NLP Travels

Change, Change Change

Life seems to be in a never-ending flux. Life changes all the time, no matter how much you can plan for the future, it seems never to go to plan.

That is one thing I like about my job. I never know what is around the corner, as I adapt the content of my courses to fit the situation, change travel arrangements if perhaps there are delays, change dates of courses, presentations or working with clients on a 1-2-1 basis.

I am kept on my toes.

Other changes happen as people come and go into my work.

Every course I give there are new faces, new characters, new personalities. Even those participants who return to progress with me to higher levels of learning have changed. And so it should be.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been in conversation with some of my translators that have helped me deliver my courses.

The environment in the courses means we have a close working relationship, built on trust and understanding. The work of translating me is quite demanding due to the language patterns I use, the structure of my English is different to normal day-to-day conversational language, there is a purpose in what I say and how I say it.

The translator should know this structure, understand it, and then recreate it into their own language, Turkish, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, etc.

I have to know that they are doing this by calibrating with them, knowing that they are relaxed and happy, calibrating with the participants, knowing that they are getting my message, even at a subconscious level.

So this relationship with the translators takes time to build, the trust both ways, the understanding.

I have had some fantastic translators, and still do have. Deniz Merdizan will be with me in Turkey from the 27th September. Visit the web site of NLP-Time for dates. (2010, I no longer work with NLP-Time)

Deniz Merdizan
Deniz Merdizan

But as life changes so do my translators who leave me to find pastures new. Full time work.

Zümrüt Demirel now works for a major telecommunications company.

Zümrüt Demirel
Zümrüt Demirel

Arzu Ozen who had been with me for a number of years translating in Turkey, now travels the world as a full time translator.

Arzu Ozen

Today I hear from Aylin Mutlu who starts a full time appointment in Ankara as a translator and assistant on Monday next.

Aylin Mutlu

I wish all my many past translators in many countries my best wishes. I hope that working together has helped you gain more out of your life and your work, now and in the future, because your input into my life has helped me.

Good luck me duks.

English Sayings Travels

London is

London is great.

Over the last couple of days, I have been busy, seeing clients, preparing for the Stage Hypnosis Course on 20th and 21st of September 2008 in London, and trying to sort out the rest of the year for the countries I will be visiting to give training sessions, Turkey, Italy, Bahrain, UK etc.

I have had no time to think, which has been good.

When I needed help, mostly it has been there, supporting me, spurring me on, answering my questions, translating emails for me.

But there has been frustrations. With somethings I needed help, but could not find the anyone, I needed answers, but could not find the people or they did not or have not answered me.

Late Friday afternoon I needed to rearrange flights, and the best way was to accomplish it by sitting in front of the people, face to face, so of to Central London I went.

London is quite small really. It is easy to get around, from A to B, via X, by bus, tube, taxi or as we say in the UK,Shanksy’s Pony”.

So from my meeting in New Burlington Street, near Hamley’s Regent Street store, the best know toy shop in the world, on a warm late afternoon, I decided to walk back to Waterloo to catch the train home.

Pushing my way passed the tourists enjoying Piccadilly Circus, standing under Eros, hoping perhaps his arrow of love will capture someone for them, into China Town with a great restaurant for you to visit Wong Kei, out into Leicester Square with all its’ cinemas, then over the River Thames to Waterloo railway station, there is so much to see, and no time to do it in.

If you ever visit London, walk.

Piccadilly Circus from Regent Street, London
Piccadilly Circus from Regent Street, London

Eros in Piccadilly Circus, London
Eros in Piccadilly Circus, London

China Town, London
China Town, London

PS. for my American friends, we British are strange, and we pronounce words not as spelt. So Leicester Square is not pronounced “lie cester“, but “les ter” Square.

Part of Leicester Square, London, home of the British Cinema 
Part of Leicester Square, London

PPS. At the restaurant Wong Kei, do not expect good service with a smile, the waiters will be tell you off, where to sit, what to do, to hurry up, even take the unfinished food from under your nose if you take too long to eat. That is what makes Wong Kei a must to visit for good food at a very cheap price and to have a great time.

Wong Kei Restaurant, China Town London 
Wong Kei Restaurant, China Town London

Try it you might like it.

Thoughts Travels

Fags End

In recent years, the UK as with other countries, have introduced strict no smoking laws.

Gone are the days when I sat in a restaurant, and a nearby smokers smoke drifted across my face.

Gone are the days I went into a bar and came out after an evening enjoying myself with colleagues or friends with my clothes smelling of cigarette smoke.

Gone are the days I walked down the railway platform following a smoker, my air space full of cigarette smoke, whilst the smoker was in fresh air.

