NLP Phobias Travels

Removing Phobias and Fears, Confidence Building

Much of my life at the moment is delivering courses, NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis, Stage Hypnosis, Memory, Mind Maps and PhotoReading, to the general public and companies, but I also work with individuals with their issues.

These issues could be phobias (click to see your phobia), fears, lack of confidence, presentation skills, self-esteem, smoking, drugs, eating disorders, whatever, I will and have worked with them. 

I only see the client once, but that session can be as long as it takes to have the successful outcome the client wants. You can click here to read about some of the recommendations and work I have done.

My other offer to my clients is that I will go/travel to them, their home, their hotel, their office. This has taken me to some far places for the day, Rome, Northern Ireland, airport departure lounges, police stations. It is all in a days work, and I love it.

Yesterday I visited Rochester, a town east of London. This journey took me from my home town of Kingston upon Thames, into the train station Waterloo in Central London, change to another train line, and then out the other side of London to Rochester.

I prefer the train in some ways as it is cheaper, and I can sit and read the newspaper, watch the countryside slip passed, work, or just relax in my own thoughts.

There are only two things it is believed that the human is naturally frightened or phobic about, and these are falling and load noises, everything else is learned.
What can be learned can be unlearned.

It is so satisfying to work with people, put them at ease with me, and to work with them without them really realising I am working with them.

The quickest I have removed phobias or fears is probably seconds.

Traveling out of Heathrow to Italy, a lady and her friend sitting and waiting in the departure lounge were talking. She caught sight of the aircraft, and went into a flaming phobic fit.

I walked up to her and said “do you want to get rid of it?” 

She nodded, and I did my thing, and it had gone. Her friend turned to her and asked if she was OK, as they continued their conversation.

I watched them all the way to Milan, chatting away as the rest of the passengers were, yet she never thanked me.

Often I never hear again from my clients, after all, why should I hear from them.

Often they say that they could not have had a phobia in the first place.

Others say it is bazare that the old feelings and thoughts are gone.

I love my job.

NLP Travels

NLP Master Practitioner, Milan

A wonderful time in Milan, Italy, awaited me, with very open and willing participants on the Society of NLP’s Master Practitioner course.

This Sunday we learned about unconscious processes, relaxation, and the eyes closed process.

                                        Jack Frost for my ice cream.


PhotoReading in Milan, Italy

The weekend of the 2nd – 4th November 2007 saw me in Milan, giving a PhotoReading course, a course I find demanding, but worthwhile and exciting.

It was a course that gave me many headaches, not in the contents of the course, or the participants, but for having to get up so early, (3:30 am), to fly to Milan, Melpensa airport, which is a long way from the city center compared to Milan, Linate’s airport, and the loss of my computer and all my data and work.

We had no music, well not the music I am used to, nor any Power Point slides. I always say when I give presentation skills trainings, do not use Power Point presentations, and I had non.

But, the course outcome was the best. The participants got through up to six books (7 if you consider the PhotoRead of the Paul Scheele PhotoReading book), of 300 pages each, and gained a great comprehension of the contents contain there-in. On book contained what seemed like 3,000 pages on Italian law.

With Elena my translator we all had a great learning experience, and I hope to see them all again in the future.

    /images/71606-62901/photoreading_Milan_1.JPG” width=282 border=0> Food for thought, we all need input/food.

Today, (Saturday), see another trip to Milan, this time into Linate airport to deliver an NLP Master Practitioner module. More on that on my return.


Further on being Browned Off.

Further to my blog on the 28th October 2007, (click to read), where I described my experience of my brown sludge shower in the Peradoor Hotel in Istanbul, I mentioned the Istanbul marathon.

From my vantage point of the fifth floor of NLPGrup’s offices where I was giving an NLP and presentation skills course, I could look down on the runners far below.

