I had been to the Penang Adventist Hospital the previous day for a CT Scan on my heart. Now it was time to collect the results.
So, I give you my heart.

I had been to the Penang Adventist Hospital the previous day for a CT Scan on my heart. Now it was time to collect the results.
So, I give you my heart.
Previously I had noticed that I was sweating a lot, especially after a long walk, and at that time I when I was working in Istanbul I was staying at a place called Tunel and then walking up to Taxim Square, a twenty minute or so walk. It was a walk I used to enjoy, but was beginning to find I did not want to do, only to arrive in the course with my shirt soaking wet.
I was asked to give a course in Antalya in the South of Turkey by the sea, and my translator at the time, Asuman Yildirim, decided to learn scuba diving in the evenings. I am a Master Diver with over 600 dives under my weight belt, and my metaphors in class obviously was an inspiration for her to take up the hobby. On her qualifying dive I joined her and her instructor, only for my world to turn up side down, literally, I had to abort my dive.
Getting back to the UK, I went to my doctor to checkout my little ailments, and after cardiovascular stress tests and angiogram, I was given the stent, and tablets to take for the rest of my life.
I listened to what the medical professionals had to say what was happening to me, and thought I understood, but really it was like the Energy Saving Lamps articles, all I knew was at the surface level, I did not really understand.
Yes, I was modifying my life style, eating differently, difficult when staying in hotels, eating in restaurants in foreign countries, not knowing what I was eating. I tried to modify my daily exercise by walking more, doing exercises.
I had an idea why, because exercise helps you loose weight and strengthens the heart, and eating good food helps stop the fatty food, cholesterol entering the blood system, thus clogging the heart.
Then there were all these good fats, bad fats, trans fats, triglycerides, HDL’s, LDL’s, plaque, lipids, cholesterol, hypertension, high blood pressure, figures and measurements that just meant nothing to me.
All I knew was there was something wrong, I had procedure which involved placing a stent in my heart which widened the artery.
It was as if I was looking at the white Energy Saving Lamp, not knowing what was inside or how things work.
For my train spotting follows, here are a few pictures of the main West Coast line in Malaysia, taken at the Bukit Mertajam station.
The heavy rail system mostly carries freight and runs on narrow gauge tracks, that is track of 1,000 mm or 3 ft 3
3⁄8 in, compared to standard gauge tracks of 1,435 mm or 4 ft 8 1⁄2 in.At the moment there is mostly a single track laid, but this is in the process of being upgraded to a dual track arrangement.
So, now I know more about Light in our life, Energy Saving Lamps, LED’s and incandescent light bulbs , and Energy Saving Lights, becoming environmentally friendly, but not everything. But really, do you really need to know everything to exist, to live, to work?.
Then you know how thinks start to connect? Well they started to connect for me, I needed more information.
In the blog Synchronicity, I found another lost friend I mentioned that I came across three books, they jumped out at me as I walked round Borders (MY) bookshop.
One of the three books I was drawn to is The Men Who Stare Ar Goats by Jon Ronson. I had seen the trailers to the film based upon the book staring George Clooney, Jeff Bridges, Ewan McGregor, Kevin Spacey and Goat.
The Men Who Stare At Goats is supposed to be a true story about what happened when a small group of men – highly placed in the U.S. Military, Government, and Intelligence Services – begin believing in very strange things.
During my journey of acquiring knowledge and becoming an International Trainer and speaker, I have met, been taught by and learned from many talented, influential, initiative, amazing people, people who believe and do strange things.
One of these people was Joseph McMoneagle, a military man, who after a near death experience in Germany in 1970, found himself with extra-sensory perception, to be able to collect information on remote targets, to Remote View.
The Men Who Stare At Goats, is an investigation by Jon Ronson in how the American agencies started with ideas from Lieutenant Colonel Jim Channon to employ new ways of cunning to win wars and the minds of the enemy.
I started reading the book thinking this is just fiction based on facts, as Ronson writes in an easy first person point of view from the interviews he undertook. It is not an academic or heavy work, and my interest grew, I could not put the book down.
