
A sorting-out day

Today has been the sort of day you sort things out.

Today I have booked my flights to Bangalore, so that I can deliver a PhotoReading course, I have organised the paperwork and course materials.

Today I had to cancel my trip to China to meet many business people there. I am very disappointed on this.

Today I have arranged my next visit to Italy next week, to review our next courses and future plans.

Today I have been trying to sort out my web sites. I have tried to find out how to allow customers to download from the web site the CD track of The Castle, the hypnotic trance that everyone loves. What software sites on the web site so the customer clicks on a button, and then the software asks where do they wish to save the file too, and once the save key is hit, one can see the progress of the download.

Today I need help on this quest. How do you do it?

If you know, please let me know.

Today has been a sort off doing day.