It must be the heat here in Bologna, Italy, driving me to say the wrong things.
I can now understand why people in Bologna leave for the whole of August for a holiday to the seaside, the mountains and other cooler places, as the temperature last night in the bedroom never went below 32 degrees. I was perspiring all night, drinking over 1 litre of water, and not going to the toilet.
The days are even hotter.
It is a time that I have to say what is on my mind, to communicate with others, new ideas, new concepts so learning can take place.
But perhaps I said too much, as I have had my head bitten off, for expressing my opinion.

Need to reactivate the alarm system in my brain which rings a big bell, flashes a big bright red light just before I open my mouth to say something. A warning should be going off in my head :-

Perhaps it is the heat, or the fact that I can talk to someone, after all my life style means I am on my own most of the time in my own world, making my own choices which are appropriate for me and only me, and when I am with other people I forget that they have choices too, that may not be the same as mine.
Oh Poo Poo. Life is such a load of Poo Poo.
Still another day starts, and a new hand of cards have been dealt to me. I hope this hand will be a winning hand, and I think it will be, as I believe I can make the right choices from now on.