        /images/71606-62901/runners_Istabul_07_2.JPG” width=282 border=0>    More runners, enjoying the day. Istanbul 2007

Although the pictures do not show the vast numbers of runners, I had to work and train the participants, that is what they paid NLPGrup for, you can see the Turkish flags everywhere. As I have written before, I find the Turkish people a very nationalistic people, (click too read) proud of their country, (click too read) and founder Ataturk (click too read).

They will often have demonstrations in the streets, it seems every day there is one in Taxim Square, calling for change, waving and carrying their national flag. These pictures were taken as they demonstrated against the PKK and the loss of Turkish soldiers lives.

    /images/71606-62901/Demo_PKK_2.JPG” width=282 border=0>  loss of Turkish soldiers lives. October 2007.

A further demonstration of their pride in their country, was shown in the National Day celebrations on the founding of the Turkish nation to follow.


The Basil Diner, Kingston upon Thames

Travel has allowed me to taste many varieties of food, some I like, fish and chips from England, some I cannot take, sambal from South East Asia. Some food likes me, fish and chips, some foods do not like me, red and green peppers.

It is when I find a restaurant that serves real authentic food, provide good quality in their food, staff and facilities, and give value for money, that I am happy.

I me it does not matter if it is the best hotel like the Ritz in London, or the little corner café, Kevilcim Cafe ev Yemekleri in Kadikoy, Istanbul, if I enjoy the experience, I am happy.

                /images/71606-62901/Turkeylunch120407r1.JPG” width=282 border=0>

I found one such restaurant in my home town Kingston upon Thames (click to watch a small video of my town), here in the UK, called The Basil Restaurant.

                                           NLP-Time (Istanbul), and Gap Consultancy (Gaziantep). I hope to see old and new participants soon in my courses.

See my web site NLPNOW ( 


An Ice Cream Parlour or a Gelateria

I love working in Italy, the food is good, especially the ice cream.

Last weekend (PhotoReading training) was no different, except for my computer loosing all my data and work.

Saturday lunchtime, having had a meal in the hotel we were holding the PhotoReading course, the Jolly Touring, Elena and myself made a quick exit, and walked to my favorite ice cream shop, Jack Frost.

Jack Frost, (Via Casati Felice 25, 20124 Milano, tele 02-6691134), is the best gelateria (ice cream parlour) in Milan, it seems to be open all hours. So many varieties of tastes, and friendly staff.

Try it you may like it.

                    my computer problems at one lick.

NLP Travels

My ‘annus mirabilis’

‘Annus mirabilis’ is a Latin phrase meaning a year of wonders or miracles. It was first coined in a poem by John Dryden called Annus Mirabilis: the year of wonders 1666. In 1992 the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, used it to describe the year that the marriages of her two sons Charles and Andrew broke down and Windsor Castle caught fire.

For me it has been a journey, firstly by my Angioplasty, or the insertion of a stent in a coronary artery, followed by ever increasing training courses around the globe.

I love my work, there is nothing better than to have delivered a course or courses, in no matter what language, in whatever country, and see participants leaving happy having had learned and achieved so much.

There has been down times, which could have really spoiled my year if I did not know about Oh Poo Poo(click to understand), being able to control my state thanks to my knowledge of NLP, and the support and friendship of many around me.

The last couple of weeks has been not good.

Firstly I knew that the company that organises my trainings in Turkey, NLPGrup, would not pay me, despite promises made that payments would be made, deep down I knew the promises were of no value. But, I had made commitments, promises, people and companies were relying upon me to deliver, and they had paid good money to NLPGrup. I did not wish to get a bad name for not delivering.

I was proved right. Still water under the bridge, I will carry on delivering my training in other countries plus Turkey.

My phone system using the VoIP (Voice over the Internet Protocol) DualPhone 3088 stopped working, the base station seems to have stopped working, and trying to get a replacement out of SKYPE or even contact them seems to be impossible.

My mobile phone kept on freezing when people telephoned me, so I was loosing phone calls, the only way out was to reset the phone. (Orange SPV M3100). Plus I could not interface and update mobile phone and computer since renewing my subscription, updating and installing Norton 360 security software.

