Booking on the Hypno-Cognitive Behavioural Therapy®, (HCBT) course, was to help me understand and put into practice what CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is.
To understand the therapy, I firstly needed to understand the words used to describe CBT.
Cognitive refers to the way a person thinks about themselves, others and the world around them.
Behavioural how and what a person does, affects the way they develop their thoughts and feelings.
Therapy helps the person to change their world, preferably for the better.
CBT is known as a “talking” therapy, and deals with the here and now, unlike some other therapies which look for the cause of the problems and difficulties, by going back into the past, and even further back into past life. CBT looks for ways to improve the state of mind, now.
CBT is said to help people with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), post traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia and eating disorders, and was developed out of Joseph Wolpe’s behaviour therapy in the 1950’s, combining Cognitive Therapy (CT) of Aaron Beck and Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) of Albert Ellis, and other psychotherapies treatments of that time.
By taking a situation or event, we will process this in our brains, and this will lead to us having thoughts about it, which could create emotions, give us physical feelings which will lead to some actions that we will take.
Perhaps a loved one has not telephoned as expected. This situation can be taken in many ways, and it is how the thoughts are processed that feelings and thus emotions and outcomes are generated.
Example 1
Situation No telephone call.
Thoughts Does not love me, they are out with another person.
Emotions Envy, jealousy, sad, upset.
Physical Feelings Crying, panic, feeling sick
Action Argue, retaliate.
Example 2
Situation No telephone call.
Thoughts He/she is in an important meeting.
Emotions Proud, supportive.
Physical Feelings Relaxed, feeling comfortable
Action Prepare a nice meal.
If we take the situation the wrong way, there could be a feedback system or looping, which will generate even more bad feelings, thus creating a vicious circle, leading perhaps to anxiety, stress, depression if not stopped.
CBT aims to break this cycle, by introducing, or in NLP terms reframing, alternative solutions that can be accepted by the client, by changing the way the situation is thought about (cognitive) and what is done about it (behavioural).
Typically a client will take the therapy for from six weeks or even six months, compared to perhaps one or two sessions with a competent NLP Practitioner.
An advantage of taking longer over the therapy (that is weeks) is that the client is monitored, but this also means the treatment is slow.
Category: NLP
I recently attended a course run by Donald Robertson of the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, on Hypno-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy®.
It was I subject that I had little knowledge, having not worked to much degree in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), (more to follow), it was a chance for me to educate myself, and learn from Donald Robertson, a person I have great respect, with his expert knowledge of hypnosis.
Donald did not fail me with his knowledge. He has research the field of hypnosis and it’s therapeutic powers for many years, and he can back-up his teaching with references to the greats of the hypnotic world, and even those before the name hypnosis was coined by James Braid around 1850. Names such as Aaron Beck and Albert Ellis, Hippolyte Bernheim and Ambroise Auguste Liébault of the Nacy School, Éva I. Bányai, Iving Kirsh, Dr Arnold Lazarus, Joseph Wolpe and Émile Coué, all slipped from his tongue.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), (more to follow), is said to be a “talking” treatment that helps many people with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders, and was developed out of Joseph Wolpe’s behaviour therapy in the 1950’s, combining Cognitive Therapy (CT) of Aaron Beck and Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) of Albert Ellis, and other psychotherapies treatments of that time.
As a treatment, CBT is being adopted into mainline medical interventions as it is reported to give good lasting results.
What Donald Robertson has achieved is to combine CBT with hypnotherapy creating the propriety model Hypno-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (HCBT)®, as he says the same way as hypno-analysis combines elements of psychoanalysis and hypnosis. But, HCBT is not just hypnotherapy plus CBT, it combines the proven, evidence based principles and methods into one model, as published by Iving Kirsh and others in 1996, which stated that between 70% – 90% increase in effectiveness could be achieved by integrating hypnosis with CBT.
The HCBT (Hypno-CBT)® model can be seen to be based on an ABC model.
The ABC model can be seen as A – Affect, B – Behaviour, and C – Cognition, where affect equals feelings, behaviour equals actions, movement, physical behaviours, and cognition equals how we talk to ourselves or inner dialog.
