying to work out which place, the name, they are. I see the pollution, mans waste, mans desire for energy, goods and chattel’s, resulting in a haze that is very visible, and have to remind myself that I too have the desire for the energy and chattel’s contributing to the destruction of our world.

It is very strange how it is only in the recent years that we humans have become aware of Global Warming, of how we humans are creating too big a carbon footprint.

Why? How?

The simple answer is our governments, our religious leaders and the media that are feeding us information that they want us to know about, information from their point of view, from their perspective, knowledge and understanding. To brainwash us, to change our understandings, and to influence us.

It is very strange that in recent worldwide conflicts, the British population was in a majority in favour of the conflict, and yet, just 15 miles across a stretch of water, the French had a majority against the conflict.

What caused this difference in beliefs? Information that was being fed to the populations.

It is the same with all beliefs, religion, politics, business, education. It is the information that is being fed to us, that is brainwashing us, changing our beliefs.

It is national or religious holidays where I see these differences most, that I feel or sense big changes in beliefs.

For me as a British citizen, a suppose a Christen, (what I am I do not know as I have been exposed to so many beliefs), that Christmas is so important. The whole of the UK comes to a stop. There are no trains, buses, on the 25th December. All shops are closed, restaurants are closed, cinemas, theaters remain closed. Only the essential services operate in a somewhat normal way. It is a time for the family, the children.

Yet, many people from other countries, other cultures, do not know what is happening in the UK, that it is closed for the day, shut down.

Then, how many people in the UK realised that countries of the same belief system say as Turkey were closed, shut down for their important time of the year, their holiday, where people traveled to send time with their families, where businesses, shops etc were closed?

In Turkey it was their holiday, their Bayram, in other countries it is called Eid ul-Fitr or Id-Ul-Fitr often shortened to Eid. It is the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

For me I could not understand, why, I could not contact people, why were telephones unanswered, why were there none of my contacts on Skype, Gizmo (read about how you can contact me or make free phone calls will ViOP) or MSN?

Many people only see or understand what they have in their world, their country, their town village or home. They have no realisation of anything outside their own understanding, their world.

On a trip to Peru, going “off track”, not to the tourist areas, we came to a village market, where “westerners” never frequent. They were dressed in their typical national costumes, selling their local produce and food. An amazing experience to see other cultures. We were told not to take photographs, as they may take offense, object to this.

All these people dressed in so colourful clothes, with big red cheeks. Yet who were the odd ones out? Who were being viewed as if they were aliens from outer space, with their hiking boots, all weather clothes? Us, the tourists. (Pictures wll follow).

How often do we step outside our own shoes, and see things from a different view, a different perspective? (See the film What the Bleep do we Know click to visit web site).

It is when we begin to see things, understand things from others points of view that we will become aware that it is a big world out there, that our Cat on the Mat or Map of the Territory is not that of others, and we can ask:-

         “Who or what put our beliefs in our head, or influenced our thoughts and behaviours?”