Memory Mind Maps Presentations

A day with Tony Buzan

Spending a day with great presenters is always a pleasure for me. It is how I have learned to be what I am, to develop my style of training and presenting, and certainly I know and recognise, I have a different style than others.

My style works for most participants, not all, as all presenters, they will have those that love them, and those that hate them. That is human nature. That is why you have those that follow Richard Bandler and those that follow John Grindler (co-founders of NLP), those that follow Manchester United and those that follow Manchester City (football teams).

A large group of participants had gathered in the Savoy Place, in London, to learn from Tony Buzan, Mind Maps, Memory and how and why we can achieve great things with the workings of our brains. This course, the first of a new series in the UK, will be run I hope many times, for if you can, it is worth attending and learning with Buzan.

Also at the Savoy Place, were other people I have come across during my journey of learning of human potential, Dominic O’Brien (ex World Memory Champion), Philip Chambers (World Mind Map Champion), Raymond D. Keene. OBE (International Chess Grandmaster), Hilde Jaspaert (International presenter and trainer), and participants from my own courses around the world.

No matter who you meet, where you go, what you see, what you hear, what you touch, what you smell or taste, (NLP modalities), your life will be enriched and changed, as new neuro pathways are made, new memories encoded, new experiences you can draw upon as you go on a Transderivational Search, to process and understand experiences.