Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL Cause and Effect


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Cause and Effect is the implied implication that one thing has a direct effect on another, by doing one thing it will cause another thing to happen, but there is no evidence to support or demonstrate that statement.
Words that may be heard with a Cause and Effect statement could be:-

            “makes, because, then, since, so”

An example of a Cause and Effect statement:-

            “It is your fault she left you because you did not like her chocolate cake.”

This could be challenged by:-

            “What makes you think that she left me because of her chocolate cake?”


            “You do not love me any more because you do not buy me flowers.”


            “Why do you believe me not buying you flowers means I do not love you? You suffer from hay fever.”

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Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Mind Reading


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Mind Reading occurs when someone claims to think they know what another is thinking without verification.

            “I know you do not love me anymore.”

How does the speaker know that? How do they know how the person thinks or believes?

Mind Reading is believing we know the thoughts, intentions, feelings, meanings, motivation, or internal processes of another person – with no basis in a reasonable way, or not having logical grounds for interpretation or direct, sensory observation of that person.

The Mind Reading statements are challenged by asking simply “how do you know?”.

            “You do not like me anymore.”

            “What makes you think that I do not like you anymore?”

The speaker has to go on a transderivational search, (click to read) to verify what their statement actually means, which once found can be challenge.

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Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Sensory


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Sensory words will be given, that will lack clarity or precise meaning, and the NLP Practitioner will chunk down to access the missing inner meaning of what is being communicated.

            “feel, gut, happy, sad,”

all involve our senses, but do not define precisely what are those sensory words, and will be challenge.

            “What precisely do you feel about this?”

Sensory words, also define what modality the person is communicating in, V.A.K.O.G. (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, Gustatory), which will allow the NLP Practitioner the possibility of using the same modality to gain rapport and understanding.

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Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Time and Space


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

We will often communicate our understanding of what we understand as being in respect of Time and Space.

We will use such words for time as:-

            “before, after, as, now, soon. first, firstly, second, secondly.” etc

            “Before you do this job, I want you to read this book.”

            “The first thing I want you to do is read this book, then tell me about it.”

The NLP Practitioner will challenge the time words, to chunk down to be more specific, to have a precise time frame.

            “When specifically will this be?”

For space words we may use:-

            “over there, here, behind, in front.” etc

            “The book is over there.”

The NLP Practitioner will challenge the space words, to chunk down to be more specific, to have a precise place.

            “Were specifically do you mean?”

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Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Predicates


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Predicates are process words indicating how and what representational systems we are using.

When we process information we will represent or code the information internally using our senses which are known as our representational systems or rep system.

The main rep systems are Visual (V), Auditory (A), Kinsaesthetic (K), with the other minor two, Olfactory (O) and Gustatory (G). Also we have Auditory Digital or Internal Dialog, people talking to themselves.

When we communicate this stored internal information we will use process words, verbs, adverbs and adjectives to identify the rep systems we are using to process the information. These process words are know as Predicates.

By understanding what Representational Systems people are communicating in, we can gain Rapport and communicate better.

Predicates can be further recognised when used in conjunction with Eye Accessing Cues (click to view).




Bright, Dim, Colour, Black and White, Focused, Far, Near, Clear, View, Look

Loud, Soft, Hear, Sounds, Sing, Tell, Tone, Faint, Harmonious, Listen, Talk

Feeling, Feel, Hot, Cold, Cool, Firm, Weight, Light, Heavy, Touch
I see what you say. I hear what you say. I get a feeling of what you are saying.
He looked after us. Clear as a bell. I have a feeling for it.
Look here do you understand me? It is music to my ears. To get to grips with.
Show me what you mean. We are on the same wavelength. He is a pain in the neck.
I understand, I get the picture. That sounds right to me. Do it one step at a time.
Everything went blank. He voiced his opinion. He seems under pressure.




Smell, Perfume, Odour, Fishy, Fragrant, Pungent, Smoky, Whiff

Sweet, Spicy, Juicy, Flavour, Salty, Bitter, Taste

Understand, Decide, Know, Perceive, Learn, Consider
This does not smell right to me. I am getting a flavour for this. I understand you.
It smells fishy, there is something wrong. It was a bitter pill to take. I have to decide what to do.
I get a whiff something is not correct. She seems a tasty girl. I must consider all my options.
What you said sounds fishy. What he did to me left a bitter taste in my mouth. I want to learn to do this.
She smelt good to me. It makes my mouth water. I think you are correct.
There was a pungent odour that was not right. I want a sweet meal tonight. I know I can do this.

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Coaching NLP Turkish

NLP Now – Meta Model – Karşılaştırmalı Silmeler -Türkçe – Turkish

                                                                                                                                               English version
Karşılaştırmalı Silmeler

Meta Model yüzeysel seviyedeki veya silinerek aktarılan bilgideki kullandığımız dil kalıplarına bakar.

