Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Travels Videos

Preview of a TV program with Phillip Holt in Sri Lanka

In 2003, I appeared on Sri Lanka’s TV program called Business Matters with Parakrama Dissanayake, talking about NLP, PhotoReading, Mind Maps and how to achieve excellence.

This is a preview, whilst I load the whole program.


Download podcast now (click).

Hypnosis Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Recommendation Turkish

A Recommenn in Turkish ( Türkçe ) for the courses I do by Mine Balik

A recommendation from Mine Balik for some of the courses I do in Turkey.

Mine has translated some of the Meta Model (Click to view) into Turkish, Türkçe, on this site.

Thank you.



Another weekend. More food and no hot water.

This weekend we have been visited by our niece Pei Theng Ng, a Malaysian national, who has just finished her degree at the London School of Economics (LSE) in London. She has now decided to get her MSc at the University here in Kingston upon Thames.

                                                        Basil Diner (click to read and see menu). It is a good quality restaurant, serving fantastic food for a reasonable price. The problem is the location. Parking is I think a problem, thus diners are few. Such a pity.

                                                         Dim Sum(C4more).


Oh Poo Poo, (click to understand) there is no hot water again, such is life, be a good uncle, do what I have to do.

NLP Turkish

NLP Now – Meta Model – BELİRSİZ YÜKLEMLER – Türkçe – Turkish

                                                                                                                                              English version

Meta Model yüzeysel seviyedeki veya silinerek aktarılan bilgideki kullandığımız dil kalıplarına bakar.

Kullanılan ifadelerde harekete veya ilgili şeye ait tanımlayıcı yüklemin olmaması durumudur.

Kullanılan ifade:

 “Yağmur yağıyor”

Meydan Okuma :

“Yağmur ne şiddette yağıyor.“

Kullanılan ifade :

“Bana vurdu.“

Meydan okuma:

“ Sana ne şiddette vurdu ?”

translation by E. MINE BALIK

Mind Maps Recommendation Turkish

Recommendation for Phillip Holt’s Mind Maps Türkçe – Turkish

Sahika Alkan

A recommendation for Phillip Holt’s training in Mind Maps. Türkçe – Turkish

See other recommendations (click here.)


Replacement of railway bridge in Kingston upon Thames

As I have written in a previous entry, I hardly use my cars at all. We are blessed in London with a great public transport system, that is cheap, frequent and reliable. For under £7, you can purchase a travel card, and travel throughout London all day on trains, the underground (metro) or buses.


All is well if the systems works.

There could be engineering works, strike by the transport workers, the wrong sort of weather, (eg snow), there could be leaves on the rails so that the trains cannot move, a passenger intervention or a passenger taken ill. These excuses wil cause delays or cancellations.

Then the system does not work. But, this is OK if one knows in advance, you can take and make alternative arrangements.

I happened to notice a road sign which said that the main road into Norbiton and Kingston upon Thames, London Road, would be closed between August 7th till August 16th for bridge replacement.

            SouthWest Trains would inform their own staff what will be happening so that travelers can make alternative arrangements, if they are to close the railway line.

see also Norbiton Railway Bridge Replacement


Oh a hot shower

The simple things in life comes to he that waits.

Today we have hot (ish) water for showers and washing.

Since the flood one week ago, and the lack of hot water as the boiler room was flooded, I listen and watched a some residents became frustrated and some angry.

These people seem to get through life by shouting, abusing others, venting their frustration with their anger.

Here in Norbiton Hall, we have a parking problem. Although there are roads in the complex, there is just enough space to have perhaps one parking space per flat.

Around the streets of Kingston upon Thames and Norbiton, they have strict parking enforcement, with parking wardens ready to place a parking fine ticket on any car not displaying a parking permit, paying to park on the street, or that their time has run out. It is both expensive to park here, and even more expensive to get caught not paying to park.

As our estate is private land, we can park for free, but then the office workers in the area try and use our spaces, visitors or shoppers do the same, as do residents from other areas. Using our limited spaces.


Residents now have more than one car per flat, especially those flats where they have multiple occupancies, students (were do they get the money, I thought they were poor) from Kingston University, more and more immigrants, all putting more strain on the limited spaces. 

So the management have placed a parking badge scheme, each flat has the right to a parking badge assigned to a specific car, plus one visitors permit. This can be abused too, by people letting family, friends or others use the permits.

