On a recent PhotoReading course in China, I came to the section of teaching the “soft-eyed” vision look using what I call Phillip’s Sausage.

On a recent PhotoReading course in China, I came to the section of teaching the “soft-eyed” vision look using what I call Phillip’s Sausage.
İlk adımda, hastamla uyum sağlamak ve onun güvenini kazanmak. Daha sonra, ihtiyaçlarının neler olduğunu ya da seansın sonucunu ortaya çıkarmak. Kısımlara ilişkin bir açıklama yapmak ve bilinçli, bilinçaltı, yaratıcı ve eleştirel zihinlerin taker taker ne anlama geldiğini açıklamak. Bilinçli zihin; farkında olduğumuz zihin, düşündüğümüz zihin, bu makaleyi okurken kullandığınız, sorgulayan zihindir. Bilinçaltı zihin; farkında olmadığımız, arka planda davranışlarımızı ve otomatik sistemlerimizi kontrol eden, bizi koruyan, bizim için en iyisini yapmaya çalışan, sorgulamayan zihnimizdir. Yaratıcı zihin; bir şeyleri başarmak için bize yeni yollar , metotlar sunan zihnimizdir. Hastayı daha da rahatlatmak için, eğer hastanız bu tür tekniklere yabancıysa; rahatlama, trans ya da hipnozu da açıklamalısınız. Lütfen daha fazla bilgi için, takip eden linklere tıklayınız. Hypnosis – Expectations (Hipnoz – Beklentiler) Hastanızı trans benzeri bir duruma sokun ve sonra onları bir yolculuğa çıkarın. Benim tercih ettiğim metod onları sinemaya götürmek böylece onlardan “iyi zamanları, mutlu zamanları, çoktan unuttukları zamanları” gösteren bir film izlemelerini isteyebiliyorum. Bunu, bilinçli zihnin dikkatini dağıtmak için yapıyoruz. Sanki doğrudan zihnin kısımlarıyla konuşuyormuşum gibi konuşuyorum. Daha sonra, bilinçaltı zihnin benimle iletişime geçebileceği bir metot oluşturuyorum. Eller dizlerin üzerinde dururken, sol elin işaret parmağı “EVET” anlamında için havaya kalkarken, sağ elin işaret parmağı “HAYIR” anlamında havaya kalkıyor. Şimdi bilinçaltı zihinle iletişime geçtiğime ve bilinçli zihin iyi zamanların hatıralarıyla meşgul olduğuna göre, ben de çalışmaya başlayabilirim. Öncelikle, bilinçaltı zihne, şimdiye kadar yaptıkları ve gelecek de yapacakları için teşekkür ediyorum ve benimle iletişime geçmeye herhangi bir itirazı olup olmadığını soruyorum. Cevap alana kadar bekliyorum. Bu cevap parmaklar ya da vücudun diğer bir parçası yoluyla gelebilir. Bekleyin. Üç yeni yolun bulunduğuna dair işareti aldığımda, sonra bilinçaltı zihinden “o üç yol arasından en iyisini seçmesini ve onu denemesini” ve bitirdiğinde sinyal vermesini istiyorum. Herhangi bir itiraz varsa, dönüp bilinçaltı zihne o itiraza bir çözüm yolu bulmasını ve tekrar yukarıdaki kısma dönmesini istiyorum, ta ki hiçbir itirazı kalmadığına dair sinyal alana kadar. Uygulamada itiraz görülmesi çok nadir bir durumdur. İtiraz yok sinyalini aldıktan sonra, bilinçaltı zihne, yeni metodu “önümüzdeki üç gün, üç hafta, üç ay, ve hayatının geri kalanı boyunca” Uygulayıp uygulamayacağını soruyorum ve pozitif bir yanıt için bekliyorum. Hastaya ekstra bir bonus olarak, bilinçaltı zihinden hastaya “24 saat içerisinde bu metodun çalıştığına dair pozitif bir şey vermesini” istiyorum. Uygun bir sinyal için bekleyin. Daha sonra, bilinçaltı zihinle konuşup, geçmişte yaptıkları ve gelecekte yapacakları için ona teşekkür ediyorum ve bilinçli zihni geri vermesini istiyorum. Bu noktada, Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme sona eriyor ama ben bir adım daha eklemeyi seviyorum. English version
Daha önceden, Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme yapısından bahsettim ve okurlarım ve katılımcılarımdan bazıları süreci anlatma şeklimi öğrenmek istedi.