İletişim sırasında bir nesneyi veya bir durumu karşılaştırma yaparken, kullanılan ifadelerde karşılaştırılan nesne bahsedilmez. Bu durum geçersiz karşılaştırma ya da karşılaştırmalı silmeler olarak adlandırılır.

             “ İki kat fazla kilo kaybetmek “

tıpkı reklamlarda gördüğümüz gibi. Neyi kıyaslıyorlar?

             “ Hava çok sıcak “

Nereyle kıyaslandığında? Sıcaklığı neyle kıyaslıyorlar, Kuzey Kutbuyla mı yoksa Suudi Arabistan Çölleriyle mi?

NLP Pratisyeni bu karşılaştırmalı silmelere aşağıdaki gibi sorularla meydan okuyacaktır:-

       “Neye göre iki kat fazla ?”

       “Neye göre iki kat hızlı ? “

       “Nereyle kıyaslandığında çok sıcak ? “

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Modal Operators


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

Modal Operators fall into two categories:-

            1.    Modal Operators of Possibility 
            2.    Modal Operators of Necessity

A Model Operator changes the way we process the information we are given, and consist of words such as:-

            “can, cannot, should, might, may, will, want, wont, have, try, possible, impossible.
” et al.   

The predicate (click to read) or modal operator will affect the way the instruction is processed, and the outcome. 

            “You can go to bed,” implies that there is a possibility that they may or may not go to bed. 1. above.
            “You should go to bed,” implies that there is a possibility that they may or may not go to bed. 1. above.
            “You may go to bed,” implies that there is a possibility that they may or may not go to bed. 1. above.

            You must go to bed,” implies that there is a necessity that they should go to bed. 2. above.
            “You have to go to bed,” implies that there is a necessity that they should go to bed. 2. above.
            “You must go to bed,” implies that there is a necessity that they should go to bed. 2. above.

Modal operators can used in the positive (can, will, must) or negative form (cannot, won’t, mustn’t). Typical challenges to these are as follows:

            “I can’t do that.” can be challenged by “What stops you?”

            “I can’t do anything right?” can be challenged by “What prevents you?”

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Coaching NLP Turkish

NLP Now – Meta Model – GENELLENMİŞ İSİMLER – Türkçe – Turkish

                                                                                                                                              English version

Meta Model yüzeysel seviyedeki veya silinerek aktarılan bilgideki kullandığımız dil kalıplarına bakar.

İnsanlar ifadelerinde belli bir gruba dahil olan her şeyi aynı durumda değerlendirerek genelleme yaparlar.

                     “Çocuklar yaramazdır.”

                     “Çukulatalı pastalar şişmanlatır.”

NLP Pratisyeni bu ifadeye ve inanışa ,  bu ifadeyi ileten kişiye original ifadeye dönüştürecek soruyu sormak suretiyle meydan okur.

                   “Bütün Çocuklar mı !?“
                   “Bütün Çukulatalı kekler mi !?“

Bu ifadeyi ileten kişi (danışan) ifadesini ispatlamak üzere kendi anlayış dünyasına, haritasına gidecek, transa yönelik araştırmasını yapacaktır. İfadeleri ile ilgili birtek aksi örnek bulur ise artık bu ifadeyi doğru olarak benimsemeyecektir.

translation by E. MINE BALIK

Coaching NLP

NLP Now – The META MODEL – Presuppositions


The Meta Model looks at the language patterns we make, which are made at the surface level (click to read) to recover the deleted information.

A Presupposition makes an assumption that some person, event or something exists, although that person, event or that something has not been mentioned in the conversation or communication.

There is a Presupposition that the listener will understand or insert the missing information.

            “Do you want to go again”

This presupposes that you have done something in the past, presupposes that something can be done again, and presupposes that you have a choice of doing or not doing that something.

            “It is raining.”

Presupposes that there is a place where it is raining.

            “The cat sat on the mat.”

Presupposes that there is a cat, that there is a mat, that there is the act of sitting on a mat, and that there is a place where the cat and the mat is.

The NLP Practitioner will chunk down, too get more information about which has been assumed, by asking such questions as:-

            “What type of cat is it?”
            “What colour is the cat?”
            “What colour is the mat?”
            “Where is the mat?”
            “How specifically did the cat sit on the mat?”

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Mind Maps NLP

A new Translator

As I do not speak any language other than English, I will use translators to teach my courses in most of the countries I work.

Without the professional work of these people I could not work.

It surprises me that how they can work for so many hours without a break, working in two languages, I only can work in one.

My latest is Aylin Mutlu from Ankara. The first time she has worked with me. It takes a time to get used to my language and methods of teaching, but it is a joy to see how quickly see succeeds.

                                                      click to see other translators