Over the last month I have been very busy, traveling, giving training, getting trained, working and trying to relax.
Thank you for all your messages, asking if I was still about, what was happening to me.
It has been a strange time. It has had its’ ups and downs. But during these last few weeks I must admit that I have not been one hundred percent. A very strange situation.
Perhaps my experiences may help others in a similar state or situation.
A couple of years ago in Southern Turkey I was asked to do a scuba dive, (visit http://www.nlpnow.net/scuba.htm to see some of my diving pictures ) which much to my embarrassment, did not go well. This resulted in taking myself to the doctors in the UK for a medical check. See More on noticing Feedback – continued
I had certain symptoms, aches in my neck and jaw on occasions, excessive sweating, light headed, but I had dismissed these as being over weight, lack of exercise, and being unfit.
My doctors smelt a rat, (I will explain in another blog the meaning), and sent me for many tests, which led to them discovering a problem with the old heart, resulting with a stent being inserted, a coronary angioplasty.
I was told that I would have to take tablets to control blood pressure, the viscosity or thickness of the blood, the heart beat and my cholesterol levels. I would have to modify my diet and exercise regime. I would need to change my way of life.
These tablets were Asprin, Clopidogrel, Bendroflumethiazide, Simvastatin and Atenolol.
At the outset my blood was so thin that when I bled from a small cut, it would not clot, it would not heal for a long time. At one time in Turkey I had an ear bleed in the middle of the night which would not stop for a long time. When it did, the resultant clot of blood produced a plug in the ear which I could not remove, and it took a lot of insistence on my part to get specialised medical help to get it out, some six months plus later.
I stopped taking the Clopidogrel after one year which meant that my blood was allowed to thicken up.
My problems did not stop my work. I put more effort into my presentations, my trainings and just got on with life.
But, as I teach in my courses, the brain is just a piece of meat, run by electricity and chemicals, get the levels or the combinations wrong, and we are in trouble.
The drugs above I am taking are taking a toll on the functionality, the working of my brain.
My personality has changed I am sure. My ability to stay calm has been reduced, my memory ability has changed.
I know of these changes. I do not like them, and I can tell when these changes are happening, but I have the ability to make compensations, to make myself calm, not to loose my coolness, to find new ways to enhance the memory.
Some months ago I had a problem with my eyes, maybe resulting from the drugs, see The most precious thing in life, sight , and I had to seek emergancy hospital assistance. So, with the input from knowing what had happened from the medical practitioners, I had to find a way around that problem, so much so that it has put itself right, as was acknowledged in a hospital check-up visit two days ago.
But, on a recent visit to the doctors to renew the drug prescription above, the doctor asked me questions which resulted in him increasing the doze of Atenolol. Twice the amount.
It was not long before I realised how much the increase in the drug was having on my body and brain.
Measuring my heart beat now, it is 48 beats per minute, a normal male should be 74 bpm. I have slowed down. No wonder I have to push myself so much.
But the worse thing is my memory. My short term memory has gone wild, sometimes I can remember and sometimes I cannot, not even what I have just spocken about or done. It is very strange, and I know it is happening. I have had to find a way to compensate for it, to find a strategy to place short term memory in my consciousness. And, I have a strategy, I can cope.
Talking to medical professionals, these symptoms can be experienced by people taking Atenolol, many patients refusing to take the drug. So under advice of my doctor I will reduce the strength of Atenolol.
So if you know of someone dear to you, a work colleague or you yourself taking a drug, especially Atenolol, please be aware of the effects it can have on the functionality of the brain, the memory.
Now where did I put my shoes? I have to go for a walk, my daily exercise.
Nobody loves me
One of the worse aspects of my job is the time I have to spare between my training courses and presentations.
Due to cancellations in Turkey of an NLP course, (sorry folks), I find myself back in the UK, all alone, nobody to speak to, just the salespeople on the telephone, trying to sell me advertising space, new windows, home and car insurance, or the cashier waiting to take my money.
Oh Poo Poo, nobody loves me.

see whole picture
So, I have to do my own washing, shirts, socks, underwear.
I have to strip the bed, Wash the sheets.
After washing, I have to iron.
I have to prepare my meals. Well actually I have been cheating, getting talk-aways.
I have to clear up after myself, unpack my suitcase, make the bed, do the washing-up, vacuum and dust.
I have had too much time to reflect on what could have been.
It is all too much, I just want to cry.