Son olarak, Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme’ye dahil olan eleştirel zihin; hatalar bulan, olumsuz, bizi ve diğerlerini eleştiren zihindir.
Hypnosis – What is it? (Hipnoz – Tanımı)
Hypnosis – A natural State (Hipnoz – Doğal bir Durum)
Sinyal geldiği sürece, hasta benimle iletişime geçmiş demektir.
“*” Bilinçaltı zihinden gidip pozitif ve olumlu bir şekilde eski alışkanlık ya da istenmeyen davranışın yerine geçecek üç (3) yeni alternatif yol bulmasını ve o üç yeni yolu bulduğunda bana sinyal vermesini istiyorum.
Sinyal geldiğinde, “bu yeni metoda bir itirazın var mı” diye soruyorum.
Bu ekstra adım hastanın kendisini süper kahraman olarak hayal etmesini ve kendilerini bu yeni şeyi yeni pozitif ve yararlı şekilde yaparken görmesini sağlamak.
Umarım bu açıklama, Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme ile ilgilenenlere yardımcı olur.
Translation by Deniz Merdivan
NLP Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi, trans ya da hipnoz şart olmasa bile, hayal gücü ve transın kullanımıyla fobi ya da korkunun ortadan kaldırılması ve yerine daha yararlı bir şeyin konması açısından çok yararlı bir yoldur.
Yine, daha önce makalelerimde bahsettiğim gibi, şunu vurgulamam gerekir ki, NLP’yi uygulayan kişinin NLPnin birçok alanında olduğu gibi problemin ne olduğunu bilmesi gerekmez.
NLP içerikten bağımsızdır.
NLP Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi’nin hazırlık aşaması yine Altı Aşamalı Yeniden Çerçevelendirme ile aynıdır, yani uyum sağlamak ve kişiye olacakları anlatmak.
Süreç, sinemada olma fikrini ve içeriden gözlem ve dışarıdan gözlemi kullanır.
Hastanın zihninde olayın ilk kez görüldüğü anın filmini canlandırması istenir. Hastanın bilinçli zihninde bu olayın ne olduğunu bilip bilmemesinin hiç bir önemi yoktur. Bilinçaltı zihin bunu kendisi halleder.
Öncelikle, hastanın, rahatlama, trans ya da uyku benzeri bir duruma girmesini sağlayın ve onları sinemaya doğru yönlendirin.
Sinemaya girdiklerinde, büyük beyaz ekrana bakarak rahat bir şekilde oturmalılar.
Bu noktada, onlardan büyük beyaz ekrana bakarak rahat bir şekilde oturan kişinin içinden süzülerek çıkmalarını ve orada oturan kendilerini dışarıdan görmelerini isteyin. Hasta şimdi dışarıdan gözlem yapmaktadır.
Hasta daha sonra, sinemanın arkasına gitmeli ve projeksiyon odasına girmeli, filmin gösterildiği küçük kare ekrandan oturan ve büyük beyaz ekrana bakan diğer kendisine bakmalıdır.
Yine, hasta sinemada oturan diğer kendini dışarıdan gözlemlemektedir.
Hastaya, siyah-beyaz, hiç ses olmadan, “fobiye yol açan olayın başlangıcından hemen öncesinden, güven içinde oldukları zamandan, tamamen bittiği ve sona erdiği” zaman aralığını bir film şeklinde baştan sona kadar izlemelerini söyleyin.
