Exercises Hypnosis Memory NLP PhotoReading Stage Hypnosis

Manuals and Scripts

In my courses, be they an NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner, PhotoReading, Mind Maps, Memory or any of my courses, it is rare that I give handouts or manuals, as I wish to teach the participants implicitly, that is that they know how to do what I am training by doing,  by physically doing the exercises and what I teach.

I do not give out scripts say for the hypnosis, as I want participants to be themselves, to react to their clients and use the appropriate inductions and words that fit the moment.

Too often I have seen and heard hypnotists using scripts verbatim, even “hypnotists” who have the script written down and laminated, reading directly from something that was written maybe fifty years ago by someone else.

They fail to be responsive to the clients needs, give feedback to what is happening to the client, what is happening in the environment.

Yes there is a structure to what I teach, in the process, in how one element of the course leads, links into and is associated with other elements.

I remember one course in particular, where a participant had a list of everything, every element that they thought I should be covering in my training. As I taught the elements, the participant would cross it off their list. At breaks, this participant would say to the other members of the course :-

            “Oh, Phillip has now covered this on my list, but he has not done that.”

It took me a while to understand why I was being asked if I would be covering this or that, when in fact I had. This person had obtained “their training content list” from another training provider coming from another licensing organisation, which provided a very much condensed course, giving a manual for participants to read at home.

They failed to realise that this other organisation’s structure of training was different to mine, and that the “content names” had been changed to make their course seem original and unique to them.

It was when I obtained “their training content list,” and went through what we had covered already, that the rest of course participants realised that they had been taught more than the so called list had written down.

And so it is with scripts and manuals. People can rely too much on them. They should be used as a guide only, and the speaker or provider to be themselves, not someone else who wrote a script fifty years ago.

I recently attended a training where the participants were asked to read from a script as they worked on exercises with fellow trainees.

Oh how wooden and false the language used was.

Oh how much information or feedback that the “client” was giving was missed, because the giver, the reader had their face buried in the script.

Lastly, how many manuals or scripts are ever looked at again after a course or training? Mostly they are left under the bed.

I do give out manuals when appropriate along with sample scripts, for example within the stage hypnosis course, PhotoReading etc., but for reference only.

I train my participants how to do what I am teaching from their heart, by actually trying out what I am teaching in the course, learning by doing.

But for those that want an out-line script, I will be publishing them soon. Return here to my blog for more information or subscribe to the blog on the left, for regular updates.

Hypnosis Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Recommendation

News in the Trade Arabia – Middle East business information

My visit to Bahrain resulted in a number of press releases, news paper articles, and visiting newspaper photographers.

One release came from the Trade Arabia – Middle East business information web site.

Trade Arabia - Middle East business information
Click here to see the article.

Expert tips to polish learning skills
Manama: Wed, 14 May 2008

Phillip Holt

Internationally acclaimed trainer Phillip Holt is returning to Bahrain for 10 days of dynamic and enjoyable accelerated ‘superlearning’.

Phillip is a Master and Trainer in NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP), PhotoReading and MindMapping, accredited by the Society for NLP, Tony Buzan and Paul Scheele, the originators of these powerful tools for boosting brain power.

He works with World Memory Champions and  regularly appears on television and in the media and is sought after as a trainer across the world, running courses in his native UK, where he is director of NLP.

Phillip previously visited Bahrain in February when his first PhotoReading course was sold out in advance and received extremely positive feedback from all of the 31 participants, who included a variety of business people, doctors, professionals and students.

“The course was excellent” said Dr Jinan Darwish, a paediatrician. “Well organised and well-presented and executed.” 

“Phillip is an excellent trainer,” agreed Dawiya Nassir, a policy adviser. “It was very interesting. He really inspired us and made us believe that we can do it!”

A teacher who attended the course said “I learned a lot from Mr Phillip Holt, not just PhotoReading. His course gave me the motivation to start a new degree soon and I will be able to read as many books as I need.”

Student Katerina Al Qarainees said that the course was very enjoyable and beneficial.

“I can now learn not to cram a whole load of work before an exam but Photoread that book and extract relevant information in the exam.” 

Another student, Nevin Isaac Mathew said: “I really loved this course!”

