
My Other Friends, Fred, Antonio, or Mustapha or State Control

Thank you all for your advice for Colin. (click).

I did work with Colin with one of the most powerful exercises in NLP. It is the first technique I use with all my 1-2-1 clients, those with phobias, fears, needing strength, confidence, self power. It is an anchor, a state, you can install in yourself, to call upon whenever you need.

We have all had times when we had confidence, times when we had that internal power or strength, where nothing would trouble us, when our shoulders would be held back, we felt tall.

Now, perhaps as you read this, you too can find a time when you had the power to do anything you wanted.

As I worked with Colin, thoughts of times when I was powerful, standing in front of over five hundred Chinese Human Resource (HR) leaders in Hangzhou just south of Shanghai, presenting NLP, or talking to nearly 1,000 students in a university in Istanbul who were preparing for their examinations. The same power now came back to my body and mind.

I asked Colin to take his right index finger, and place it in his “belly button“, through his clothes.

The “belly button”, also called the navel , or umbilicus scar.

Then I asked him to point with three fingers on the other hand, joining the three fingers together, then place those three fingers immediately below the finger which is placed in the “belly button”, pull the “belly button” finger out, and place that below the three fingers.

“Can you feel where the finger is pointing to?” to which Colin replied “Yes”.

This point is referred to as Hara, Tandien, the Key or Chee. It is one of the seven Chakra’s (Swadhisthana). It is a point that the martial artists, the Kung Fu fighters, place their attention to, (think about), to gain strength.

Hara, Tandien, the Key, Chee or Swadhisthana, are difficult names to remember, so in the UK I call this point Fred, in Italy it is called Antonio, in the Middle East and Turkey I call it Mustapha. You can call this point whatever you want.

I then asked Colin to stand with his feet slightly apart, and I touched his forehead, asking him to place his attention at this point, as I gently moved him around side to side. I asked him to notice how he felt, notice his thoughts, feelings, as he felt very unstable.

After I had anchored, or showed him how it felt to be weak, I asked him to move his attention down to Fred, Antonio, Mustapha, and with the attention here, just below the “belly button”, I again moved him from side to side, and asked him to notice the difference to be now strong like a rock, like a statue, an oak tree. It is difficult to move people around with their attention here.

I did this procedure three times, the magic three, so that the brain will learn that whenever you place your attention at Fred, Antonio, or Mustapha, you will get the power the confidence you want, helping you do what you desire.

As with all the work I do, teaching, coaching, working 1-2-1 with clients, I always test the work.

I touched the forehead of Colin and moved him side to side, so that he became weak, and asked him to think about something that may have upset him in the past, perhaps a person, a place or a thing. I asked him to notice what it was like, thoughts, feelings.

Once this was calibrated, I asked him to move his attention down to Fred, Antonio, or Mustapha, and to notice now the difference taking a deep breath in. Notice the thoughts the feelings.

“What are the differences?”

“They are insignificant, small, they don’t matter, I feel powerful.” These are some of the comments given to me.

Think about it.

When people say or believe they have too much to do, they are given too much information. Notice what they say, their actions. They will say such things as, “it is going over my head”,  “my head is going to burst”, they will often hold their head in their hands.

When people cannot cope, when they are out of their depth, getting too much information, their attention is in their head.

When you are strong, your attention is at Fred, Antonio, or Mustapha.

Practice Fred, Antonio, or Mustapha every day in the shower, make it strong, allow your brain to learn this implicitly, so that whenever you need strength or confidence, come back to this place, place your attention here.