Büyük beyaz ekrandaki filmi izleyen diğer kendilerini küçük kare camdan doğru izlemeleri gerekmektedir.
Filmi baştan sona üç kez oynatın.
Filmi ileri doğru sarma süreci sona erdikten sonra, filmi üç kez geri sarın. Hasta, diğer kendisini “fobiye yol açan olayın başlangıcından hemen öncesinden, güven içinde oldukları zamandan, tamamen bittiği ve sona erdiği” zaman aralığını dışarıdan gözlem yoluyla izlemeye devam etsin.
Diğer kendilerini gülerken, rahatlamış bir şekilde filmin geriye doğru sarılmış halini izlerken görsünler.
Sona erdiğinde, hastanın projeksiyon odasından ayrılmasını ve sinema salonuna geri dönmesini isteyin. Diğer kendilerini, rahat bir şekilde otururken görsünler. Onlardan diğer kendilerinin içine süzülerek girmelerini ve onla bütünleşmelerini isteyin.
Sinemadan ayrılmalarını isteyin.
Bu noktada, yaptığım işi test etmeyi severim ve onlardan süper kahraman olmalarını, sinemadan ayrılmalarını ve kendilerini bir zamanlar fobi olduğunu düşündükleri şeyi yeni pozitif bir şekilde yaparken görmelerini (dışarıdan gözlem) isteyin.
Kendilerini başarmak istedikleri şeyi başarıyla yaparken gördüklerinde, artık içeriden gözleme geçebilirler ve artık bunu yapmış olarak yeni kendileri olabilirler.
Hızlı Fobi Tedavisi, içeriden gözlem, dışarıdan gözlem, fobi ya da korkuya yol açan olayın hafızasını geri sararak hafıza yollarını yeni şekillendirme, ve geleceği şekillendirme metotlarından faydalanır.
Bütün işlerimde olduğu gibi, test etmeyi severim ve genellikle hastalarımı önceden fobi olduğunu düşündükleri ya da korktukları şey ya da durumlarla gerçekten tekrar karşılaşmalarını isterim.
Daha fazla bilgi ve seans randevusu için aşağıdaki sayfayı ziyaret ediniz.
www.c4phobias.com Translation by Deniz Merdivan
In my previous article (click) I wrote about a doctor on an NLP course, and it was a few days into the course that she came to me asking me to work with her daughter. Asked why, the doctor said that her daughter was going wild, she was not the nice girl she once was.
I needed to know a little more. How old was her daughter? 16. Does her daughter believe she was going wild? No? Who else is involved? Her father and school friends.
As in the article, it was Virginia Satir that broke from the conventional beliefs that the “problem child” should be treated, and that it is the group, the family that should be seen as a whole.
I agreed to see the daughter on the understanding I saw the mother as well, both in this case in separate sessions.
The the exercise Perceptual Positions, in NLP, the client is asked to suspend their own understanding of their reality of the world, to see things from others point of view. They are told that they will be moving around the room they are working in.
Ask the client to imagine a circle in front of them. Known as the First Position. The NLP Practitioner should draw the circle with their foot in front of the client.
This circle when they step inside it will be them. Known as the First Person.
Ask the client to imagine the situation where there is confrontation, the problem, and step inside the 1st circle, First Position, seeing through their own eyes, hearing with their own ears, feeling the feelings as they experience that situation, looking at the person they have the confrontation with.
The NLP Practitioner should draw a second circle in front of the client, Second Position and ask the client to imagine that the person in that circle, the person they have the confrontation with, the Second Person. Ask them to notice what it is like.
Once they have experienced that, ask them to step out of the first circle, that circle that represents themselves.
Now ask the client to imagine that they can become the person they have the confrontation with, Second Person, step inside the second circle, Second Position, the circle the NLP Practitioner drew on the floor, leaving an imaginary themselves in the first circle, First Position.
Once in the second circle, fully as the second person, the client should look back at the first circle, and imagine the other them, the First Person, standing there, and notice as they look through the Second Persons eyes, hearing with their ears, feeling those feelings as they experience that situation.
