Hypnosis NLP Phobias

The Future as told by a Fortune Teller.

Yesterday I heard from a friend who had their fortune told, and said that there was a mention about me, they could tell by the way the fortune teller described the person. It implied I was or will be ill.

I believe in many things that cannot be proven 100% at this time could be true, or should I say, I have an open mind about ideas, thoughts, technologies, methodologies until they can be proven wrong.

Take for example Remote Viewing, Physique Spying, that the American’s undertook and practiced for many years. Before working with Joe McMoneagle, perhaps the number one remote viewer some years ago, it was just a story, a myth, but I had an open mind. Learning from him, proved to me that such a thing can be achieved. With a friend, Nickie Walker as a runner, we demonstrated for a TV program that Remote Viewing does work.

How about fortune telling?

Is it mind reading? (See the Meta Model)  It could be.

Is it seeing into the future? (See the way the brain works to follow) It could be.

Is it a confidence trick, where the reader, the fortune teller is calibrating to the sitter, reporting back any feedback that is given by noticing eye accessing cues, body movements and language patterns.? It could be.

Because of the way we as humans process information at the surface level, missing out the deep structure, by using the model of Miller that we only take 7 +/- 2 pieces of information, by knowing that to understand we go on a transderivational search into our past experiences, by knowing that we delete, distort and generalise information, by knowing that we put our cat on the mat, we only hear what we want to hear, what which suits us. We fit what is being told to us into our Map of our World or in NLP terms, The Map is not the Territory, our understanding.

We also tend to believe what others say to us. If someone say to us, “you do look sick,” the chances are that you will begin to feel ill, and if enough people tell you that, then it must be true. If someone tells you after a holiday that “you do look great”, and others say the same, then that will influence you, it must be true.

Should you listen to others, fortune tellers, soothsayers, oracles?

There was once a great leader who was at war with the world, expanding his territory, and he went to an oracle to foresee the future. Should he go to battle with the enemy or not? He was told that there would be a great battle, and there would be a great victory. So he assembled his army and attacked his neighbours.

He lost. He failed to get all the facts about the future battle, he did not ask who would win, he believed what he wanted to believe that he would be the winner.

Perhaps the fortune teller can tell us about the future as it could be. I believe that the future is in our hands. It is up to us to take that information, and use it to our advantage, make changes that will make it happen, or changes to prevent it happening.

Look below the surface level, chunk down to look at what could be true and act upon it now.