Don’t take me wrong, I am not against smokers. As a reformed heavy smoker myself, I know the joy of a cigarette. Thirty years ago I gave up, but I still hunger for that same satisfaction on occasions.

The UK law restricts smoking in any public building or work space. This has resulted in workers having to stand outside the offices if they want to smoke, no matter what the weather is.

Next to my home, Norbiton Hall in Kingston upon Thames, is an office block called Clarendon House, home to many small companies whose employees must follow the law on smoking.

Clarendon House Norbiton Kingston
Clarendon House Norbiton Kingston

On the glass front entrance door can be found a notice:-


No Smoking Clarendon House
No Smoking Clarendon House

So what do the employees do? Go into the grounds of Norbiton Hall, and smoke there.

Smoker from Clarendon House
Smoker from Clarendon House

No problem, it is in the open, and some nicely maintained gardens.

But, why do they have to drop the FAG ENDS, the stubs, on the floor, stamping them out, and leaving them for other people to clear up.

Fag ends left by Clarendon House occupants in Norbiton Hall
Fag ends left by Clarendon House occupants in Norbiton Hall

I have a good mind to sweep them up and post them through the Clarendon House letter box.

I’m becoming a grumpy old man.


Spitfire Rebuild at Fort Perch Rock

I received this message from Jamie Simmons, after he read my articles on the Spitfire and Hurricane aircraft. I have asked Jamie if there are any photographs of their aircraft so that I can post them on the blog.

Please help with their project if you can.


My name is Jamie Simmons and volunteer my help by restoring classic aircraft and components for The Aircraft Museum at Fort Perch Rock in New Brighton.

We have in our collection the remains of a Spitfire Mk2a which crashed during the war at Birkenhead Park, the pilot bailed out landed to fight another day.

The Spitfire is very complete from nose to tail and as we also have the manufacturers ID plate this constitutes an excellent point at which to start a rebuild to fly.

This would be a five year rebuild and have a restoration company based in the Isle of Wight named Airframe Assemblies who specialise in Spitfire rebuilds and restorations, we are looking for interested companies/persons to help rebuild this piece of British history, the benefits are aircraft displays, film work, documentary, corporate events and air displays, the first being a documentary on the rebuild and awareness of the rebuild at air displays and fund raising.

If you are interested or know of any company who would like to help please contact me by Email:-  

[email protected]

Your Sincerely
Mr Jamie Simmons
The Aircraft Museum
Fort Perch Rock


Thoughts Travels

Change often goes unnoticed

Change often goes unnoticed, perhaps because it happens so slowly, or we do not want to have change so we block it out, or it happens while we are being distracted by something else.
The previous months have been full of warmth, goodwill, happiness. It was the summer months.

I have been training and travelling to many places, in Turkey, Italy, Malaysia, Bahrain and many places in the UK, I have been very busy.

Ok, there had been down days when it was cool or wet, but the rest was sunny, bright, warm, making me feel good, young at heart, happy.

Now, suddenly, change.

Here in the UK, as in other parts of the world, we have had bad weather. The sun has disappeared, we seem to be under a dark cloud every day. It is raining. It is cold.

Suddenly, people here in the UK are wearing warm clothing, jumpers, coats.

Gone are the Gucci sun glasses.

Today I went for a walk and had a visual signal that change was with us.

Under a heavy clouded sky, standing by the fast flowing cold river Thames, swollen by recent rains, I noticed that the river birds, swans, geese, ducks, were fewer in number than there had been in the summer, restaurants had less people eating at outside tables, but more noticeable were the trees on the opposite bank of the Thames.

The River Thames at Kingston upon Thames in September 2008

The leaves were changing colour, they were not green but yellow.

Oh Poo Poo, change is happening. Best make the best of it.


Intuition and Instinct

Intuition can be defined as the ability to sense or know immediately without reasoning or without knowing how we came about the conclusion.

Instinct can be defined as inherent disposition of a toward a behaviour, is not learned, but is inherited or inbreed.

Both are available to humans, but the vast majority do not know of their existence, or do not recognise the signals that they give thus allowing intuition and instinct to help us.

Animals use intuition and instinct to exist. Whales, fish, birds and other wild animals use their homing instincts to migrate to far off lands. They have no GPS system.

Intuition is knowing, sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding, it is a gut feeling.

Intuition is a learned process. As we experience actions, behaviors, happenings, these are stored away in our memory banks, and as we continue in our life, we may come across similar happenings, the brain goes on a Transderivational Search of the memory bank, asking “have I had this experience or similar before?“, if so what was the outcome, what happened last time.

The searching (Transderivational Search) takes a time about one third of a second, and all this takes place in our subconscious, we are not aware of the process.

This recovered information from the Transderivational Search is sent to our conscious knowing, but the majority of humans do not recognise this information or act upon it.