Notice what could change in the First Person to ease the situation.
Once the client has experience the confrontation from the Second Persons perspective, the client should be asked the to step out of the second circle.
The client should be shown a third circle, Third Position.
The third circle will contain a person known to the First and Second person, maybe also involved. This in the example of the girl and the mother, the third person could be the father.
The client should be asked to step inside the third circle, and imagine fully becoming that Third Person, seeing through their eyes, hearing with their ears, feeling the feelings as they experience that situation.
Notice how the confrontation looks and what could change in the First Person to ease the situation.
Once the client has experience the confrontation from the Third Persons perspective, the client should be asked the to step out of the third circle.
The client should be shown a forth circle, Forth Position.
The forth circle will contain a person unknown to the first and second person, perhaps a Martian, becoming the Forth Person.
The client should be asked to step inside the forth circle, and imagine fully becoming that Forth Person, seeing through their eyes, hearing with their ears, feeling the feelings as they experience that situation.
Notice the whole confrontation and what could change in the First Person to ease the situation.
Once the client has experience the confrontation from the forth persons perspective, the client should be asked the to step out of the forth circle.
The client should be asked to make the changes in the First Person, and step into the first circle, and seeing things from that perspective. Notice what happens with the image of the Second Person.
Step out of the first circle and into the second, and see things from the Second Persons perspective, noticing any more changes needed.
Step outside the second circle and into the third circle and become that person, seeing the situation from their perspective.
Once done, step into the forth circle and become that person, again noticing any changes needed.
The client should be asked to continue going around the circles until the situation has changed.
The NLP Fast Phobia Cure, is an extremely effective way of removing or replacing a phobia or fear by the use of the imagination and trance, although trance or hypnosis is not required.
Again as mentioned before in my articles, and I must emphasize, that it is not required that the NLP Practitioner needs to know, as with most of NLP work, what the problem is.
NLP is content free.
The set-up of the NLP Fast Phobia Cure will be as the Six Step Reframe, i.e. gain rapport and explain what will be happening.
The process involves the idea of being in a cinema, and the use of association and disassociation. (to follow in the next fewdays, then click to understand).
The client will be asked to run a film in their imagination of the first time an incident occurred, it is of no relevance that the client has any conscious knowledge of what that incident will be, allow the subconscious to do the work.
Firstly, allow the client to enter into a state of relaxation, trance or a sleep like state, and guide them into a cinema.
Once in the cinema, they should sit relaxed looking up at a big white screen.
The client should then go to the back of the cinema, and enter the projector room, and look through the little square widow, through which the film shown, down to the other them, sitting, looking up at the big white screen.
Again, the client is disassociated from the other them sitting down in the cinema.
Tell the client that they can run a film, in black and white, no sound, of the first time the incident happened that caused the phobia, “from the beginning before the incident occurred, when they were safe, all the way through to the end, when they were safe, and it was all over and done with.”
They are to watch the other them through the little square window, watching the film on the big white screen.
Run the film three times, from the beginning to the end.
On completion of running the film forwards, run the film backwards three times, with the client watching the other them, disassociated, “from the end when it was all over and done with, to the beginning before it started, when they were safe”.
Let them see the other them, laughing, yet relaxed watching the film running backwards.
On completion, ask the client to leave the projection room, and go back into the cinema, seeing that other them, sitting so relaxed, and ask them to float inside that other them, becoming that other them.
Ask them to leave the cinema.
It is at this point I wish to test my work, and I ask them to become a super hero, leave the cinema, and see themselves, (disassociated), doing the thing they once had a phobia about in a new positive way.
Once they have seen themselves achieving what they wanted, they can then associate back into the new them, becoming that new them, having had done the work.
The Fast Phobia Cure uses association and disassociation, re-patterning memory traces by running the memory backwards of the incident that caused the phobia or fear, and future pacing.
As with all my work, I like to test, and will often ask the client to experience for real, a situation where once they had a phobia or fear.