I have played with electronics, to get Slingbox to output to a normal television anywhere I am in the world, allowing me to watch my English home TV.
I have been able to catch-up on reading and research on new subjects.
I have had time to become a Master Trainer of Tony Buzan’s iMindMaps.
I have had time to go into a retreat, to reevaluate myself.
I have had time to check my health out, to have my smiley eyesight reviewed.
It is not all that bad, it is the way I look at my time.
Perhaps somebody does love me?

see whole picture
You’ve got to laugh
I have been very busy these last two months, giving courses and presentations in the UK, Italy, Turkey and Bahrain. I have been educating myself becoming a Master Trainer with the computer software for Mind Maps, iMindMap.
The whole trip was to be three months, lasting until 15th December, but one company canceled the arranged courses I was to do, leaving me a huge bill and difficulty in rearranging flights. Not only have I lost out, but participants have lost-out, some have had to rearrange holidays and work, my translators have also lost work.
So today I am off to the UK for an early bath.
It is no good crying over spilt milk, so you’ve got to laugh.
If you have lost a contract, a loved one, a set of keys, a romance, visit http://www.ohpoopoo.com.
What we did with the chocolate cake
The big chocolate cake I was given, was carefully carried back to Mehpare’s house where I am staying. I know just the thing, we can have a party. Mehpare‘s children Ata and Basak, will love that.
Half an hour after arriving home, there is a knock on my apartment door.
There is Ata with a drawing he had coloured for me, and a present that Basak had made me.

So, there was nothing for it, but to have a ‘birthday’ party, light the candles, light the sparklers, cut the cake, and eat it.
Ata, Basak, Mehpare, Gul the housekeeper, and myself ate a piece of the cake and played some games.

So much left. Oh well I am sure Mehpare‘s husband Necdet will enjoy a slice or two after I have gone to Bahrain
Another Chocolate Cake
It has been an exercise I have given myself whilst training, to see how quickly I could get a chocolate cake to appear from the participants within the course. Over the last few months I have not played so much with this task, thinking about my health and my diet. In my last courses in Gaziantep, Turkey, providing NLP training, I must have unconsciously sent a message of chocolate cake to the participants, for surely I planted a seed that grew. A chocolate cake was not in my mind as an outcome. Therefore no chocolate came, well apart from the one from the Nippon Hotel in Istanbul. It was after working 1-2-1 with a client on Monday evening, with a young man with a personal issue, that a very large chocolate cake arrived, a thank you gift from him and his mother.