Translator, Nadia Kazim, described the course as “Amazing… the first credit goes to our lovely instructor. I am sure it is going to add a radical change to my life.”

“I’m really not exaggerating if I say that this course doesn’t have any weak or boring aspects,” she said.
The course teaches innovative ways to read faster and with better recall and concentration and is certified by Paul Scheele, founder of PhotoReading and Director of Learning Strategies Corporation, the US, who originated this highly acclaimed ‘whole mind’ system that teaches how to:

PhotoRead the printed page at rates exceeding a page per second; Accelerate learning by reading in ways that are flexible, active and purposeful; Tap the reserve capabilities of the non-conscious mind; Integrate information for personal and professional benefits using ‘activation’ techniques, such as rapid reading and MindMapping.

The two-and-a-half day PhotoReading course will be held on Thursday (May 15) from 4.30-9pm and on Friday and Saturday, from 9 – 6 each day at the Elite Suites Hotel in Sanabis. It will be followed by a two-day intensive Memory Power and MindMapping course at the same venue on Monday and Tuesday, from 9-6 daily.

Holt will be teaching a two-part course for children aged 7-14. Superlearning for Kids starts on May 18 and has already sold out and has a waiting list for the next course.

Children will learn how to maximise their potential and creativity with accelerated learning, memory and reading skills using techniques developed by the genius of the world’s leading exponents of mind power.

Phillip Holt works with best-selling author ‘Mr Memory’ Tony Buzan, the originator of MindMapping and author of numerous best-selling books on memory and learning, and with Gianni Golfera, who has been described as “the man with the biggest memory in the world”.
TradeArabia News Service


I would like to thank all the participants and organisers for their help and input allowing me to train in Bahrain, and look forward to meeting you all again soon.


6 (Six) Step Reframe

Many problems or behaviours people have are being controlled at a subconscious level. We are not aware of processes of the brain, the mind, what it is going through, or the reason why we are doing what we are doing, it just happens.

The behaviour seems to be out of control of the conscious mind, no matter how hard you try to change the behaviour, the behaviour continues as your unconscious has control.

We have two minds, the subconscious and the conscious mind. Where they are, I do not know, but we know they are there. We talk to ourselves and are aware of our feelings, thoughts, the smells and tastes and the environment around us with the conscious mind, yet working away in the background is the subconscious mind, the automatic mind, the mind we are unaware of.

This subconscious mind is non questioning, black and white, takes things literally, unlike the conscious mind that questions, reasons if this is right or this is wrong, the mind that criticises, the critical mind.

It is believed that the subconscious is getting a secondary gain from creating an unwanted behaviour. Perhaps a client is crying all the time. Is there a secondary gain to get attention from others?

By removing the secondary gain people often say that they will have to substitute another secondary gain, for example, :-

     “if I give up smoking, I will put weight on, because it is said I will have to replace cigarettes with sweets.”

It has never been proven that giving-up cigarettes means people take-up eating sweets. If you believe that by removing one behaviour, then another will be put in its’ place, then think of something better to be the replacement behaviour, more sport, take-up a new hobby, etc.

Using the Six-Step Reframe (read the process) of NLP, enables you to find a positive intention that is more ecological, to give a better gain.

Because the Six-Step Reframe is working at the subconscious level, it is not necessary for the conscious mind to know what the new way is, the new process, what the new behaviour is. So be aware that change will happen.

The basic structure of the Six-Step Reframe is given here, but by using the Eyes Closed Process, hypnosis, and the imagination, results I have found are far stronger.


1. Identify the problem. What is the problem or behaviour you wish to change? To give-up smoking, stop biting the nails, procrastinating, etc. 

2. Establish a connection or communication with the unconscious mind that is responsible for the behaviour.  Gain a signal from the unconscious mind, (in NLP it is referred as the or a part), that you will be aware of, which will be one of the modalities (V,A,K,o,g), at a conscious level, it could be a thought like “YES”, a certain feeling.

3. What is the intention of the unconscious mind (part). We assume that each and every action at a subconscious level has a positive intention, so what is the positive intention of the behaviour, what is it trying to do? Separate it from the behaviour, so “Smoking” is the behaviour, the positive intention could be to “Relax”.