Visit www.c4phobias.com for more information and book a session.
Previously I have given the Six Step Reframe structure, (click here), and some of my readers and participants have asked that I tell them my way of delivering the process.
My first task is to gain rapport and trust with my client, and to establish what their needs or the outcome from the session to be.
An explanation as to the concept of parts is then covered, that there is a conscious and subconscious mind, a creative mind, and a critical mind.
The conscious mind is that mind that we are aware of, our thinking mind, the mind you are reading this article with, the questioning mind.
The subconscious mind, is that mind that we are unaware of, the mind that sits in the background controlling our behaviour, our automotive systems, the none questioning mind that is there to protect us, to do the best for us.
Then there is the creative mind, the mind that can think of new ways of doing things, that is looking methods.
Lastly for the Six Step Reframe, we think of the critical mind, that part of us that finds faults, the negative mind, criticises what we and others do.
To further place the client at ease, an explanation of relaxation, trance or hypnosis is required should the client be unfamiliar with such techniques.
Please click on and read the following links for more information.
Hypnosis – Expectations
Place the client into a trance like state, and take them on a journey. My preferred method is to take them to a cinema, so that I can ask them to watch a film that shows “the good times, the happy times, times that they may have forgotten about“. This is to distract the conscious mind.
I will talk as if I am talking directly to the parts of the mind.
I then set-up some method that the subconscious mind may communicate with me. This could be with the hands resting on the legs, that the index finger of the left hand can lift from the leg for a “YES“, and the index finger of the right hand can lift for a “NO“.
Now that I have established communication with the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind is engaged with good memories, I can begin work.
Firstly I thank the subconscious mind for all that it has done for the client, and all it will be doing in the future, and ask if it has any objection in communicating with me. I wait until I receive an answer, which may or may not be via the finger signals.
As long as I have a signal, the client is communicating with me, which is catch 22.
“*” I ask that the subconscious mind now goes away and find three (3) new alternative ways, which will be positive and beneficial to replace the old way, habit or unwanted behaviour, and to give me a signal when those three new ways have been found.
Once I have a signal that three new ways have been found, I then ask the subconscious mind to “take the best of those three ways, and to try it out“, and give a signal when that has been done.
Once I have a signal, I ask “are there any objections in doing this new method?“
If there is any objection, I will return to asking the subconscious mind to find a way around that objection, and will loop around to “*” above, until I get a signal that there are no objections. In practice, it is very rare to get objections.
Upon receiving a no objection signal, I then ask the subconscious mind if it will carry out the new method for :-
“three days, three weeks, three months, and for the rest of their life“
and wait for a positive response.
As an added bonus to the client, I ask the subconscious mind if it will “give them something positive for them in the next twenty-four hours to show that this has worked“.
Wait for an appropriate signal.
I then speak to the subconscious mind, and thank it for all it has done and will be doing in the future, and ask to have back the conscious mind.
At this point, the Six Step Reframe concludes, but I like to add-on another step.
This additional step is to get the client to imagine themselves as a super hero, and to see themselves doing the new thing that they want in the new positive and beneficial way, being a future pace.
I hope that this explanation will help those who are interested in the Six Step Reframe and that now there has some structure to it.
In my courses, be they an NLP Practitioner or Master Practitioner, PhotoReading, Mind Maps, Memory or any of my courses, it is rare that I give handouts or manuals, as I wish to teach the participants implicitly, that is that they know how to do what I am training by doing, by physically doing the exercises and what I teach.
I do not give out scripts say for the hypnosis, as I want participants to be themselves, to react to their clients and use the appropriate inductions and words that fit the moment.
Too often I have seen and heard hypnotists using scripts verbatim, even “hypnotists” who have the script written down and laminated, reading directly from something that was written maybe fifty years ago by someone else.
They fail to be responsive to the clients needs, give feedback to what is happening to the client, what is happening in the environment.
