NLP Thoughts

Migraine, an understanding, a cure

As I searched for the reasons why people, or myself in particular, had attacks of  migraines on a non scientific basis, just by observation, I was convinced it had something to do with the build-up of wrong chemicals in the brain, thus effecting the firing of the neurons or brain cells, plus the blood supply to the brain.

I had observed that on the now rare occasions I had an attack of migraine, I was not drinking, therefore I was dehydrated, and not washing away the unwanted chemicals, the body waste.

As I had a migraine, I also observed that the blood vessels at the side of the head, the temples, were more pronounced, they stood out. At the moment as I run my finger tips over the temples I can feel no blood vessels. Therefore migraine could be a vascular disorder.

This months (July 2008) Scientific American, published an article by David W. Dodick and J. Jay Gargus entitled “Why Migraines Strike“.

In this article they describe the various symptoms reported by sufferers, and the old views, as was mine that migraines were cause by blood pressure. But with new technology and research, brain imaging, molecular biology and genetics, new understanding has emerged, and from these new understandings possible new treatments.

They now know that prior to a migraine attack, there could be an increase of up to 300% in blood supply, and then a drop to near normal or below. So yes blood circulation is a factor, but read on.

Prior to the pain part of the disorder, sufferers often describe visual disturbances, flashing lights, distortion, blank fields of vision, hallucinations or “aura’s“. This is obviously the functionality of the brain, misfiring of the neurons, messages not being transmitted across the brain or incorrect messages.

What they have observed as aura’s. occur, is that in the outer layer of the brain, the cortex, there is an increase of activity, a “brainstorm“, which is also called a cortical spreading depression. This will involve an increase in the blood circulation, as the neurons are highly active. As this depression or hyperexcitability passes, there is a drop in blood demand. This spreading depression across the cortex is quite slow, quoted as 2 – 3 millimeters a minute, thus the aura. effect lasting for say an hour.

When neurons fires, activates, pass-on or transmit information to another neuron, they do so by an electrical charge. This is produced by the neuron releasing neurotransmitters, resulting in the flow of sodium and calcium flowing into membranes and potassium irons to flow out in the opposite direction, thus creating an electrical charge.

The aura  effect could be due to disturbances in this transmission system and could be from inherited genes.

It is known that the brain itself has no pain receptors, but one part does. It is known as the trigeminal nervous system. The trigeminal nucleus is located in the brain stem and passes signals through the thalamus, up into the sensory cortex, the part of the brain we have conscious awareness.

The cortical speading depression or “brainstorm” described above, sends signals down to the trigeminal nucleus, through the thalamus into the sensory cortex, thus the pain suffered by migraine sufferers.

The chemicals involved in this transmission are believed to include ions, glutamate and nitric oxide.

Other investigations reveal activity in the brain stem region, the locus coeeuleus, raphe nucleus and the periaqueductal gray, could cause the transmission of pain to the sensory cortex. Also the regions of the limbic and paralimbic cortices can transmit signals resulting in the pain. The later region of the brain regulating mood, arousal and attention, the former, being stimulated by light, smell and sounds.

This new understanding of the workings of the brain durring a migraine attack, is helping the development of new drugs and treatments, which will inhibit the cortical speading depression, the firing if the trigeminal nervous system, and the action of neurotransmitters, and that migraine does exist.

I hope that I have been able to impart some understanding of migraine to you, and that I was not far from the mark in my own observations, that it is a biological process, that is beginning to be understood.

See previous articles.
            The start of my migraines. 
            My migraines get worse as I search for a cure. 
            Further knowledge on Migraines

NLP Thoughts

My migraines get worse as I search for a cure.

Over the next few years, the migraines became worse. I started getting them nearly every week on a Thursday, but what caused them? Why every Thursday?

I checked what I consumed, the food, drinks. I had nothing different on a Thursday than any other day. The only difference was that we had a double history class at the college I was attending, The Staffordshire College of Commerce in Wednesbury. I did not like the teacher, there was something wrong with him, I am sure.

I had been sent to have my eyes checked and prescribed glasses. These were later proved to be totally useless, as the optician put it, my eyes had 20/20 vision and the glasses I had been given were as good as bottle tops.

I had been sent to have a scull x-ray to see if I had brain damage. Nothing.

I had been sent to have an electroencephalogram (EEG) on my brain, which only sent the needles off the chart as I nashed my teeth together.

I was sent to migraine clinics. They found nothing.

I just had to get on with it and suffer.

Was it something psychological? I took myself off to a psychiatrist privately. He just talked to me, but made me realise certain things about the human way of thinking or seeing the world and people living in it. No pills, just talk.