It is in the set-up or the initial interview between client and practitioner, that the ABC’s or in NLP terms modalities of both the “problem” and the “required solution” are sought.
Through the help of hypnosis and the use of relaxation, the ABC’s of the “problem” can be reduced and measured on a self-efficacy scale, – “on a scale 0-10 how do you feel about the situation now?” – using the positive ABC’s of the “required solution”.
Throughout the course, the similarities between CBT, HCBT (Hypno-CBT) and NLP were striking, although, NLP is often dismissed as a non accepted treatment, a quick fix, but when broken down into the basic elements, the structure were very similar, just different words and delivery methods.
A very worthwhile course to attend. Donald is a master. Contact him on
In recent days, reports were published regarding the effectiveness of anti depressants, (see blog) Prozac, Seroxat, Effexor and Serzone, do they work?
These studies were undertaken in the UK, USA and Canada by leading researchers including Prof. Irving Kirsh, from the department of psychology at Hull University (UK), and Guy Sapirstein, and published in the journal PLoS (Public Library of Science) Medicine, titled ‘Listening to Prozac but hearing placebo’ stating that when all research data was brought together, it appeared that patients who had taken antidepressants had improved, but then those taking a placebo or sugar pill improved just as much.
So where does this leave Alternative Therapies as against antidepressants?
There are so many “alternative therapies” out in the world NLP, hypnotherapy, TA, Gestalt, CBT, HCBT (Click for descriptions of therapies) and many, many more. It has been reported that there are perhaps more than 400 different therapies.
Taking antidepressants such as Prozac, seemed to the reteachers to have effect only on those clients who had or were in deep depression, with little or no effect on those with mild depression.
Taking Prozac, et al, also can give sufferers unwanted side effects, and it has been stated that, the occurrence of individual side effects in depressed subjects treated with fluoxetine (Prozac) and each comparator antidepressant have not been systematically investigated, but it has been reported by individual patients of having, insomnia, agitation, tremor and anxiety, and gastrointestinal adverse events, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss and anorexia. (Brambilla P, Cipriani A, Hotopf M, Barbui C. Department of Pathology and Experimental Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, University of Udine, Udine, Italy. March 2005).
Why are antidepressants given by our doctors? They are easy to administer, the patient believes that they are taking a treatment to cure their state of depression, the pills are cheap, and being that in our society, many GP’s (General Practitioner – doctors), are only allocated a set time per patient, perhaps ten minutes, they have no time to offer alternative treatments.
So cost is major factor, as is time. But as shown by the report of Prof. Irving Kirsh, belief is perhaps the key to the success of the drugs, the belief of the patient that they are getting a treatment, known as the placebo effect.
Other alternative treatments can involve NLP, hypnotherapy, TA, Gestalt, CBT, CBH, etc, and typically a “therapist” would be with the client for say one hour per session, and in most treatments, the sessions between the therapist and the client will be spread over a number of weeks, costing money. Time a GP does not have and cannot take, and cannot allocate from tier budgets.
NLP, hypnotherapy, TA, Gestalt, CBT, CBH, et al, have been found to be an effective treatment for many psychological problems, but they are not a panacea, a cure all, an answer for anything, there is a place for drugs, for operations, and one treatment may be better than another in certain situations.
It depends upon the willingness of the patient or client to make a change in themselves, for example I cannot stop a person to stop smoking if they do not wish to.
I am often asked, “I want you to stop my partner smoking“. I ask, “Do they want to stop? If they don’t, then I can’t make them.”
It depends upon the knowledge of the “therapist” or “practitioner”, and their ability to use the skills they have learned.
It depends upon the congruence or trust between the client and practitioner. If the client does not trust or believe in the treatment or practitioner, then it will be very difficult.
“But where is the evidence?” This is a statement made by some people especially the medical profession, where everything needs to be evidence based, treatments have to be researched, documented and published. Well antidepressants had been prescribed on evidence based research, but most of the contrary evidence was not conveniently taken into consideration, as with Prozac, Seroxat, Effexor and Serzone and more.
