It has been a few days now since the horrific scenes of the Madingley tower block fire, on the Cambridge Estate in Kingston upon Thames. SeeTower Block on Fire in Kingston upon Thames.
As we watched the flames grow from the 12th floor, taking the next four floors and roof, black and white smoke billowing from the building and the red/orange flames indicating the heat and devastation being played-out, I became aware of the power of nature, of how we humans cannot sometimes be in control of forces that can overtake us.

I ask myself how can a concrete block of flats burn so fiercely? Surely there can not be so much flammable items in a normal home to create so much flames and smoke?
It is reported that a 32 year old woman has been arrested for starting the fire, perhaps by a single matchstick, a single small flame, which resulted in such damage.
Many comments have been added to the youtube video, some should be deleted, but I have not as it may indicate the frustration felt by many British people, some giving an indication of the goodness, compassion and help given by just ordinary people, of how “Tommy Mackay ran up 15 floors to the the top of the burning building, and save a newborn baby.”, and Alan Woodman.
Looking out of our home window, the blackened Madingley tower block is a constant reminder of that fire. Even as darkness falls in the late evening there is a reminder, as there is a lack of lights on the skyline, lights of people’s homes now empty in the evacuated tower.

Life goes on now. Cars and buses race by, full of people not even noticing the devastation left over, perhaps not even considering where the tenants are now living, where are they eating their meals, how are they providing for themselves, have they got their clothes out their homes? And, the tenants themselves, where are they?