My cousin Avryl, took me to a Spiritualist Church, and I had experiences which were very strange. You will have to attend my courses ( to learn about these from my metaphors or stories I tell. But the strange thing was my migraines abated, they became less.

From the beginning I was given pills by my doctor to take when I was about to have an attack, but they did little to help. Stemetil, an anti nausea drug, and Amytal or Amobarbital, a barbiturate that is used for the treatment of insomnia (difficulty in sleeping) and as a sedative to relieve the symptoms of anxiety or tension.

I knew when I was going to get one as my vision started to go strange what is know as aura. I would miss part of my vision, perhaps looking at a persons face, I would see one eye and not the other, I had blind spots. That was the signal to get home quickly. Other sufferers have flashing lights and other vision defects.

There was nothing I could do but get to bed, with a bucket, and let the attack, the process, work itself through, until I vomited, at which time I would sleep for a few hours.

Upon awakening, I would be washed out, as if I had just got over the flu, but for some reason, I had a desire for a bacon sandwich, on soft white bread.

I have heard people say “Oh I have a migraine“, when all they have is a headache. There are many signs for migraine which will show more symptoms than a headache

A migraine is a severe headache that often has a number of associated symptoms, such as nausea, increased sensitivity, and visual problems.

On a couple of occasions when people have observed me having an attack, like when I was not allowed to go home from work as they did not believe me, soon realise how people can suffer.

It was after a number of years that the attacks started to become less frequent, so much so that they virtually disappeared, having perhaps one a year.

It is known that migraines occur mostly in the age range of 15 and 55, and of those sufferers, two-thirds are women, and may decease with age.

Whilst talking to a fellow NLP Trainer who is also a qualified chiropractor, I started a migraine, and I realised that for me that I had not been drinking enough water, was that a possible cause of migraine, dehydration. I drank lots of water, and the symptoms were eased. Perhaps there is a chemical imbalance in the body that is caused by dehydration?

My Chiropractor friend also helped by placing pressure in the small valley just above the left knee, which caused a sharp pain.

My NLP and hypnosis training, helped me visualise complete relaxation and to be pain free.

But my worse attack in recent years occurred whilst I was in hospital having an investigation for my angiogram. On this procedure the blood was thinned and other chemicals were placed in the blood stream, allowing the doctors to observe the blood vessels of the heart. Was it tension, worry, or the chemicals? I do not know, but the effect of the resulting migraine frightened me.

I took a tablet prescribed to relieve the migraine, (a Triptan), and went to bed, trying to sleep. To distract my mind I listened to an F1 racing broadcast on the radio, and as I listened, I knew they were talking about Ferrari, but what was a Ferrari? I knew it was red but in one mind I could see it, yet in another mind it was not there.

They were talking about David Coultard, but who was he? I knew I knew, but somehow did not know, and could not access the information, although I knew I knew.

Was I having a stroke or was it just my brain playing tricks due to all the chemicals swimming about in my body?

Thankfully, I have not had a stroke.

Lesson. Do not mix medications.

So, what is and causes migraines?

I was convinced from my own attacks it was caused by increased blood pressure, and imbalance of the body’s chemicals.

This has been the view also of the medical world.

Other causes can be:-

    Stress. Tension. Major drop in estrogen. Alcohol. Monosodium glutamate. Chocolate. Coffee.
    Skipping meals or fasting. Bright lights and sun glare. Smells. Too much sleep. Missing sleep.
    Exercise. Weather. Medications.

Previous article.    The start of my migraines.
Next article.         Migraine, an understanding, a cure 

NLP Thoughts

The start of my migraines.

I had been swimming with a friend, Ronald Rose, to the Walsall swimming baths one Saturday. I must have been about fifteen years old. We were on the number 5 bus going home towards Sankeys Corner, Chase Terrace, when I started to loose certain parts of my vision, I was getting blind spots, auras.

Once off the bus, I started to feel very strange, detached from the real world, my depth of field was not correct, when I went to touch something, I missed it, the item was further away.

I started to get “pins and needles” or tingling sensations in my hands, my tongue, spreading around my whole body.

I got to my Uncle Jack’s house, and I slumped down in his back yard. Poor man he did not know what to do.

What was happening to me?

My father was sent for, as I was now complaining of severe pains in my head, I wanted to pull one of my eyes out, as it seemed someone was stabbing me with daggers.

My father arrived in a big dirty coal lorry, ready to make its’ next delivery, and I was loaded aboard to be taken home, my colour gray turning to green, and the doctor called.

By this time I had emptied my insides, evacuating top and bottom, and all I wanted to do was to sleep, but still in great pain, especially the eyes.