Alternative therapies have been given throughout human existence, but especially with people such as Mesmer, Braid, Freud, Jung, Fritz Perls and more, each having their own understanding and methods of treatments.
Now, this is it, each works in their way, some yes better than others. For me I have studied at a deep level many treatments, including NLP, hypnotherapy, hypnosis, Reiki, TA, Gestalt, CBT, HCBT (Click for descriptions of therapies) etc, and so far they seem to work with no side effects and they are quick and last. I use what is appropriate at that time to me and the client. Each treat
ment seems to borrow from the next, some are exactly the same as another treatment but has been given another name.
Evidence? I will supply names of clients. If you want treatment from a practitioner, ask for references.
By the way, the best way to get out of depression is, firstly know there is depression, to take exercise, laugh, start to enjoy life, and change the state.
If you need help, and want to consider NLP, Hypnotherapy, HCBT or just want to talk, call on (UK) 0845 130 6213, Skype me @ NLPNOW, or email [email protected]. I can visit you, no matter where you are, for that one session to put you on the road you wish to travel.
Today I heard the news that Prozac, Seroxat, Effexor and Serzone, according to a major review released today, antidepressants taken by around 40 million people worldwide, do not work.
Research undertaken by Professor Irving Kirsh, from the department of psychology at Hull University (UK), along with colleagues from the USA and Canada, and published in the journal PLoS (Public Library of Science) Medicine, stated that when all research data was brought together, it appeared that patients who had taken the above antidepressants had improved, but then those taking a placebo or sugar pill improved just as much.
It appears that the drug companies had not published all the research and clinical trials, and it was under the freedom of information act that this missing data of the four drugs above was included in the findings that Professor Kirsh and his colleagues, came to their conclusions.
It was written:- “Using complete data sets (including unpublished data) and a substantially larger data set of this type than has been previously reported, we find the overall effect of new-generation antidepressant medication is below recommended criteria for clinical significance,
It has been found that there are many side effects that patients suffer from taken these drugs, and it has always been assumed that the benefits outweigh these side effects. It was also stated that prescription of these drugs was withheld to those under 18 years of age, due to suicide issues.
It was interesting to note that two drug companies, (who withheld data?), Eli Lilly (Prozac) and GlaxoSmithKline (Seroxat), both defended the drugs they produce.
It was stated that anyone taking antidepressants, should not stop taking these drugs without seeking medical advice.
This led me to think about a discussion we had in Bahrain last week about evidence based research. I will write more on this subject and NLP, hypnosis, hypnotherapy and alternative methods. Click here.
Work after a short rest
It only seems five minutes since I arrived back from my training trip in Turkey, and I find myself packing my suitcase yet again.
Today (Saturday 16th February 2008), I am off to Bahrain, having been invited by Dr. Leila Edwards and her husband Philip Edwards of the The Makeover Experience, to give courses there, PhotoReading and NLP plus Coaching.
So from a very cold London to the very hot Middle East, I will have to choose my clothes to deal with both climates, plus take my swimming costume.
I am looking forward to I believe thirty plus participants to experience the joy and benefits of PhotoReading, a course I love to give as I get so much benefits from the process myself. Turning pages over at a page per second, and absorbing words at 20,000 – 30,000 WPM (words per minute).
Like anything, PhotoReading requires practice, after all, did you stop learning how to ride a bike the first time daddy let go of the saddle when you were a young child?
So it is with all that we learn. We have to implement our learnings. Reconfirm to our implicit mind. Make those neuron connections stronger.
I think I had better take a few books to read.
Once this trip is over then it is back to London to prepare for the Stage Hypnosis course, March 15th & 16th, a fantastic two day course even if I say it myself, where participants, some who have never been hypnotised before, learn the tricks and procedures, inductions, rapid and re-inductions, plus routines to enable them to give live public performances. Many have who have taken the course in previous years.
Stage Hypnosis
Why not join us. Visit the web site and book now.
Apart from my training courses given in different countries, I do see individuals on a 1-2-1 basis. It is work I love to undertake, as I meet new people, see new places and help people make the changes they want, quickly.For many years I have been sent clients, who have had many ranges of problems they wanted to deal with. The people who sent me clients or had given my name, range from people who have heard of my work, previous clients, doctors, or just from surfing the web or reading the many articles written about me.