An instinct will be initiated by some form of stimuli to one or more of the sensory systems or modalities, defined in NLP as VAKog.

An instinct which is inherited, inbreed, already wired in to the brain, will be different to an action created by a response, in NLP terms an anchor. An action response is learned.

For example, instinct is when we get a smell or chemical reaction through the nasal, olfactory, sensory receptor cells, say pheromones, this may trigger a sexual response, while the hearing a load BANG through auditory sensory receptor cells may trigger a fight or flight response, we may jump, run away or fight.

Whereas, hearing a nice voice calling you, in my case my mother calling “Phillip“, creates a good reaction in me because I knew mother was baking a chocolate cake. Yet when my mother called me in a harsh loud voice, “Phillip John“, I knew I had done something wrong, I was in trouble. I had learned these reactions, my mothers voice had became an anchor, an action response, an intuition.

Is instinct the same as intuition? No, but we must learn to use them, become aware of their existence.

Become more aware like the members of the Stargate Project, et al, and Joe McMoneagle.

Use Phillip’s Sausage, for the peripheral awareness.


10 Commandments for a Better Life

I came across this which I would like to share with you.

1.  You shall not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all activities.

2.  You shall not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to pass.

3.  You shall not carry grudges, for they are the heaviest of all lives burdens.

4.  You shall not take problems to bed with you, for they make poor bedmates. 

5.  You  shall not be bogged down by frustration, for 99% is rooted in self-pity and only interfere with 
     positive action.

6.  You shall count your blessings, never over-looking the small ones, for a lot of small blessings 
     add up to a big one.

7.  You shall be a good listener, for only when you listen do you hear ideas different from your own.

8.  You shall face each problem as it comes, viewing it as an opportunity to expand your problem 
     solving skills.

 9.  You shall not borrow other peoples problems. They are the ones intended to solve their problems 
      and integrate the lessons they learn for themselves.

10. You shall not try to re-live yesterday – for good or ill. It is forever gone. Concentrate on what is
     happening in your life and be happy now. Anxiety is caused by trying to retrieve the irretrievable. 


Alpha Group Resales

Owning a timeshare holiday can be very beneficial, rewarding, but there are many pot holes you can fall into, many people trying to make a quick buck out of people, mostly hiding behind laws and legislation that is not international so cannot be enforced in another country.

Having a timeshare in Spain, for nearly twenty years in the very up market town of Puerto Banús, Marbella (Málaga), and it is called Club Jardines del Puerto. I love the place, to see the many large yachts in the harbour, the expensive cars, which drive round the harbour at night, and the diners at night sitting in the open fronted restaurants.

In the evening, I like to go early for a meal, say 8pm. It means that it is too early for most diners, thus there is the possibility to be seated at a front table, so I can watch people passing by, watching me, watching them. I love it.

In the last couple of months, companies have telephoned to say that they have a buyer for the timeshare if it is to be sold.

I am always careful of cold callers, people offering special deals over the telephone. Offering commission for windows installed ten years previously, (see Weatherseal Windows, do you think I am stupid?), special deals on mobile phones and purporting to be a service provider, Orange or Vodafone.

The latest call was from a company called Alpha Group Resales.

They said they have a purchaser who wishes to buy the timeshare at a very good price, and potential buyer had put a deposit down with the company Alpha Group Resales. Worth considering I think.

There would be a number of contract stages I was told, two I believe, that would be gone through, before the sale would be finalised.

Firstly, could they have my credit card number.

What for?” I asked.

They would take £995 (UK Pounds Stirling), as a form of guarantee in case I pulled out. It would be paid back upon completion of the sale.

This smells of a scam, a con, of somebody trying to extort money from me. Why should I have to pay up front? Why would they not take commission from the sale?

How did these people know about the timeshare?” I asked. “Oh they viewed the flat.

Strange, why didn’t the resident management team of Club Jardines del Puerto contact me? I had not appointed this company to sell the timeshare. How could they sell something or take a deposit when they did not know if the timeshare was for sale in the first place?

I asked for Alpha Group Resales telephone number, and was given  0035314428485 . That is a Southern Ireland telephone number, surely the telephone number would be a Spanish one?

I asked them if they had more details, a web site, references.

They gave me a telephone number of 08712041621 which they said was for the Timeshare Advisory Service. An 0871 number is a national call rate number in the UK, which can be diverted to any phone line in the world.

I asked them to call back.

Yes there was a web site,, but the site was not listed in any search engines.


I checked on “whois“, a web site which gives details of the registrant of a domain name, dates of registering and who owns the domain name. The domain was first registered or created 8th July 2008, less than a month ago, so not a long standing company, and registry expires 8th July 2009, so they do not intend to trade for long. It has the owner details restricted.