Perhaps I could get a new phone out of Orange my service provider. But no, they told me to do a hard reset, which meant I would loose all my contacts and diary on my phone. OK I thought, next week after my trip to Italy, I will update the data on my phone, at least I can receive telephone calls.

I had an accident whilst in Turkey, when a cup containing tea collapsed on my computer keyboard (click to read), leaving some keys inoperable. A small portable keyboard solved that problem.

Oh Poo Poo, just carry on.

I had a PhotoReading course last weekend to deliver in Milan, Italy last weekend (2nd – 4th November 2007), despite the early start to catch the 6am flight to Milan from London, I felt good.

With my translator Elena Martelli (click) we set-up the rather small room, creating an unusual seating configuration which worked beautifully. I had no external speakers for my music on my computer, but the sound out of the computer was just acceptable.

The last job was to attach my projector to the computer so I could show slides. When I did the music became corrupted, emitting strange sounds. I knew something was wrong.

I tried to switch my computer of. Nothing happened. This was worse than I could have expected. My whole computer was gone. I could do nothing. No music, no slides, no Mind Maps of the course structure, all was lost.

We borrowed an IPod from Alessio Roberti of NLPItaly, not my choice of music, but it would more than do. Sunday, that packed-up working. Oh Poo Poo.

Thinking I would need a new computer, and knowing I have lost all my data, I put on a bright face, at least I have a good excuse to purchase a new computer, and I have backup, albeit a couple of months old.

I managed to reconfigure my computer, get it working again, by reloading the operating system, but that meant loosing all my programmes, data, videos, photos or contact details, now I am naked, I have nothing, neither on my computer or mobile phone.

It has taken me three days now to get partially back, ready to travel to Milan again this weekend to deliver another course, this time to an NLP Master Practitioner course. I will have my music.

Keep myself smiling, in a good state, that is the key. Trouble is Mee Len is ill, having sickness and diarera, and it has been nearly a week, continually running to the toilet, poor thing, she is so weak, not eating or sleeping well. I am the nurse now, trying to do one hundred things at once.

This has been my ‘Annus mirabilis’, but there is only one way to go, and that is up with a smile on my face, to meet new people and new challenges, and at least I am alive.


Who is up and out there?

Yesterday I was talking on the internet to a friend who is in France at the moment, and they were saying that they would like a face to face conversation with me.

The great thing about new technology, if it works, (yes, yet again my Skype Dualphone 3088 phone system does not work), is that we can be in contact with loved ones, family and friends in any part of the world, sometimes free of charge, and at other times, at charges less than a normal landline fee, plus like yesterday actually seeing each other, live, with a video camera.

We have many tools that help us keep in contact, MSN, MySpace, Facebook, Skype, Gizmo, LinkedIn, to name just a few, social networking, business networking, VoIP etc, but this is all electronic, the human contact is not there, the face to face contact is not there.

“Smelly vision” is not with us yet. Yes, we can hear the voice, yes, we can see a video picture, yes, we can read messages, emails and SMS’s. In NLP terms, V (visual) and A (auditory), but K (kinesthetic), O (olfactory), G (gustatory) are missing.

Communication involves all five senses V,A,K,O and G, it becomes a whole body experience, We need the touch of a fellow human being, (or living thing), we need to smell, perhaps the wonderful perfume, Dior’s Poison or Yves Saint Laurent’s Kouros, my favorite eau de toilette, the human odours, the pheromones, the chemicals that affect how our brain reacts to fellow man, and the taste of the moment, the chemicals that float in the air, then into our mouths, touching our taste buds, again affecting our Map of the Word.

All the technological advance miss the K, O and G modalities, especially Facebook, MySpace, Skype and Gizmo etc.

What a shame.

My friend asked what country I was in, and I said the UK, and they said “Oh so close to France”.

Tomorrow I informed them I would be even closer, as I will be flying to Milan, Italy, leaving London’s Heathrow at 6am, to deliver a PhotoReading course, and I will be only 10,000 meters (35,000 feet) from them, not far. But still not close enough.