I have read perhaps a dozen books on Remote Viewing, (only a small part of Ronson’s book is about RV), spent time with Joe McMoneagle learning Remote Viewing, been filmed and tested by a TV crew and by a specialized department from Northampton University (UK) undertaking a Remote Viewing target, so I knew some of the story of the Stargate Project, and the various other names given to the Remote Viewing program.
Ronson makes light of some of the activities the American military and other agencies were doing, it seemed only looking at the complete failures of projects undertaken, of how people involved in the projects were deserved by others. An example given was that it was purported that a photograph was taken of the approaching Hale-Bopp comet being paced by a companion object. This was seen by psychic spies Prudence Calabrese and Dr. Courtney Brown as a Martian space craft. This belief was broadcast by Art Bell on his nationwide radio program over a period of time, and it is said led to the deaths of thirty-nine people, including their leader Marshall Applewhite, Heaven’s Gate, who committed suicide, thinking that they would be taken on a ride of the companion object to Hale-Bopp to a higher level of human existence.
He seems to make light of the said ability to “down” a goat or hamsters, simply by staring at them by such people as Guy Savelli.
Throughout my readings and study of Remote Viewing, some of the names given in The Men Who Stare At Goats I had never come across, but then Ronson writes about Joe McMoneagle, Ed Dames, Ingo Swann, these people I did know about. I learned more, I did not know that it was Ed Dames blowing the whistle, telling the world about the existence of the secret psychic Remote Viewers, that allowed the other members of the project to go public, and for me to meet Joseph McMoneagle.
But in the book The Men Who Stare At Goats, Ronson states that McMoneagle’s gifts apparently manifested itself after he fell out of a helicopter in Vietnam. But I distinctly remember Joseph capturing my imagination as he told his story, and as told in his book Mind Trek, (page 28 et al), of his near death experience in a restaurant in Braunau am Inn, Austria, leaving his body and watching as they worked on his body, loaded it into an automobile, to be raced across the Germany border to a hospital to be resuscitated.
Who am I to believe? Joseph McMoneagle’s own mouth and his book, or Jon Ronson? Am I to believe the other facts Ronson lays out in his book?
It was not until I read the whole book, The Men Who Stare At Goats, that a new picture begins to emerge of what is happening in our world. Strange things. Unbelievable things. Things that have happened and are happening in Iraq, Afghanistan, Panama etc. Things that can be achieved just by using thoughts, the mind.
Is what is in Ronson’s book the truth, facts? I have an open mind, especially as I have met and learned from people in that book. I have met, seen and learned from the bio-energy healer Seka Nikolic, author of the book ‘You Can Heal Yourself‘, who I have seen move people at a distance by pure thoughts.
I myself have and do some strange things, but that is another story.
It is when we look below the surface, look for more facts, how things are done that we understand. It is those that do not look deeper, see things at the surface level, that dismiss strange things as stage magic, slight of hand, misdirection, delusion, fantasy who will be the losers. Ronson supplies this information in his book, but there is so much more to know.
Joe McMoneagle said that psychic spying, remote viewing, downing a goat with a stare is not 100% successful, and some people are better at it than others. But, if the results are better than 50/50, or chance, statistically there must be something in what The Men That Stare At Goats do. As General Stubblebine, who did much to promote “cunning” ways believes, everybody has the ability.
Sometimes it is good to know how an Energy Saving Lamp works.
Let me continue on from Light in our life, Energy Saving Lamps, LED’s and incandescent light bulbs.
The filament type or incandescent light bulbs in the house in Bukit Mertajam, Malaysia, keep on blowing or failing. This is perhaps as they are cheap and low quality, and we have many bulbs in each light fitting. It is a constant battle to replace bulbs.
Each bulb is 40 Watts, so in the photograph below, there are 13 bulbs, equaling 520 Watts of power consumption. Lowering that by 80% by fitting Energy Saving Lamps would be quite a saving in energy consumption and money spent on electricity. OK, there is the initial outlay to purchase the Energy Saving Lamps.