I checked for the Timeshare Advisory Service on the search engines. The only reference I can find to a company with such a name is in Queensland Australia, with no website and no telephone number.

Searching on the web for the telephone number 08712041621 reveals that other people have been given this number, and that the whole set-up is a scam.

There is another resale company mentioned in this type of scam, again asking for £995 payment up front from the seller. This company is Holiday Network Solutions (HNS), with a very nice looking site, but no address or location nor any telephone numbers, the only way of contacting is via the on-site inquiry form.

It seems many people have reported being conned by this company out of £995. The credit card companies refuse to pay back, as there was a freely entered contract between the parties.

It appears that once the £995 is paid, the so called potential buyer will back-out, and another purchaser will be found, offering a substantially lower price. Obviously the seller will say “no deal”, but the £995 will not be repaid, as the seller has broken the contract by refusing to sell, or they will delay supplying the next potential buyer for a year, by which time the company and money has disappeared.

I hope if you are reading this blog, it has reached you before you have parted with your money. This scam is rife.

Oh Katie Bond of Alpha
Group Resales
did call me back, but when and I said I would not continue as I had seen the scam on the internet, the telephone went dead.

Intuition can be a powerful tool.

NLP Travels

NLP Practitioner, VICENZA, Italy

I love my work, and it was an honour to accept an invitation to be part of the training team of NLP Italy to present an NLP Practitioner course in Vicenza.

My journey had started in the UK at 4am to catch the early morning flight, BA2596, to Italy, I was tired, but I knew I would be able to sleep in the afternoon once in the hotel in Vicenza. My two day session did not start until the next day.

I arrived early in Verona, a town I had previously given courses in over the past few weeks. See entry My trip to Verona as a tourist. I was to be picked-up and taken to the venue, the Jolly Hotel Vicenza by Raffaele Tovazzi, at 1:30pm, so I had quite a wait.

Jolly Hotel Tiepolo, Vicenza

On arrival in Italy, I decided to travel into Verona town center, and sit in the town square next to the Arena.

The weather was warm, and the locals sat talking in small groups on the public benches, lovers arm in arm, families just being together. People would come and go, and it seemed to be a very social atmosphere. I joined them, sitting enjoying the morning sun, just observing the interaction between people, the tourists being amazed at the ancient buildings. It was a few hours of pure relaxation which I have not done for a long time.

Verona Arena Square

Eventually, I thought that really I should get some exercise, and get some lunch, as I was to be picked-up at 1:30pm.

Sitting in the restaurant, again just observing life passing me by, I had a telephone call, Raffaele was already in Verona, and as I was to be in the hotel the course was to be held, would I do that afternoons session.

Why not?

It was the start of a fantastic two and a half days. Superbly assisted and translated by Raffaele and Elena Martelli, we weaved our way from subject to subject of the NLP Practitioner requirements. We had messages asking me to change the plan of what I was to teach, so the other coming trainers could cover the subjects themselves. No problems I was on cloud nine, I was in the flow, I was enjoying the interaction between the participants, my translator Elena and myself.

Phillip Holt with Elena Martelli

The participants were a joy to work with, as they were so responsive, initially taken aback I think my style of training compared to the first trainer they had. But, this would only help them, seeing and working with different trainers to understand NLP even better.

So thank you participants, you helped me provide you with the training I wanted for you, and remember, you must practice, and try new things, new ideas, as you never know you might like it.

NLP Practitioner course Vicenza, September 2008

Hypnosis Stage Hypnosis

Stage Hypnosis

Over the years I have met some wonderful stage hypnotists, and have had the honour to work and be trained by many of them, including, Paul McKenna, Ormond Magill, Jerry Valley, Tommy Vee and Paul Goldin.

From their input I have become a Stage Hypnotist myself, appearing on TV and stage.

From this knowledge I give a Course on Stage Hypnosis, a course I love, and one that has run now for a number of years.

I have recently completed a course in Istanbul on Stage Hypnosis, and it was a wonderful experience for me to be amongst participants who may never put a live show on stage, but who were eager to learn new skills and hone their hypnosis skills.

Practice hypnotic inductions for the stage hypnosis course in Istanbul.

Oh it is so cold, some of the stars of the show feeling the cold weather, Istanbul.

Stars of a hypnosis stage show in trance following the hypnotists instructions, Istanbul.

Keep up the good work, I am sorry we could not have more on the course. Next time come to Istanbul to learn Stage Hypnosis.

The next Stage Hypnosis course will be held in London,  Saturday and Sunday, 20-21 September 2008.

You can book and pay for your place on the web site  

More information telephone UK  (+44) 08451306213 .