To day I start another leg of what should be a three month tour, giving training in a number of countries, UK, Turkey, Italy and Bahrain. Where and when I will be at any time, I just do not know, as due to no fault of my own, plans change. Three of my courses were canceled by the organisers in Istanbul, with little notice, leaving me with a travel plan of flights, paid for and confirmed, to be in a city and country with nothing to do, where no-body loves me, not earning money, instead costing me money. Like a road, starting from a given place, we start a journey, planing to reach a destination. In the UK, some major roads are given the prefix ‘A’, will start in London, developed centuries ago, probably by the Romans, ending in towns and cities which would have important communication and strategic importance. The ‘A1’ London to Edinborough, ‘A2’ London to Dover, ‘A3’ London to Portsmouth, ‘A4’ London to Bath, ‘A5’ London to Holyhead. They all have an end As we plan our journey, we may look at a map, picking out the places we must pass, the towns, the junctions of other roads, which will tell us if we are on track, and how our journey is going. From this information, we will estimate how long the journey will take as a whole, and as we progress, we will be able to know if will make the timetable. We may arrange to meet friends, colleagues, contacts on our journey, and give specific dates and times for these meetings, hoping that we are not delayed and that the others will turn-up. How frustrating it is to plan a journey only to find at the last minute that these people have canceled for a multitude of reasons, some genuine, some just an excuse. As we progress the journey, we may find that there are road works, the road is being repaired or changed. These may slow down our journey, and often as we pass the road works, all we see are the barriers that have been put up, but no people working there. Sometimes due to an accident, major road construction, we are diverted via another route. Sometimes these diversions are well sign posted, making our journey a little longer, but easy. Sometimes the diversions are not there, or have been removed, leaving us to find our own way, floundering, wondering around in a mist of confusion. Often as we continue, forever aiming to get to our destination, we see and meet people who may be trying to get to the same place, or a place on or near the route we are taking. We may feel it is right to give these people a lift, help them on their journey, after all, it can be companionship, friendship, business. Often, these people take us off our route, take a diversion, from the journey we had planned to take. Perhaps they are wanting to go to the seaside for a holiday, to seek new business, a new life, to attend a meeting themselves. Often have we given such a person a lift, we have been invited to become part of their dreams, to become part of their life, business, they tell us that they will keep in contact, telephone, communicate, yet like dreams they rarely come true, they are forgotten when they reach their destination, and we come back to our own journey, reality. Yet we had spent time and perhaps money in being with these people. It is good to know that we have helped others reach their goal. No matter how much we plan, things can go wrong, we have breakdowns, and we may have to seek help, or repair the faults ourselves, either temporary or long lasting. There will always be a way to solve our problems. If we can solve the problem ourselves, we can often save a fortune, as people will often take advantage of our temporary breakdowns. But sometimes we are lucky to find a good person who for no gain to themselves, help us through the hours of need. We are and should be continually adjusting our route on the journey, our timings, our plans, to be adjustable, but how many of us are just too busy to allocate time for these diversions, breakdowns? How many of us allow time to notice the places of interest on our journey, let alone allow time to visit them? There are so many places of interest on a journey, the majority not marked on the map we made our plan from (visit The Map is not the Territory). We need to keep our eyes open, to use ‘Phillip’s Sausage’, Win Wenger’s ‘Sidebands’, to notice the unusual, the things we are not usually aware of. Perhaps visiting the places of interest will enrich our life and knowledge, even if the information has no relevance to our present journey, it may seal a previous outstanding issue, or prepare us for something in the future. How many of us decide to take the easy route, keep to the ‘A’ roads, take no diversions? How many of us expect others to drive us to our destination, letting them take the risks, frustrations, heartaches? Sometimes we have to allow others to help us, like we would for them. A journey can be so much more fun, exciting and enlightening if we take the ‘B’ roads sometimes, the minor roads, see and experience things from a different perspective. No matter what happens, a journey will end. Some roads have a beginning and an end. Some roads short, just a street, some roads are long covering many miles or kilometers, towns, cities, countries, continents, allowing us experience and learn so much. Some roads have no beginnings or endings, the ring roads, the major motorway around London for example, the M25, they are a continuous circle. If we stay on these roads we will see or learn nothing new. We must have a plan, know which exit to take, be willing to get off, and change our route.
Author: nlpnow
17 Ekim Cuma günü saat 20:00’de Phillip Holt ilköğretim 2. kademe – lise öğrenci ve velilerine yönelik “Ailece Sınava Hazırlanıyoruz” konulu paylaşında bulunacaktır
Tonight I have just returned from giving a two hour seminar at Özel Sanko Okulları or Sanko School in Gaziantep, Turkey.
The seminar attracted some 250 attendees, from teachers, parents and pupils and covered memory and learning skills for the preparation and passing of exams.
After a full days training in NLP, and a quick meal, Mehpare who translates for me and myself had a great night delivering the contents, and it was fantastic to see and get the feedback from the attendees.

