The trip back to the UK has been taken up by sorting business out, the bank, paying bills, organising future dates, tax affairs, and visas.
On this Friday, (tomorrow) I return to Istanbul Turkey, to give a number of courses, Coaching, Mind Maps, NLP Practitioner level, memory skills and what ever to organisers can throw at me.
I have an appointment in the UK on the 27th of the month for my health, and then fly to Bangalore, India on the 29th for a PhotoReading course, with a projected fifty participants. I need a visa to enter India, so off into London I go.
Sitting here on the train watching people on the way to work, reminds me of the days I would catch the train every morning. Not a word is spoken, people are in their own worlds, trying not to look into others eyes, reading the next persons newspaper, as the newspaper owner tries to hide the print, people catching-up on sleep.
There are smells, curries from last night, stale wine and beer, and what smells like tinned tuna meat. I wish there was a Dior perfume.
The sound of the train announcement “the next station is Wimbledon, please mind the gap between the train and the platform edge,” takes my mind away from the man next to me with an IPod playing some unknown music, all I hear is the bum bum bum. He seems to like it.
Now I hear that there are now train delays due to a power supply problem. Oh Poo Poo. (click to see.) but we are still speeding down the track. The worried look of the passenger faces tells me some will be late.
Thank goodness I have stopped this daily commute into the heart of London. I now only have to sit waiting for hours in airport departure lounges and cramped aircraft seats, listening to the beautiful languages of the world over loudspeakers I find difficult to tune into.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
We all think that other peoples lot, other peoples lives, are better than our own.
As we pull into Waterloo Station I think. Are other peoples lives better than mine?
I think not. I think my map of my territory is OK. (see here the Map is not the Territory)