4. Ask the subconscious to find new ways to give or fulfill that positive intention. Everyone can be creative or has a creative part of them, ask the subconscious to find at least three new ways, that are more positive and beneficial than the old ways, noticing any signals given by step 2. when found. Often the conscious mind is unaware of what those three or more new positive and beneficial ways are.

5. Ask the subconscious mind, the part at step 3. that it will use one of the new ways in the future. Notice the feedback or signal given which was established in step 2.

6. Future pace or conduct an ecology check. Imagine yourself, or in NLP terms future pace, doing this new behaviour in the future. Do you feel OK, is it correct for you, have you any objections? If yes, then go back to step 4. to find a new way to fulfill the intention, and keep doing this loop until all objections have been removed.

Secondary gains can be replaced by the Six-Step Reframe, so that new behaviours can be generated. This process can be difficult to undertake by ones self, so it is better to get someone else to talk you through the process, and as previously mentioned, it is better run whilst in a relaxed, hypnotic state.


English Courses

It is sad to loose a friend

Saadet Kimyon

It is always sad to loose a friend, but especially one with whom one has experienced the ups and downs of life and work.

I have just heard that a fellow teacher/trainer I had worked with in Turkey, both in Istanbul and Ankara has passed away.

Saadet Kimyon, was a girl who had a smile, no matter what the experience she was going through, she always worked to her full potential, offering her participants she was teaching English to, only the best.

It is Saadet I mention in my courses, who had worked in England, near Oxford, for many years, only speaking and teaching in English.

It was when she returned to Turkey with her partner to live and work, that she found that though a native Turkish speaker, her ability to speak in her own tongue, was reduced.

It was through Saadet’s experience of memory usage, and relaying this to my participants in my metaphors, that we can understand that you must “use it, or loose it“.

If we do not practice or do what is taught or what we have learned, be it NLP, Mind Maps, Memory, PhotoReading or whatever, then what we have invested in time and money will be wasted.

But, I have said that whatever you have learned in the past, that memory or learning can be accessed and used again. It may take effort.

So it was with Saadet, she soon spoke Turkish as a native.

Saadet, may you rest in peace.

Coaching NLP

NLP Master Practitioner and Coaching in Bahrain

Another course ended last night here in Bahrain for NLP Master Practitioner and Coaching.

Now I am waiting to deliver the second half of Super Learning for Kids, 42 of them.

The NLP Master Practitioner and Coaching course was an interesting and a challenging course to run, with so many characters, levels of knowledge, both professional and that of previous knowledge of NLP.

NLP Master Practitioner and Coaching Course with Phillip Holt in Bahrain. NLP Master Practitioner and Coaching Course, Bahrain.

It is interesting for me to encounter the results of other organisations understanding of what is NLP, and how they train participants.

Having worked with Richard Bandler for many years, and being a licensed trainer of the Society of NLP, the standard NLP Practitioner course would be 7 days. But then I come across people who had been trained to the “same level” in 4 days by other organisations. I have to ask, what has been missed out, what has not been taught, have the participants actually had experience of and practiced the techniques and ideas covered by the NLP Practitioner syllabus?

Certainly, I have had to catch participants up with missing knowledge, teach for example, the Pattern Interrupt technique, or what is known as the handshake interrupt.

I am grateful for being able to work with the likes of Richard Bandler, John Gindler, Ormond McGill, Paul McKenna, Paul Scheele, Buzan etc, directly, so that I can give my participants firsthand what they need to know, and to reach the standards demanded by the originators.

It is also fantastic to know that those people who attend my courses, often go on to gain licenses for themselves to give training, even if perhaps they replace me in their countries, by offering what I do themselves.

Back to the UK next, straight after the end of todays Super Learning for Kids course. I hope I can sleep on the flight home.

Memory Mind Maps Travels

Mind Maps and Memory in Bahrain

I have been teaching and providing Mind Mapcourses as a Buzan Licensed Trainer (BLI), for a number of years, for both corporate clients such as HSBC Bank (Shanghai), Global Communications (Turkey), Superfilm (Turkey), private 1-2-1 clients, educational such as schools and universities, and public courses.

Also I have been giving courses for memory, based on the World Memory Champions, and the work of Gianni Golfera, again providing for clients as above.

Both courses are given individually lasting for one day each, but I found that by combining the two courses into one course, the results are far stronger, and the participants gain more benefit from them.