Yes there is a structure to what I teach, in the process, in how one element of the course leads, links into and is associated with other elements.
I remember one course in particular, where a participant had a list of everything, every element that they thought I should be covering in my training. As I taught the elements, the participant would cross it off their list. At breaks, this participant would say to the other members of the course :-
“Oh, Phillip has now covered this on my list, but he has not done that.”
It took me a while to understand why I was being asked if I would be covering this or that, when in fact I had. This person had obtained “their training content list” from another training provider coming from another licensing organisation, which provided a very much condensed course, giving a manual for participants to read at home.
They failed to realise that this other organisation’s structure of training was different to mine, and that the “content names” had been changed to make their course seem original and unique to them.
It was when I obtained “their training content list,” and went through what we had covered already, that the rest of course participants realised that they had been taught more than the so called list had written down.
And so it is with scripts and manuals. People can rely too much on them. They should be used as a guide only, and the speaker or provider to be themselves, not someone else who wrote a script fifty years ago.
I recently attended a training where the participants were asked to read from a script as they worked on exercises with fellow trainees.
Oh how wooden and false the language used was.
Oh how much information or feedback that the “client” was giving was missed, because the giver, the reader had their face buried in the script.
Lastly, how many manuals or scripts are ever looked at again after a course or training? Mostly they are left under the bed.
I do give out manuals when appropriate along with sample scripts, for example within the stage hypnosis course, PhotoReading etc., but for reference only.
I train my participants how to do what I am teaching from their heart, by actually trying out what I am teaching in the course, learning by doing.
But for those that want an out-line script, I will be publishing them soon. Return here to my blog for more information or subscribe to the blog on the left, for regular updates.
When modeling or undertaking a Strategy Elicitation in NLP, we need to write down in an easy way what we have found, so that we can use the strategy again in the future or to make changes to it.
The standard NLP Notation can be coded thus :-
The Representation System used.
V – visual
A – auditory
K – kinesthetic
O – olfactory
G – gustatory
Internal or External Processing
Is what is happening to them their thoughts, their feeling taking place their minds or body, or
is there some other outside stimulus, i.e. they remember some incident would be internal, notated
by a small “i”, (i), whereas seeing something actually happening would be external, notated by a
small “e”, (e). Having butterflies in the tummy will be an kinesthetic internal, (Ki), whereas feeling
the quality of cloth would be kinesthetic external, (Ke).
Ve – visual external Vi – visual internal
Ae – auditory external Ai – auditory internal
Ke – kinesthetic external Ki – kinesthetic internal
Oe – olfactory external Oi – olfactory internal
Ge – gustatory external Gi – gustatory internal
Remembered or Constructed
Has the person remembered something from the past, or are they constructing for example what
they would look like wearing a certain suit? The representation for visual remembered can be
notated by a small “r“, (Vir), here meaning a visual internal remembered, whereas for a visual
constructed, imagining what they would look like by a small “c“, (Vic).
Other Notations
_m_ about the previous step when linking steps. “m” standing for meta. For example getting a feeling about some stimulus.
see example soon
Strategy Elicitation is the how an NLPer models how another achieves excellence or how they do something using internal representational systems and external influences.
Knowing what strategies are being used in oneself and other people, can result in powerful changes, resulting in the change in a response to situations.
Firstly, get into rapport (the “t” is silent when spoken in English) with the client, and explain that you will be asking questions on how they do what they do.
It is important during the strategy elicitation that the person eliciting the strategy, keeps out of the situation, does not involve themselves in the process by saying such things as, “Oh yes I do that as well“, or “Oh I do it this way“. They should only aim to keep the person on-track in the process they run.
Notation of the strategy will use the modalities, VAKOG, rep systems, along with other coding. (Click to see list). Only write down the notation, not notes nor sentences.
KISS the strategy elicitation process, that is Keep It Simple Stupid, do not over complicate the process, only look for the main rep’ systems.
As seen previously, we all process information using our submodalities, (click to read), our five external and internal senses.