NLP Diploma, Gaziantep
Having just finished an NLP Diploma course in Gaziantep, Southern Turkey, I find myself with a rare day off, when I can relax, catch-up on my emails, work and friends.
It is wonderful to work with participants, who are willing to experiment, experience new ideas, explore perhaps subjects that the knew already yet never put into action yet.
It is a joy to watch the different personalities emerge throughout the two days, and the changes that can be achieved in that time for the participants and myself.
Yes, even changes in myself, for although I maybe giving the training, I too change as I discover new ideas from the participants, realise points I had missed over the many times I had delivered the courses, having that ‘Aha‘ experience, ‘now I understand‘ time, and notice where I can improve my delivery, adapting to the environment, the people, the changing situations and my own body and mind.
It is also good to be with friends, to talk, to communicate, catch-up on news, exchange ideas, challenge each other with beliefs and culture, yet keep in harmony, sharing and supporting, being there.
As I sit here on a wonderful sunny day, I can prepare myself for the next 7 days of training and presentations, realising that although I am tired, I love my job.

NPL Diploma Course, Gaziantep, South Turkey. Oct 2008
It always rains in London
It is often said to me in conversations with people I meet around the world, that it always rains in London. They say that they should take their umbrella with them.
I could challenge them with the NLP Meta Model UNIVERSAL QUANTIFIER, but invite them to experience London themselves to find out that it does not rain that often.
This was reminded to me whilst in Istanbul over the last couple of weeks, when it seemed to be raining a lot, and I used my umbrella.

It always rains in Istanbul.
Two Phillip Holt’s
Over the last couple of days, news has come to me that I am in two places at the same time.
How can that be?
There seems to be two of me.
There is the one in my shoes now giving training, and another one here in Istanbul, Turkey, who is teaching hypnosis.
I became confused as I know which one is me, I am in my shoes, and my feet hurt, so I know it is me.
Perhaps my feet hurt because there is someone else getting in my shoes at the same time.
There has always been ‘Little Phillip‘ trainers, people who have been on my courses and copied what I do, and then deliver the same courses, often word for word, even using my same stories or metaphors and jokes, but this is different.
A person calling themselves Phillip Holt, is delivering hypnosis in courses.
The strange thing is this person is Turkish. Surely they must realise that ‘Phillip Holt‘ is not a Turkish name, and the participants will realise that something strange is going on.
Just in case the person wants to copy me even more, he should make his hair grey, grow a beard, age a little, speak English with a British accent, and put on some weight.
Just in case he does not know what I look like this is a picture of me.

