I will never become a millionaire, not because I would not like to become one, nor that I do not dream of not having to budget of what I spend, as most people have, but because I am not driven by money.
Some people are driven to make more and more money, that is their driver in life. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact it is good. For them.
Me? I am driven by other things. I get my drive from seeing change for the better in people and things.
I love to find how things work, to get them to work, to repair if broken. Yesterday, I had great joy in modifying my kitchen hot water tap to flow without splashing all over the place, and the exhilaration I felt this morning when washing-up my breakfast plate and cup, without getting wet myself must be the same as an athlete looking at their gold medal after winning at the Winter Olympics.
I love watching people change on my courses, when people come to me for fears and phobias. It gives me a buzz. The woman who was petrified of going into the MRI scan at the Penang Adventist Hospital, and after two minutes of me talking and working with her, being calm and ready for the treatment. The Doctor who had Bells Palsy, with zero percent movement in one side of her face to now having 88% movement, seeing her smile after 32 years, and the happiness on the face of her husband.
A member of the Southside Chamber of Commerce I belong to in London, asked me for help. Not for therapy, not for hypnosis, just to help her move her business along to the next level, to help her resolve a problem in a foreign country. To coach her, guide her.
I helped her by listening to her, finding her strengths and weaknesses, by helping her come up with her own solutions, but where she did not have the expertise, finding that for her, or just spending a little time, not for finacial gain, but giving my time.
Over lunch recently, I sat next to a highly respected business person, having served his community beyond what was expected of him, but now he wanted to stand back, to take things easy, to do his own things what he wanted to do. The relief on his face, his posture change within a few minutes when I got him to solve his own dilemma.
Did I charge them a fee? No. My payback was seeing them move forward.
Yes, sometimes my way, my generosity bites back at me. Sometimes I am taken advantage of, sometimes I am used, sometimes I am stabbed in the back, sometimes agreements are broken, because of the greed of people chasing money. I wish those people well.
So, if you need a costume, a dress, a suit designed, created, made, why not call or visit Pearline Banton in London who has a wealth of experience in delivering quality designs, patterns and clothes. Just take a look, no matter where you are in the world at Pearline Banton (click to visit web site) and see what she can do for you.