As an experiment I decided to replace one ceiling light unit of six bulbs with Energy Saving Lamps. Each Energy Saving Lamp being 9 Watts, equivalent to 40 Watts in the incandescent light bulb, that is the same amount of light.
Once fitting new lamps, the change in the light was amazing. Pure white light, daylight, compared to the old filament lights which gave a yellow tinge to the light.
Then I noticed that two of the Energy Saving Lamps appeared much dimmer than the other four. Looking into why, thinking I must have purchased different Wattage lamps, I found that there are two types of Energy Saving Lamps, “Daylight” and “Warmwhite”.
Now that is something I did not know existed, two types of lamp. Look at the lables next time.
As I tested the lamps by switching them on and of, why I do that I have no idea, there was a load bang, and the trip switch on the main power supply to the house triggered, and the lights went out.
Investigating I found that one lamp had failed.
Oh Poo Poo. Buy cheap and you get cheap.
In the longterm, is it wise to by cheap, as the product never lasts long?
As I removed the failed lamp it fell apart, revealing the electronics inside.
Wow, it amazed me how many components were there. No wonder the lamps cost so much.
How much energy has there been expended to manufacture the circuit board, each individual component?
How much manpower with its’ associated power consumption was used to put the circuit board together?
I realised how little I knew about the workings of a Energy Saving Lamp.
And that got me thinking about other things to follow.
Um? I wonder if we go through life like that, only looking at the finished product, the outer skin, not knowing how it works, what makes it do what it does?
In the UK, the old style light bulbs, the filament type or incandescent light bulb, are being phased out, and now the preferred option is to buy and fit Energy Saving Lamps, which are also known as compact fluorescent lamps.
It makes sense to replace old inefficient tungsten filament bulbs, as they are heavy users of electricity, of power. The basic principle of filament bulbs is to heat a coil (filament), the heated coil glows which produces light, the hotter the coil, the more light will be produced.
New technology lamps, LED‘s and Energy Saving Lamps work on different principles.
LED‘s are illuminated by electrons that run through semiconductor material, the diode, they do not have a filament, therefore do not produce heat, use less electricity and will never burn out.
There are the downsides with LED‘s and Energy Saving Lamps. The Energy Saving Lamps use mercury, and when discarded at the end of their life, the mercury gas can enter the environment and is harmful to it, therefore any old fluorescence lamps should be discarded responsibly.
LED‘s are now being fitted to torches, car lights and traffic lights. As they use minimal energy, last a very long time, fitting LED lights to street furniture is very cost effective. But as LED‘s produce no heat, it was found that any snow or ice that formed on traffic lights was not melted, and thus drivers did not see the signals which resulted in accidents. People have to be employed to clear the snow and ice from the street furniture, rather defeating the cost saving I think.
Great ideas for saving energy and the environment.
In his book Synchronicity, Joseph Jaworski tells his story, his journey of life, and he describes the coincidences that occurred for example meeting and marrying his wife, how things are actually connected, or as C.G. Jung’s book title says, “Synchronicity, An Acausal Connecting Principle“.
Synchronicity is defined as a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved. (Jung – Synchronicity, An Acausal Connecting Principle).
I had to return to the Penang Adventist Hospital to pick-up my results from a CT Scan and on the return journey home, we diverted to a new shopping complex on the island of Penang, the Queensbay Shopping Mall, the largest and best in Penang giving wonderful views to Penang’s Bridge. (click for other views)
It was like meeting a long lost friend, I was excited, overjoyed, like a child in a toy shop.
Wondering around the bookshelves I felt at home, the sections were the same, and I kept my eyes open for anything of interest, especially for books published by Prion, who bring together books of a nostalgic literature, Biggles, Sherlock Holmes, King Solomons Mines, books I should have read when I was a boy.
It was like putting on my favourite pair of shoes.
I did not find any books by Prion, but out of the whole shop of Borders (MY), three books jumped out at me from the book shelves, I was drawn to them. It was as if a hand from above had led me to these books above any other books in the shop, they caught my eye, they stood out. They did not have any eye catching features, they were just books, but they had something special for me.
Was I using Phillip’s Sausage? I wonder?
Why was I drawn to one book in particular?
