
Further knowledge on Migraines

Today I came across more information published on msnbc about migraines and a possible link between strokes, heart attacks and migraine.

Although not fully proven, there seems to be a higher risk of a person suffering a heart attack or stoke, twice or three times greater, for a sufferer of migraines which have the aura effect.

The aura effect is where the sufferer when having a migraine attack, may get flashing lights, hallucinations, vision which is impaired, auras, as in my case, vision which is missing, that is as I look at a persons face I may see the left eye but the right eye is missing, although I know it is there. 

As stated in other articles I have written, see below, other symptoms may exist or be experienced, nausea, sensitivity to light and or sound, extreme headaches, for me extreme pain in one of the eyes, slurred speech, feeling hot or cold, there are many symptoms. But, it is those who experience auras research has recently shown, that the risk of cardiovascular problems, heart attacks and strokes is higher.

My previous research indicated that migraines could be caused by a change in neurotransmitters, including include ions, glutamate and nitric oxide, and or perhaps a cortical spreading depression or “brainstorm“, or electrical discharge. See article .

This new research indicates two new chemicals, or neurotransmitters may be also involved Substance P and Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) being released, which causes inflammation and pain in the blood vessels surrounding the brain. This could be verified by myself when having a migraine attack, by the pronounced blood vessels to the sides of my forehead or temples.

Researchers suspect that the repeated presence of the neurotransmitters Substance P and Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP), and the inflammation they cause, may weaken the blood vessels throughout the whole body, causing ruptures or blockages, that may result in heart attacks or strokes.

It is also thought that migraines could be caused by just the blood supply or vascular system alone and not neurotransmitters, contracting and expanding abnormally, being disfunctional, perhaps due to emotional and physical stress.

Although the above is still not proven, it fits into my experiences, and especially as I was to have an coronary angioplasty, or stent placed in the heart. See articles, click here.

Oh how little we know about our body and brain. 

Previous article.    The start of my migraines.
Next article.         Migraine, an understanding, a cure