I would have a heart attack if I ate it all myself. I am hungry, so I am sure I will find a way.
To day I start another leg of what should be a three month tour, giving training in a number of countries, UK, Turkey, Italy and Bahrain. Where and when I will be at any time, I just do not know, as due to no fault of my own, plans change. Three of my courses were canceled by the organisers in Istanbul, with little notice, leaving me with a travel plan of flights, paid for and confirmed, to be in a city and country with nothing to do, where no-body loves me, not earning money, instead costing me money. Like a road, starting from a given place, we start a journey, planing to reach a destination. In the UK, some major roads are given the prefix ‘A’, will start in London, developed centuries ago, probably by the Romans, ending in towns and cities which would have important communication and strategic importance. The ‘A1’ London to Edinborough, ‘A2’ London to Dover, ‘A3’ London to Portsmouth, ‘A4’ London to Bath, ‘A5’ London to Holyhead. They all have an end As we plan our journey, we may look at a map, picking out the places we must pass, the towns, the junctions of other roads, which will tell us if we are on track, and how our journey is going. From this information, we will estimate how long the journey will take as a whole, and as we progress, we will be able to know if will make the timetable. We may arrange to meet friends, colleagues, contacts on our journey, and give specific dates and times for these meetings, hoping that we are not delayed and that the others will turn-up. How frustrating it is to plan a journey only to find at the last minute that these people have canceled for a multitude of reasons, some genuine, some just an excuse. As we progress the journey, we may find that there are road works, the road is being repaired or changed. These may slow down our journey, and often as we pass the road works, all we see are the barriers that have been put up, but no people working there. Sometimes due to an accident, major road construction, we are diverted via another route. Sometimes these diversions are well sign posted, making our journey a little longer, but easy. Sometimes the diversions are not there, or have been removed, leaving us to find our own way, floundering, wondering around in a mist of confusion. Often as we continue, forever aiming to get to our destination, we see and meet people who may be trying to get to the same place, or a place on or near the route we are taking. We may feel it is right to give these people a lift, help them on their journey, after all, it can be companionship, friendship, business. Often, these people take us off our route, take a diversion, from the journey we had planned to take. Perhaps they are wanting to go to the seaside for a holiday, to seek new business, a new life, to attend a meeting themselves. Often have we given such a person a lift, we have been invited to become part of their dreams, to become part of their life, business, they tell us that they will keep in contact, telephone, communicate, yet like dreams they rarely come true, they are forgotten when they reach their destination, and we come back to our own journey, reality. Yet we had spent time and perhaps money in being with these people. It is good to know that we have helped others reach their goal. No matter how much we plan, things can go wrong, we have breakdowns, and we may have to seek help, or repair the faults ourselves, either temporary or long lasting. There will always be a way to solve our problems. If we can solve the problem ourselves, we can often save a fortune, as people will often take advantage of our temporary breakdowns. But sometimes we are lucky to find a good person who for no gain to themselves, help us through the hours of need. We are and should be continually adjusting our route on the journey, our timings, our plans, to be adjustable, but how many of us are just too busy to allocate time for these diversions, breakdowns? How many of us allow time to notice the places of interest on our journey, let alone allow time to visit them? There are so many places of interest on a journey, the majority not marked on the map we made our plan from (visit The Map is not the Territory). We need to keep our eyes open, to use ‘Phillip’s Sausage’, Win Wenger’s ‘Sidebands’, to notice the unusual, the things we are not usually aware of. Perhaps visiting the places of interest will enrich our life and knowledge, even if the information has no relevance to our present journey, it may seal a previous outstanding issue, or prepare us for something in the future. How many of us decide to take the easy route, keep to the ‘A’ roads, take no diversions? How many of us expect others to drive us to our destination, letting them take the risks, frustrations, heartaches? Sometimes we have to allow others to help us, like we would for them. A journey can be so much more fun, exciting and enlightening if we take the ‘B’ roads sometimes, the minor roads, see and experience things from a different perspective. No matter what happens, a journey will end. Some roads have a beginning and an end. Some roads short, just a street, some roads are long covering many miles or kilometers, towns, cities, countries, continents, allowing us experience and learn so much. Some roads have no beginnings or endings, the ring roads, the major motorway around London for example, the M25, they are a continuous circle. If we stay on these roads we will see or learn nothing new. We must have a plan, know which exit to take, be willing to get off, and change our route.
17 Ekim Cuma günü saat 20:00’de Phillip Holt ilköğretim 2. kademe – lise öğrenci ve velilerine yönelik “Ailece Sınava Hazırlanıyoruz” konulu paylaşında bulunacaktır
Tonight I have just returned from giving a two hour seminar at Özel Sanko Okulları or Sanko School in Gaziantep, Turkey.
The seminar attracted some 250 attendees, from teachers, parents and pupils and covered memory and learning skills for the preparation and passing of exams.
After a full days training in NLP, and a quick meal, Mehpare who translates for me and myself had a great night delivering the contents, and it was fantastic to see and get the feedback from the attendees.

NLP Diploma, Gaziantep
Having just finished an NLP Diploma course in Gaziantep, Southern Turkey, I find myself with a rare day off, when I can relax, catch-up on my emails, work and friends.
It is wonderful to work with participants, who are willing to experiment, experience new ideas, explore perhaps subjects that the knew already yet never put into action yet.
It is a joy to watch the different personalities emerge throughout the two days, and the changes that can be achieved in that time for the participants and myself.
Yes, even changes in myself, for although I maybe giving the training, I too change as I discover new ideas from the participants, realise points I had missed over the many times I had delivered the courses, having that ‘Aha‘ experience, ‘now I understand‘ time, and notice where I can improve my delivery, adapting to the environment, the people, the changing situations and my own body and mind.
It is also good to be with friends, to talk, to communicate, catch-up on news, exchange ideas, challenge each other with beliefs and culture, yet keep in harmony, sharing and supporting, being there.
As I sit here on a wonderful sunny day, I can prepare myself for the next 7 days of training and presentations, realising that although I am tired, I love my job.

NPL Diploma Course, Gaziantep, South Turkey. Oct 2008
It always rains in London
It is often said to me in conversations with people I meet around the world, that it always rains in London. They say that they should take their umbrella with them.
I could challenge them with the NLP Meta Model UNIVERSAL QUANTIFIER, but invite them to experience London themselves to find out that it does not rain that often.
This was reminded to me whilst in Istanbul over the last couple of weeks, when it seemed to be raining a lot, and I used my umbrella.