This book may save my life. This book has given me a deeper understanding of a subject that I will write about soon, enough knowledge that I can talk with the experts, to be able discuss the subject, and, understand what they are talking about.
Thank goodness for PhotoReading.
Synchronicity happens to me all the time. Why was I to go to the Queensbay Shopping Mall? Why was I sitting in the waiting room in the Penang Adventist Hospital? Why did the Doctor in Gaziantep with Bells Palsy attend my NLP course and after 32 years of zero (0) movement in one side of her face now have 80% muscle movement and control?
As Jaworski says, “the world is not fragmented but fundamentally connected”. We should open our eyes and awareness to see the world as one of relatedness, of interconnections, and not as individuality, as separate thingness.
Last year whilst visiting Bukit Mertajam, my home in Malaysia, I found and lost a friend, not a close one, we never talked or had physical contact, but I felt a friend. read
After a bad nights sleep, the heat and the high humidity is sometimes too much for me but not for the rest of the family who live permanently in Malaysia, I walked around my garden in the early morning sun.
I then met my friend, or was it another. They all look the same to me.
What a loverly looking face, kind, warm and loving, it seems to be smiling at me as it watches me, watching it, watching me.
Whilst sitting in one of the many Waiting Rooms of the X-ray and Imaging Department of the Penang Adventist Hospital, watching the various patients coming and going having different procedures done, a woman has brought out of the MRI scan room in a very phobic state.
Sitting in a wheelchair, her legs were shaking, her hands were shaking and un-coordinated as she tried to stay calm. Her eyes were wide open, flitting from one place to another, one person to another looking for support. She was hyperventilating, her speech was broken and at times unintelligible.
The other patients sitting waiting their turn for their procedures looked on, frozen, perhaps thinking “will that be me?“.
The staff offered the woman water, bless their hearts, as they tried to calm her. She was told to take deep breaths and relax, but she still was agitated and shaking.
I decided to go up to her and smiled, getting into her full visual picture, and asked her if she wanted to get rid of that feeling.
She nodded and started to explain she was frightened, phobic of being inside the machine, and telling me what was happening to her. As I listened, knowing already what I was going do, what I was to work on, just getting her into a state of rapport with me, trust in me, to a state of compliance to my instructions, to follow me, I did my work.
Within seconds her breathing slowed down, she stopped shaking, her eyes stopped flitting about, she visibly relaxed, her fears had disappeared and she smiled at me.
I asked her where the phobic fear feelings were, and she could not find them.
I asked her to imagine going into the machine, and she just smiled back at me.
My work was done in a matter of a few minutes the woman was changed.
She looked around at the nurses and smiled in a calm way, and just kept saying it is a miracle.
As she was wheeled away, she turned and with a big smile, thanked me.
I will never see that woman again, but I hope I have given her a new hope a new way in life.
I have helped in one small way to change the world.
I love my work.
Today I feel like a real man, a man who is meant to be what a man is to do.
For over ten years we have lived in a flat in Kingston upon Thames in the UK, and for ten years we have owned a house in Bukit Mertajam in Malaysia.
For over ten years my tools, my hammers, my screwdrivers, my power drills, my pliers, my wrenches, have sat locked away in a storage cupboard, there has been nothing for me to work on, to repair, to build.
Last year, we shipped many of our things, our possessions from the UK to Malaysia as Mee Len wanted to move “home”. Along with the goods, I shipped many of my tools, acquired over a lifetime, my favourite hammer, my do-it-all screwdriver, my wire cutters et al.
On arrival to BM, (Bukit Mertajam, the Malaysians use initials to name towns, BM =’s Bukit Mertajam, KL =’s Kuala Lumpur, JB =’s Jahor Baru, SP =’s Sungai Petani.), late Christmas Day, it was obvious that my one year absence had left some repairs to be undertaken. A window frame which was rotting, etc. Now was the time for me to use my tools, to do what a man should do.
I installed bathroom fittings in our three bathrooms, got hot water to two of the shower units, got the internet phone working again, increased the speed of the internet, installed a new internet network system so the family next door can share our access.