The doctor made many tests as friends and relatives gathered to see what was happening to me, to offer support to my mother and father.

Thankfully, it was nothing more than migraine, a disease that strikes millions of people around the world (300 million, Scientific American, August 2008).

The whole incident lasted a few hours, and the effects of feeling as if I had just gotten over the flu, drained, weak, lifeless, lasted about a day.

I was the start of the time in my life which led to me having a migraine? attack nearly every week, on a Thursday. A period which was to last a number of years, but was to cease, to only a very infrequent attack.

But what causes migraines? Have they found the answers to migraines?

Follow story.


How many Swans?

Swans on the River Thames, Kingston Upon Thames
Swans on the River Thames, Kingston upon Thames


KitKat biscuit

I have just come across a new flavoured KitKat biscuit, and I am hooked.

Cappuccino KitKat by Nestlé
Cappuccino KitKat by Nestlé

It is the best flavoured KitKat I have tried todate. Well done Nestlé.


New glasses

This morning my telephone rang, and I was told my new glasses are ready to collect.

Now that was fast. In less than a week, not bad SpecSavers.

My previous rant on SpecSavers, Say what you mean advertising. – SpecSavers (click to view) did not mention delivery time, from having the eyes tested, measured and new glasses ordered as I am not in a rush to get them, I have my old second pair which are fine.

I now need glasses to read, well at 95 (joke) what can I expect. I need a little correction for distance, nothing drastic. I am happy to do without my glasses if I can most of the time, say when walking the streets, observing the country, and not reading.

But I am lazy, so I keep the the glasses on, as they are varifocal, that means the top half of the lens is for long distance and the bottom is for reading, and the lens gradually changes its’ focus from top to bottom, I can see well whilst wearing them in most situations.

I went and had the glasses fitted, and all fine in SpecSavers shop, but wearing them outside in the streets of Kingston upon Thames, I felt quite peculiar. Writing this blog is very strange. Watching TV, no I had better read a book instead.

My eyes are hurting and my head is spinning.

I am told that it takes some time to get used to new glasses, so I will persevere.

Memory Mind Maps Presentations

A day with Tony Buzan

Spending a day with great presenters is always a pleasure for me. It is how I have learned to be what I am, to develop my style of training and presenting, and certainly I know and recognise, I have a different style than others.

My style works for most participants, not all, as all presenters, they will have those that love them, and those that hate them. That is human nature. That is why you have those that follow Richard Bandler and those that follow John Grindler (co-founders of NLP), those that follow Manchester United and those that follow Manchester City (football teams).

A large group of participants had gathered in the Savoy Place, in London, to learn from Tony Buzan, Mind Maps, Memory and how and why we can achieve great things with the workings of our brains. This course, the first of a new series in the UK, will be run I hope many times, for if you can, it is worth attending and learning with Buzan.

Also at the Savoy Place, were other people I have come across during my journey of learning of human potential, Dominic O’Brien (ex World Memory Champion), Philip Chambers (World Mind Map Champion), Raymond D. Keene. OBE (International Chess Grandmaster), Hilde Jaspaert (International presenter and trainer), and participants from my own courses around the world.

No matter who you meet, where you go, what you see, what you hear, what you touch, what you smell or taste, (NLP modalities), your life will be enriched and changed, as new neuro pathways are made, new memories encoded, new experiences you can draw upon as you go on a Transderivational Search, to process and understand experiences.

NLP Presentations

Talks at DenizBank (Turkey)

After giving many structured training courses over the last few months, it was good to give some presentations to a large group of people of Vodafone and DenizBank in Turkey.

DenizBank is very proactive in their training of staff, establishing near Sisli in Istanbul an Academy to provide high quality facilities.

During my trainings in Turkey I have met some of the staff of DenizBank, providing the NLP content (see English Courses under the heading Category Archives in the left-hand column) in the Learn English with NLP. A system that has been copied by other providers of language courses, with varying success.

Today it is my turn to learn from another master of knowledge, teaching and presentations, one Tony Buzan, at the Savoy Place.

It will be my turn to be in the background, helping the organisation, but watching and learning.


Say what you mean advertising. – SpecSavers

With all my problems health wise, and especially my eyes, (see The most precious thing in life, sight), and the fact that a pair of my reading glasses had fallen apart, the arms had become detached, and I having had constant reminders in the post to get my eyes tested, I decided to visit my local SpecSavers in Kingston upon Thames.

SpecSavers, although being a very large organisation, with perhaps an outlet in every town here in the UK, have always been good to me, the staff are pleasant, mostly knowing what they are doing, the only drawback is that there seems to be long waiting times, this time almost three hours. OK, there was lots to do.