There are thousands of people at any one time high above us, flying from here to there, for business, holidays, or to have face to face meetings with loved ones, yet how many of us with our feet on the ground know or realise that those people could be looking at us. We are only aware of our little world around us, aware of our own troubles, fights, joys and sadness, our own world.

It is sometimes good to take our shoes off, and put another persons shoes on, step inside their shoes, see things from their point of view or perspective.

If we have an argument, be it between a friend or loved one, between nations or countries, or involving beliefs, if only we could stop, consider and see things from the others view point, to feel how they feel about the situation, to fully involve ourselves in all the modalities (V,A,K,O and G), if only we could meet face to face, perhaps this world could be a better place, a more tolerant loving place, where trust, understanding and love, replaces hate, jealousy, war and mistrust.

If only we could detach ourselves from our world, and look down at what we are doing to ourselves and others, then when we meet face to face, it will be a better experience.

Perhaps then we would change the way we are, the way we dress, speak and share information.

NLP Travels

Formula for success

BBC World is at currently showing a series on the TV called Formula for Success (click to view web page of BBC World). It combines the excitement of the premier league of F1 motor sport with the insights of business theory and practice.

It tells how working as a team creates a better working environments, higher sustained levels of performance, workable strategies, all over the global markets of business and in sport.

Simply taking the strategies of F1 motor sport, being able to organise and run the sport, the business, so successfully, how these strategies can be applied to global and local business.

Providing training, consulting, talks around the world, I am a global business. Although my business is me, I rely many people in the countries I work in, to work as a team within their own company or organization, and to include me in that team.

Unfortunately I had to cancel a course in Istanbul as there were not enough participants to fill the seats, to pay for the expenses, fees, salaries etc. I apologize to those who wished to work with me, but I will be rerunning the course in the near future.

This rearrangement of my schedule meant that I had to fly back to the UK 2 or 3 days early. I arrived at Istanbul’s Ataturk airport, only to find that I had to pay a £50 penalty for changing my flight dates. 

I telephoned my local UK taxi service to meet me at London’s Heathrow airport on my arrival, usually half an hour after landing, but normally they arrive later, meaning I am standing around waiting for them.

The Turkish Airlines aircraft did not go to a normal stand, which would allow a gantry to be placed on the aircraft so we could get off, obviously we would have to get off by stairs and bused to the airport terminal. Sure enough the coaches arrived, and the passengers raced to get all there baggage out of overloaded overhead lockers, pushing and shoving to get to the doors.

Looking out of the window, I could see that there were no stairs, so alighting was not going to happen straight away, so I sat still, which proved a wise move, as five minutes later, the captain announced that there would be a delay, as there were no stairs available, and asked passengers to sit down. Most did, but those who MUST be first at all cost, pushed even more forward to be first.

I just smiled to myself.

It was 1 hour 40 minutes later, that the stairs arrived. Oh I did feel sorry (not) for those standing all that time.

Once the stairs arrived, some passengers still pushed to get off the aircraft, yet we would all get on the same bus and leave the aircraft for the terminal.

What was the point of pushing and trying to get one place ahead?

Because I use the Iris system that means I do not have to show my passport, the technology recognizes my eyes and lets me through passport control. It is fast, so I am in baggage collection usually first. As a frequent flyer, they usually put a label saying “Priority”, but it seems that means put the bag on the carousel last. And so it was yesterday.

I waited and waited, which made me even later. That meant the taxi driver having to wait, so I had to pay him waiting time plus extra parking fees.

The whole travel and world business, needs team work, trust and honour, to honour agreements to the best of our ability. Sometimes teamwork is not implemented, and the good work of others fails.

NLP Recommendation Türkçe Turkish Videos

A recommendation for my training in Turkey spoken in Türkçe

Another recommendation in English on my training in October 2007, in Istanbul Turkey by Özgür Yılmaz, this time in Turkish (Türkçe).