Well Christmas Day has come and gone again.
Part of the family (over twenty) arrived for a Xmas feast in the evening, from babes in arms to the oldies, all tucked-in to so much food, we will be eating the left-overs for days to come.
But Santa did not come to my house. Perhaps it is because we have no chimney? No gifts. No wrapping paper. No unwanted socks. No clothes to take back to the shops to exchange for something more suitable.
Maybe, I might get a belated present one day when I get back to the UK, something I have wanted for a long time, slowly unwrapping, revealing that very special thing.
Well, actually I did come down to a special gift, left in my office.
Cat poo.
Being so hot and humid, the windows and doors are always open, but grills stop any intruders getting into the house.
It is a strange Malaysian custom for me, as most homes are like prisons, grills guarding every entry point, even every exit point, (is someone keeping me a prisoner?), inside the window or outside. I have even seen apartments at 20 floors with grills at the windows.

Grills inside and outside to stop intruders.
So the cat must have got in during the evening, and not realising an extra guest, the windows and doors were shut as we slept.
Poor thing, must have got hungry, and eat some of a bun called a kaya pau, steamed white dough with a wonderful jam filling (Kaya), and it could not have agreed with its’ stomach, because it left me with a present, loads of poo poo, runny diarrhea, smelly, and …….. I will not go on.
Not only had I the cat to clean up after, the floors to wash, but we have another overnight guest. A fruit bat.

Sorry too dark for my flash, but you can see the fruit bat’s eyes and shape

Fruit bat droppings on the car