The real Phillip Holt
I am jealous
I am jealous.
I have just finished a nine and a half day training session here in Istanbul, Turkey, from 9am in the morning to 6pm in the evening. As usual, by the time I have finished the days training, I am tired, and just want to put my feet up in my hotel room, review the training I have given during the day, and prepare for the next day, as to what I need to include, how I can help individual participants, and then go and get something to eat.
The region I stay in is the major tourist area of Istanbul near Taxim Square, and it appears I am the only long stay guest. Perhaps because of the amount of time I am here, I should look for an apartment for myself, does anyone know of somewhere?
One of the best times of the day for me is breakfast. It is when my mind is fresh from a nights sleep, I have got rid of any of the bad thoughts and ideas in my dreams, I have had my subconscious mind working on the problems of life during my sleep, I can see things more clearly and it is a time for reflection.
Sitting in the Seminal Hotel, eating my small breakfast, I watch the other guests enter the breakfast room, families, groups, rarely single guests, take their table and help themselves to copious amounts of food.
How can they eat so much and some of the them so thin? I am jealous.
I watch as they talk to each other, laughing, smiling, talking, conversing. I am jealous.
I hear the many languages spoken, Arabic, French, German, Greek and Turkish. Why can’t I talk their tongue as my translator can? I am jealous.
I wonder what they will be doing today, Sightseeing? I am jealous.
In the evening, I walk up to Taxim Square and down to Tunel along the car free street of shops, and see friends walking and talking, lovers holding hands, tourists taking photographs. I am jealous.
Looking into restaurants and eating houses, with hunger eating at my stomach, watching diners chatting away. I am jealous.
I get back to my room alone, and hear people in the next room talking. I am jealous.
Then I hear a argument start in a language I cannot understand, shouting and banging of doors.
Now I understand why I should not be jealous, I am safe in my little room, no arguments, and I can telephone friends and family who I know will want to talk to me.
Happy Bayramlar
Happy Bayramlar to all my Turkish readers.
Today is a holiday in Turkey, the end of Ramadan when sweets are eaten to celebrate the end of the fast.
It is also known as Seker Bayrami.
So I am sitting here waiting for the participants arrive late for the NLP Practitioner course here in Istanbul, as we start late so that they can celebrate the Bayram with their families.
Today starts a three month trip
It is early morning start today, as I start a three month tour of Turkey, Bahrain and Italy.
With nearly back-to-back training and talks, few days off, it will keep me active that is for sure.
We will be giving NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, Mind Mapping, PhotoReading, Coaching, Memory courses, presentations and talks at the Mind Festival in Bahrain, seeing clients on a 1-2-1 basis who will be travelling to see me from long distances.
Great work, little time for the internet and the blog, so see you all soon.
The shippers arrive
Today the shippers arrived to pack and ship household goods to Malaysia.
They say there are times in life which are highly stressful. Moving jobs, marriage, divorce, loosing a loved one, death and moving home.
I am highly stressed.
Friday coming I start a training tour, giving courses in Turkey, Bahrain, Italy, which will last until Christmas.
The following Monday Mee Len will leave Norbiton Hall, Kingston upon Thames, the UK to the home in Bukit Mertajam, Malaysia
I am calling upon my friends, Fred, Antonio, Mustapha to pull me through.
Stage Hypnosis course finishes
It is now down-time for me after a two day intensive Stage Hypnosis course held in London.
In the two days we cover a lot, although I have learned to frame the content in such a way that it is fun, easy to learn and enjoyable, and perhaps the participants only realise at the end of the course, how much they have learned, how much content they have absorbed.
Our intentionally small group, so that we can give near 1-on-1 tuition, came from many countries, the UK, Poland, Italy, Albania and Slovenian, some having had no experience of even being hypnotised before in their life, (well they thought they had not), one studying for a PhD in the art of Stage Hypnosis, hypnotherapists, NLPer’s and those just interested.

Some of the participants from the stage hypnosis course
It is always interesting bringing the group to the same level of knowledge enabling them to stage a show if they so wished.
Unlike other courses where the trainers seem to like their own voices, and just lecture, the participants actually put into practice the different elements, the inductions, re-inductions and routines, bringing all together at the end of the second day with a show of their own, performed with real “stars” and in front of others.

Learning hands-on the art and tricks of Stage Hypnosis.
I am going to look forward to the many more course I will give around the world and the next one in London, March 2009. If you want to be part of that group, book early now. Click link here to book.
Thank you guys, you made my weekend a great experience, and remember, I want to see you again on my future courses as always free of charge.