Problems can be varied, from stopping smoking, weight loss, compulsive disorders like hand washing or continually returning to check if some action like turning off the gas has been done, fears and phobias like fear of heights, flying, train journeys, the dark, spiders, driving on motorways, leaving the home. See a list of phobias and their descriptions, click here.
Other problems can be lack of confidence, self esteem, social interaction, presentation skills, sleeping, blushing. Many social associated problems have been given to me.
Last night I was asked by a doctor, to see a young lady who had been promoted by her employers to be to give presentations to their clients and potential customers.
Although she had the knowledge and she wanted the job, she went to pieces with fear as she started the presentation. She had resorted to drinking alcohol before she went into the meeting, but knowing this was not the answer, asked the doctor for pills. This is where I come in, the doctor knew I could help her.
It is very unusual for clients to visit me in my home, and I have no office, I prefer to visit people in their own environment, their home of office, and so it was last night. I was able to get some fresh air nd travel into central London to visit this young lady in her own flat.
I only see people once. Some of my unique selling points, (USP), include seeing people in their own homes and only seeing them once. As a trained hypnotherapist and licensed trainer (click) with the NGH for hypnotherapy, I can do the usual week after week treatment, but I do not have time, so I work quickly, and remove the problem in one session. It may take two minutes or two hours, but that leaves me free to see other people and travel, giving my courses.
I soon spotted the problem and removed it, and then set about giving her the tools and anchors which she can use from now on to give her the calm she seeks, the confidence to make those presentations. The session ended with a trance, a hypnotic story, which reinforced the work we did together. Buy The Castle MP3 (click).
Perhaps we will see each other again, I hope so, but certainly not a proffessional basis, because I know she will be making many presentations, and loving every one of them.
the presenter
Oh I love my work.
Katılımcılar kursu bitirdikten sonra ya da bire bir seanslardan ayrıldıktan sonra, takip eden kurslarda tanıdık yüzlerle karşılaşsam dahi genellikle onlardan tekrar haber almıyorum, demek ki bir şeyleri doğru yapıyorum.
İnsanlardan geribildirim aldığımda ise, özellikle de onlar için önemli bir değişim yarattıysam, bunu duymak beni hem şaşırtıyor hem de büyük bir tatmin hissi veriyor. Gaziantep’teki NLP kursu katılımcılarımdan Bells Palsy (yüz felçi) olan katılımcımdan bu mesajı aldığımda da aynı şeyleri hissettim.
Merhaba ben Dr. Ceyda Paşa,
2000 yılından itibaren hep NLP ve uzantısı olan konularla ilgilenmiştim ama hiç birebir pratik yapma fırsatım olmamıştı. Bay Holt’un Mehpare Hanım vasıtasıyla Gaziantep’e geldiğini duyunca çok sevindim. Böyle bir duayenden NLP öğrenmek benim için inanılmaz bir hayaldi.
Eşimin de desteğiyle bu hayalim gerçekleşti. Başlangıçta eğitim için çok çelişkilerim oldu. Bu bilgileri öğrenebilecek miyim, uygulayabilecek miyim diye tereddütlerim vardı. Ama Bay Holt’un öğretirkenki farklı tarzı, kendine özgü hikayelerle bezenmiş anlatımları sayesinde bizler hızlı ve kolay öğrendik.
Önceleri o bizimle oynadı, sonra bizler onunla beraber oynamayı öğrendik. Sonuçta hayatla oynamayı öğrenmeye başladık.
Mehpare Hanım’ın sıcacık yüreği ve engin bilgisiyle yaptığı çevirileri sayesinde NLP daha kolay ve anlaşılır oldu.
İlk dakikalarda başlayan o tedirgin, meraklı ve heyecanlı bekleyiş yerini mutlu ve huzurlu anların yaşandığı saatlere bıraktı. İlk günün sonunda ikinci günü iple çeker olduk.