And so it was in Bahrain. I ran a Mind Map and Memory course, organised by MakeOver Experience (click to view courses in Bahrain), with a mixed participant list ranging from twelve years of age to old-uns like me, with outstanding results.

They were able to recall lists of random words (40+), told them once only, not only from beginning to end, and backwards too. Lists of numbers with ease. I was even more surprised when on the next day after the end of the course, some participants who are attending my current course were repeating the lists to astonished people.

Oh I love my job. Sometimes.

Phillip Holt runs a Memory and Mind Maps course in Bahrain


The First Super Learning For Kids, Bahrain

On Sunday, we ran the first half of a course designed for children between the ages of 7 and 14 called Super Learning for Kids in Bahrain.

In total we had 42 children, all very alive and demanding.

The course covered Mind Maps and Memory Skills. The second session will continue with Mind Maps plus reading skills.

Phillip Holt introducing the first course of Super Learning for Kids in Bahrain
Some of the children at the first Super Learning for Kids in Bahrain.

It was the longest course I have run this week although it was only three hours long.

The organisers, Philip and Laila Edwards of the MakeOver Experience have since run other Super Learning For Kids. 

PhotoReading in Bahrain

Today I have finished a 2.5 day course in PhotoReading course in Bahrain with fourteen delightful people, at the start of 11 day training stint.

Phillip Holt teaches PhotoReading in Bahrain, May 2008
PhotoReading in Bahrain, May 2008


A wedding party, but I was not invited

Last night here in Bahrain there was a wedding party, but I was not invited.

I had just finished day two of a PhotoReading course organised by the MakeOver Experience (click to view courses in Bahrain), and was looking forward to a quiet night watching a recording of the BBC program The Apprentice on my UK TV via the internet and Slingbox.

Typical hotel charges of 6BD or about £12 for twenty four hours access to the internet, not good value really as I will be asleep for say 8 hours, then today I will be running the last day of the PhotoReading course, but at 2BD or £4 and hour, it is cheaper to buy 24 hours.

I enjoy The Apprentice, the characters, personalities, the games they play trying to win a job with Sir Alan Sugar.

Then the ceiling of my 9th floor room in the Elite Hotel, Bahrain, began to drum as a band started playing Arabic music, heavy with base instruments and drums.

Chairs were being moved across the floor of the venue above me.

I contacted reception to ask how long the party would be going on until, and I was informed “2am”.

Oh Poo Poo. I need sleep. I have been kept awake by different sounds, but I have never slept with a dance band or at a wedding party.

Without any hesitation, I was invited to change rooms, to be upgraded to a Gold Suite, and lots of apologizes.

All I want is a quiet room of reasonable quality, a shower, and a TV, not a suite. But I am not complaining.

Thank you Elite Hotel.

Elite Hotel, Bahrain

NLP Presentations


A large number of staff from the Turkish Bank, DenizBank, (deniz meaning sea in English), attended one of three,  three hour presentation I gave at their wonderful academy facilities in Şişli a district in Istanbul. My presentation was part of a larger course they were attending.

I had worked with a number of DenizBank staff before, when they attended a course called “Learn English with NLP“, given by a previous company I worked with (see Category Archives headed English Courses in the left hand column). I provided the NLP portion of the training. The course to learn English lasted nine days, from 9am until 9pm. I had three sessions with the attendees, in the morning 9am till 9:45am, at lunch time from 1:30pm until 2pm, and then in the evening from 6pm until 6:45pm.

Each of the three presentations given in DenizBank’s Şişli academy had nearly three hundred attendees, and I covered three aspects of NLP for them to understand and learn from. What are the anchors they are giving to fellow staff members and to customers, what impressions are they leaving people? What feedback do they give others? How to stay strong with MustaphaAntonio or Fred.

Under the spot lights on the stage it was hot, and time just slipped by so quickly, but my timing was spot on. I had been given exact times to start and finish, as the attendees had other presentations to catch.

DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul
DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul

Phillip Holt with translator Arzu at DenizBank seminar





DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul
Demonstrating an NLP technique
DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul
DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul
DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul
DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul


DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul

Phillip Holt works with attendees at DenizBank seminar

DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul
DENİZBANK Presentation, Istanbul