It always rains in Istanbul.
İlk adımda, hastamla uyum sağlamak ve onun güvenini kazanmak. Daha sonra, ihtiyaçlarının neler olduğunu ya da seansın sonucunu ortaya çıkarmak. Kısımlara ilişkin bir açıklama yapmak ve bilinçli, bilinçaltı, yaratıcı ve eleştirel zihinlerin taker taker ne anlama geldiğini açıklamak. Bilinçli zihin; farkında olduğumuz zihin, düşündüğümüz zihin, bu makaleyi okurken kullandığınız, sorgulayan zihindir. Bilinçaltı zihin; farkında olmadığımız, arka planda davranışlarımızı ve otomatik sistemlerimizi kontrol eden, bizi koruyan, bizim için en iyisini yapmaya çalışan, sorgulamayan zihnimizdir. Yaratıcı zihin; bir şeyleri başarmak için bize yeni yollar , metotlar sunan zihnimizdir. Hastayı daha da rahatlatmak için, eğer hastanız bu tür tekniklere yabancıysa; rahatlama, trans ya da hipnozu da açıklamalısınız. Lütfen daha fazla bilgi için, takip eden linklere tıklayınız. Hypnosis – Expectations (Hipnoz – Beklentiler) Hastanızı trans benzeri bir duruma sokun ve sonra onları bir yolculuğa çıkarın. Benim tercih ettiğim metod onları sinemaya götürmek böylece onlardan “iyi zamanları, mutlu zamanları, çoktan unuttukları zamanları” gösteren bir film izlemelerini isteyebiliyorum. Bunu, bilinçli zihnin dikkatini dağıtmak için yapıyoruz. Sanki doğrudan zihnin kısımlarıyla konuşuyormuşum gibi konuşuyorum. Daha sonra, bilinçaltı zihnin benimle iletişime geçebileceği bir metot oluşturuyorum. Eller dizlerin üzerinde dururken, sol elin işaret parmağı “EVET” anlamında için havaya kalkarken, sağ elin işaret parmağı “HAYIR” anlamında havaya kalkıyor. Şimdi bilinçaltı zihinle iletişime geçtiğime ve bilinçli zihin iyi zamanların hatıralarıyla meşgul olduğuna göre, ben de çalışmaya başlayabilirim. Öncelikle, bilinçaltı zihne, şimdiye kadar yaptıkları ve gelecek de yapacakları için teşekkür ediyorum ve benimle iletişime geçmeye herhangi bir itirazı olup olmadığını soruyorum. Cevap alana kadar bekliyorum. Bu cevap parmaklar ya da vücudun diğer bir parçası yoluyla gelebilir. Bekleyin. Üç yeni yolun bulunduğuna dair işareti aldığımda, sonra bilinçaltı zihinden “o üç yol arasından en iyisini seçmesini ve onu denemesini” ve bitirdiğinde sinyal vermesini istiyorum. Herhangi bir itiraz varsa, dönüp bilinçaltı zihne o itiraza bir çözüm yolu bulmasını ve tekrar yukarıdaki kısma dönmesini istiyorum, ta ki hiçbir itirazı kalmadığına dair sinyal alana kadar. Uygulamada itiraz görülmesi çok nadir bir durumdur. İtiraz yok sinyalini aldıktan sonra, bilinçaltı zihne, yeni metodu “önümüzdeki üç gün, üç hafta, üç ay, ve hayatının geri kalanı boyunca” Uygulayıp uygulamayacağını soruyorum ve pozitif bir yanıt için bekliyorum. Hastaya ekstra bir bonus olarak, bilinçaltı zihinden hastaya “24 saat içerisinde bu metodun çalıştığına dair pozitif bir şey vermesini” istiyorum. Uygun bir sinyal için bekleyin. Daha sonra, bilinçaltı zihinle konuşup, geçmişte yaptıkları ve gelecekte yapacakları için ona teşekkür ediyorum ve bilinçli zihni geri vermesini istiyorum. Bu noktada, Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme sona eriyor ama ben bir adım daha eklemeyi seviyorum. English version
Daha önceden, Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme yapısından bahsettim ve okurlarım ve katılımcılarımdan bazıları süreci anlatma şeklimi öğrenmek istedi.
Son olarak, Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme’ye dahil olan eleştirel zihin; hatalar bulan, olumsuz, bizi ve diğerlerini eleştiren zihindir.
Hypnosis – What is it? (Hipnoz – Tanımı)
Hypnosis – A natural State (Hipnoz – Doğal bir Durum)
Sinyal geldiği sürece, hasta benimle iletişime geçmiş demektir.
“*” Bilinçaltı zihinden gidip pozitif ve olumlu bir şekilde eski alışkanlık ya da istenmeyen davranışın yerine geçecek üç (3) yeni alternatif yol bulmasını ve o üç yeni yolu bulduğunda bana sinyal vermesini istiyorum.
Sinyal geldiğinde, “bu yeni metoda bir itirazın var mı” diye soruyorum.
Bu ekstra adım hastanın kendisini süper kahraman olarak hayal etmesini ve kendilerini bu yeni şeyi yeni pozitif ve yararlı şekilde yaparken görmesini sağlamak.
Umarım bu açıklama, Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme ile ilgilenenlere yardımcı olur.
Translation by Deniz Merdivan