SpecSavers have a marketing campaign that says “Clear Price is here“.

SpecSavers marketing campaign

It purports to say that you know what you are going to pay for, which is true, you choose the frames at a price, say £99. Not bad for glasses, but, hang-on, add the price of the extras, the special anti-glare, plus the anti-scratch, plus the reaction coating darkening when in bright sunlight, plus, plus plus, and then you get to the total price.

OK, I can cope with that, I passed my maths exam, even if the SpecSavers assistant needed a calculator to work out the total cost three times.

Then there are the offers, “Buy one, get one free“, or “2 for 1.

I like that offer, as like any modern products, there seems to be a built-in a life span, after which the product dies. In the case of my previous glasses, both arms became unglued and dropped off, this after two years. SpecSavers suggest everyone should have their eyes tested every two years. Strange that my glasses died and needed replacing just on two years. Good job I had a spare pair.

So I ask for a free second pair offer.

Wait, I am told I have to pay for the extras on the second pair.

OK Clear Price, I will not have all the add-ons on the second pair.

I order the new glasses, happy, but the total price not £99, but £287.

When I get home, on the doormat is a flyer, or marketing leaflet for SpecSavers, saying “FREE REACTIONS“, (the glasses go dark in the sun becoming sunglasses). “2 FOR 1 GLASSES“, “FREE EYE TEST“.

SpecSavers leaflet giving ‘special’ offers

I am entitled to free eye tests, so I did not get that or need that offer.

I got 2 for 1, even if SpecSavers only meant the physical glasses and not the add-ons.

What about the “FREE REACTIONS” written the leaflet? I had paid for that, and only for got it for one pair of glasses.

I look at the back of the leaflet. A lovely lady wearing dark glasses, and in bold capital letters “FREE REACTIONS“.

I read on.

Buy any pair of glasses from our £75 or above and have them fitted with Reactions photochromic lenses at no extra cost………”

So why did I have to pay? It clearly says “FREE“.

Under the article is written “*Conditions apply. See leaflets in-store for details.” in small print.

Because I had taken the 2 for 1 offer, I could not get the FREE REACTIONS offer. This is not what your advertisement says. Sorry, it does in small print, hidden somewhere in your shops.

I hate this type of marketing, it is not “CLEAR PRICE“, it is bad marketing, bad advertising. it is not clear.

Another advertising campaign states, “30% off” for those over a certain age, well I am, I’m 95 (joke) so am I entitled to that offer. No I’m not, I have taken the “2 for 1” offer so the “30%” is not applicable.

SpecSavers, you are hiding the truth, in small print, especially not correct when serving people with possible sight problems. You are getting people into your shops with a promise of an offer, which is has conditions.

I am upset, why would I write this. How many other customers are you loosing by this bad marketing.

Yes, other companies do it and are being told to stop by National Governments and the European Parliament set in law. Companies like Ryann Air and other airlines who advertise, “Fly to XYZ for £10.” But, when you add-on taxes, airport duty, handling fee, baggage fee, and because I did not book six months in advance the £10 ticket is not available, the total cost is greater than a scheduled airline.

Come on SpecSavers, if you say Clear Price, then keep to it.

I would still buy from you and recommend you though.

Update, see New glasses
See One Year Later SpecSavers, well done


Another close call for 2 jets at JFK airport

This morning I was catching-up on news, this time on the web site of MSNBC, an American biased site, but still gives me an insight into what is happening out there where you are.

I spotted a headline Another close call for 2 jets at JFK airport, and jumped in to read it.

The article tells how for 12 – 13 years, the FAA have been trying to change the procedures of aircraft landing at JFK airport, as there was an accident waiting to happen. The old procedure involves the taking-off and landings on two perpendicular runways.

Then it nearly did, twice in fact. One plane had not cleared the area before another used it, in other words, two planes could have crashed, or there could have been an accident.

In the article by Associated Press, it was written:-

    Laughlin said. “This is what we call, and what the FAA classifies, as a ‘proximity event.”‘

Why not use words that we humans use, “there was a cock-up”, a “near accident”?

I also read that The FAA ordered new procedures Friday afternoon to change the way takeoffs and landings on perpendicular runways are sequenced, or “terminated that perpendicular simultaneous approach procedure.

The new procedures it was stated are designed to ensure “that aircraft of one runway clear out of the path of the other runway before the second flight comes down on the other runway.”

I do not think I will be flying to JFK, as I perhaps pilots and air traffic controllers will not quite understand the new procedures.

Use clear, clean language not gobble-de-goop.