Sonuçta bir doktor olarak önce kendimde, sonra yaşamımda ve mesleğimde daha ilk anlardan itibaren küçük küçük adımlarla anlamlı ve büyük değişimler olmakta. Özellikle Bay Holt’un bende yarattığı değişim mucizevi denecek kadar inanılmaz.
Bu fırsatı bize sağladıkları için Bay Holt’a, Mehpare Hanım ve ekibine teşekkür ediyorum.
Dr. Ceyda Paşa
Alıntının sonu.
Mesajınız için teşekkürler.
Feedback from Participants and Clients
It is not often after participants leave a course or a 1-2-1 session that I hear from them again, although I see many familiar faces on subsequent courses, so I must be doing something right.
It does come as a surprise and gives me great satisfaction when I receive feedback, especially when there has been some special change in a person, and so it was when I received this message from the lady in the Gaziantep NLP course who had Bells Palsy.
Hello, I’m Dr. Ceyda Pasa.
Since year 2000 I had been interested in NLP and it’s extensions but I’d never had the chance to practice it one-to-one. Then I was very happy to hear that Mr. Holt was coming to Gaziantep through Mrs. Mehpare. For me, learning NLP from such a guru was an unbelievable dream.
My dream came true with the support of my husband. At the beginning I had many contradictions. I had doubts: Will I be able to learn and practice these informations? But Mr. Holt’s distinctive teaching style with metaphors and stories made us learn quickly and easily.
At first, he played with us, then we learned playing together with him. An in the end, we started to learn playing with life.
NLP became easier and more understandable with Mrs. Mehpare’s warm heart and knowledge.
The jumpy, curious and excited wait starting at the very first minutes left it’s place to hours lived with happiness and serenity. At the end of the first day, we started to look for the second day already.
Finally, as a doctor, some vast and meaningful changes have started with baby steps in my life, my profession and me, myself. Especially, the change that Mr. Holt created on me was miraculously unbelievable.
I’d like to thank Mr. Phillip Holt, Mrs. Mehpare and her team for this opportunity.
Dr. Ceyda PASA
Thank you for your message.
Amway, Turkey
Working with and training companies or corporates, is as satisfying as delivering public training courses.
I have been fortunate to work with a number of companies around the world, including in China:-
Shanghai Airlines
in Turkey:-
Global Communications – Turkcell
Çirağan Palace Hotel
In Sri Lanka:-
British American Tobacco, BAT
to name but a few.
I am having the pleasure to be working with distributors from Amway, who have been attending in Istanbul a course split over three sessions, to learn leadership skills, negotiation and communication using NLP.
Amway in Istanbul
Working with NLP-Time based in Istanbul, and who now represent me, we are covering a lot of ground, and it is a pleasure to work with those who want to achieve excellence which they can learn so easily.
It is especially pleasing to me to be able to impart knowledge that will help companies increase turn-over and productivity, and yet giving staff help in developing themselves.
Today I visited an exhibition in Istanbul on Albert Einstein.
Albert Einstein
It is being held until the 2nd March 2008, in the Doğuş Power Center in Maslak, Istanbul, this is quite a large exhibition of the work of Einstein, which left me a little confused about his work on relativity, which I thought I had cracked.
I know light travels at 300,000 kms, but the way it was displayed and described, got me thinking about my understanding again on the law of relativity, and asking the guide got him confused too.
I toured the exhibition twice as on the first round I understood little of his great thinking. Well it was written in Turkish and I read nor speak any Turkish, I did have an English recording of the tour, but really it did not give very much information.
At each point of interest was a guide, speaking in Turkish, and they attracted quite large groups to their talks, the children in the groups, seemed especially to be transfixed in what they were saying. That left me feeling quite inadequate at my inability to understand E=mc² and the law of relativity.
As I toured the exhibition I came across a saying from Albert Einstein which says:-
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
It was stated that Einstein got the answer to a problem from far fewer “hints” or pieces of information that other scientists, he had the ability to quickly gather results with very little knowledge or information.
It was also said that he loved fun, so the picture below is to honour Albert Einstein and his contribution to mankind as a great thinker, scientist, peacemaker and fun loving man.
Fun Loving Albert Einstein
Great exhibition if you are in Istanbul.