If there is a car parked in the grounds without a permit, we have a security firm who will clamp the car, and it costs the owner a lot of money to get it freed. There are plenty of warnings at the entrances to the estate, but some who choose not to notice or think they can get away with it, pay the penalty.

When these people loose their temper, get angry, shouting and cursing, not only do they upset the staff, other residents listening to them, but also themselves in a big way. 

There are rules why we have to have the system in place, else the residents will have nowhere to park. But, some people only see things from their point of view, there cat on the mat. (click to read).

There was no reason to get upset about the lack of water, it was a simple thing that got resolved, and now we can appreciate the simple things in life.


The Simple Things in Life

It is the simple things in life that we become unaware of in our daily life. Perhaps it is the Miller 7+/- 2 (click) where we are only aware of a very small amount of the vast information about the environment around us.

Here in Norbiton Hall we are still without hot water since the floods. (click to read story). The engineers to repair the boiler come at about 8am in the morning and leave at just after 2pm. What a job, and they can charge a very heavy fee for their work. I must be in the wrong job.

Just to turn the hot water tap on and have a shower seems so natural, it is when there is only very cold water that you appreciate what you do not have.

My travels and training courses take me to many parts of the world, and I can be away for weeks at a time. That means I do not use my cars, they just sits in the garage.

Modern cars have lots of electronics that are using electricity power even when you are not using the car, so the battery becomes drained. It was when I went to use the car yesterday, that I found that the car battery was dead, no power, I could not even open the car doors. It is times like this that you appreciate just what it is like to jump into a car and go to where ever you want.

I probably do 1,000 miles a year in my two cars, so I spend more on replacing batteries than I do in petrol or gas.

The telephone system has not been available, so I have not been able to contact people or use the internet for a while. I felt quite lost. Not only that, the supplier of the blog was updating their software, so I could not access my site, I felt very frustrated.

It is when we become too used to our friends and loved ones, they are always there, that we take them for granted. It is only when they are not there, and we need some help or love that we miss them.

I must become even more aware of what I have and appreciate it, even the simple things.

Books Hypnosis NLP

The Intention Experiment

There is so much information available to you out there, it is just waiting for you to look, listen, try, do and experience with an open mind.

You like me will want this information, to grow, understand and to pass on to others. That is why I love my job.

I love books. I read books.

There are so many books out there, and more coming every day. Every man and his dog has written a book is seems.

Some are good, some are bad, and most are just expressing the authors opinion, often a biased one sided opinion.

It is good to learn PhotoReading, to absorb words at 20,000 – 30,000 WPM (words per minute), to get through so much information, only going for the most important information relevant to our needs.

Some years ago I came across the film, What the Bleep Do We Know, and after watching the film a few times, it all made sense to me, This is what I teach and understand in NLP.

Eager to absorb more I joined IONS, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, (click for web site), and have been introduced to many ideas and sources of information.

I was sent a book by Lynne McTaggart titled The Intention Experiment from IONS, and immediately knew this book contained information I needed. After PhotoReading I knew I wanted to read this book word for word.

The book tells how you can use your thoughts to change your life and the world, not by this is how to do it and just do it, but by quoting research, actual people who did the research, why they did it and giving the outcomes, the results in plain easy to understand English, not in a language only science buffs will understand.

Lynne McTaggart explains technical terminology there and then, again in a non assuming way, making the reading easy and enjoyable. All her research is quoted in the bibliography, and it is extensive, with all the exciting developments in the science of intention.

The book even took me back to my childhood where I was asking many questions about what happens to thoughts. Can we transmit these thoughts, what happens to them, do they influence other people? It made me rethink what it is to be me, a human being. It proved that we are connected to everyone, everything, and that we had better pay attention to our thoughts, actions and intentions.

A good read, to open your mind to other ideas and the latest research.

More information can be obtained by visiting their web site (click here).

English Courses Travels Turkish

Life is just a short road

For most of the day I could not forget Dr. İbrahim Halil Zarif, a participant over the past few months on courses held in Istanbul, learning English.

I saw a quiet, considerate man, who always had a smile for all.

His life was taken along with his wife, by a gunman, leaving small children to face the rest of their lives without loving parents.

Life is but a stopping place along the road to eternity. We all have different journeys to take, different paths, and it is along the way that we meet others, to learn from them love, kindness and compassion.

Let us that remain to take that final road, pass on and teach to others that love, kindness and compassion, especially the children.