
A tour hour tour of Singapore

Tired, as I had little sleep on the Singapore Airlines A380, I joined about twenty other transit passengers at Singapore Changi International Airport for a free two coach tour. What a wonderful gift Singapore Airlines, the Airport Aurthority and the Tourist Board gives to passengers.
On one large island plus a few of the smaller surrounding islands on the southern tip of Malaysia, Singapore is approximately 42 kilometers by 23 kilometers, yet has a population of just over 5 million people, made-up of 70% Chinese, and the rest Indian and Malays. So most of the housing is high rise flats, both Government and private. Offices too reach for the sky.

High rise buildings is the only way Singapore can build.

Building are being constructed everywhere, but it was a joy to hear the tour guide say that they are actively preserving the culture and history of the old Singapore. From temples, Chinese or Indian, mosques, or churches, shop-houses to old colonial buildings.


All religions are accepted from temples, Chinese or Indian, mosques, or churches

Old shophouses are preserved

We even went under the footbridge which I mention in my stories I tell in my courses. You know, try it you might like it”.

try it you might like it