Coaching Memory Mind Maps NLP Phobias PhotoReading Presentations Stage Hypnosis Travels

A Long Journey for Coaches in Italy

Coaching Milan

NLP Coaching participants with Certificates in Italy, Renata Laria, Andrea Gervasini, Franco Di Gilio, Flor Fernandez e Monica, Alessandro Orlando, Claudia Sabatini, Cotardo Giulia, Valeria Sturniolo , Phillip Holt, Marcello Buglione — at Hotel Residence Golf Milano
Life is a journey, and from beginning to end, with many tours to places we never knew about or visited before, we will have many experiences, meet many people, visit many places, some are great, some are bad, and from this journey and side tours, we can learn.
As I travel the world, to many different places, I am being exposed to different cultures, different food, different languages, and in my later years I have endeavoured to learn from these experiences, unlike the younger me who thought he knew everything.
As a younger me, I despised the get rich quickly tour guides who touted on street corners, at tourist attractions, in airport or in hotels, offering their services for a fee to tell you about what I presupposed I already knew. Why should I pay for these leeches when I could walk around myself and find out?
My long lost daughter, Vanessa came to stay with us in our home in Kingston upon Thames, and it was decide that we should go into central London to see the tourist attractions, Big Ben, The Tower of London, Tower Bridge, St. Paul’s Cathedral etc. I knew these places, I had lived and worked in London for over twenty years, why should not I be the guide?
Instead of being the tour guide, we decided that we should take one of the city tour buses.
It was just like when I recently joined an Official Tour Guide of my home town of Kingston upon Thames, a town’s history I had researched, a town I had lived in for many years. I soon realised how much I did not know, there was so much missing information in my knowledge, knowledge that I would need to expand upon and enhance.
So it was in London with my daughter, I learnt so much, little pieces of information adding to my knowledge base, which only got me more interested and intrigued, to go back and research for more knowledge.
When I have time now, which is not very often visiting new or old places, I will often join an official tour, to get to know the basic information of the area, then if I wish, I will revisit where I have been taken to, to discover more, to chunk down, I will buy books, ask questions, just to enhance my knowledge.
And so it was some many months ago, I was invited to give a group of Italian people a range of courses so that they can become coaches, people who can help others enhance their lives.
It was a journey of discovery for them and for me, because I was to be their guide through a learning process, and for them to visit places and knowledge they had not been before, and I had to go there too, and I would be learning too, taking a journey to places inside ourselves often.
To go on a journey within ourselves, our beliefs, our understanding of the world we live in, we might find ourselves challenged as our knowledge as we knew it will have been contradicted.
Were we right, or, is the rest of the world right? Who knows?
It was on this journey with the Italian Coaching participants, that many beliefs were challenged, and if the individuals so wished, changed. It was their willingness to explore new places, revisit places and reevaluate their previous beliefs and knowledge and make changes that made this journey together so enjoyable.
You now have new possibilities or strategies within, use them wisely, and help others on their journey through life.
The truth is out there for us to be guided through our journey, but which is right or wrong only your heart and further knowledge will help.
Coaching Italian Memory Mind Maps NLP Phobias PhotoReading Stage Hypnosis Türkçe Turkish

Coming Courses in Italy and Turkey, November 2012

 Italian Version    Türkçe versiyonu

I have a number of courses coming up, and for those that follow me, and those who have asked to be informed about future courses here are two I will be giving in Italy and Turkey.


In Italy I will hope to be giving a PhotoReading courses in the near future. If you would like to organise participants to take the 2.5 (two and a half day) course, please contact Phillip Holt.

In Turkey the next PhotoReading course will be 1-2-3 June 2016.

In todays world we are being overwhelmed with written material, perhaps by journals, magazines, manuals, books, emails, and to keep ourselves at the top, with the knowledge needed to compete and exist in our work and social lives.

How can we get through this vast amount of material? By reading more productively.

We can speed up our reading speeds.

We can read more selectively.

We can read only that information that is relevant to our needs or purpose.

On the course I will teach you all the above and more.

Normal reading, we can expect to read at approximately 180 Words Per Minute (WPM) with 60% comprehension.

With speed-reading it is said we can achieve 800 WPM with 60% comprehension.

With PhotoReading we can achieve 20,000 – 30,000 WPM with 80% comprehension for the purpose we are reading for.

Over the two and a half day course we will get through six books, each with 300 pages, so I will ask you to
bring some books with you.

PhotoReading is not reading you have experienced before.

For those who have completed the course before, why not come along to practice and reinforce your learning, it will be fantastic to see you again for a small charge to cover the hire of the room etc. Remember for returning participants, you must have and produce the official Learning Strategies sealed certificate.

Contact the organisers Phillip for more information or email me.

nlpnow logo 6In Istanbul, Turkey, 19-25 March 2016 and 14-20 May 2016, I will be giving a course Licensed by Richard Bandler’s Society of NLP, the NLP Practitioner Course, your first step into obtaining excellence, confidence and change in yourself and others. Also I will give a NLP Master Practitioner in Istanbul 23-31 May 2016.

Learning NLP with Richard Bandler in the early 1990’s and being one of his assistants for many years and becoming a Licensed Trainer with the Society of NLP, I have taught licensed Practitioner and Master Practitioner courses all over the world on a regular basis, especially in Turkey, many people have attended to gain excellence in their life, their work life, their business, their education, their family.

Previous participants have come from wide ranging backgrounds, housewives, doctors, students, princess, unemployed, retired or just interested, all are welcome to attend to this life changing course.

Gain the confidence to make changes in yourself and others, learn how we communicate and how the human brain processes information of change.

Contact NLPGrup in Istanbul for more information or email me.

I will continue to deliver more courses and talks will be following in Italy and Turkey plus many other
countries, covering Licensed NLP at different levels, Licensed TonyBuzan’s Mind Maps, Memory Skills, Speed-reading, Coaching, Hypnosis and Stage Hypnosis to name just a few.

Many companies and organisations have had in-house courses and seminars designed specifically for their needs, so should your company have requirements for in-house training or consultancy, please contact me for information and discussion.

Hypnosis Italian Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Stage Hypnosis Türkçe Turkish

İtalya ve Türkiye’deki Eğitimler, Kasım 2012

Yakın dönemde düzenleceğim çeşitli eğitimleri takip edenler ve eğitimlerimle ilgili bilgi almak isteyenler için, yakında İtalya ve Türkiye’de iki eğitim veriyor olacağım.

İtalya’da 9-11 Kasım tarihleri arasında Milano’daki Golf Residence Otel’inde PhotoReading eğitimi veriyor olacağım.
Günümüz dünyasında gazeteler, dergiler, manüeller, kitaplar, e-postalar tarafından sayısız yazılı materyal bombardımanına uğruyoruz. Bunlara ek olarak iş ve sosyal yaşamımızda var olabilmek ve rekabet edebilmek için gereken bilgileri edinmemiz gerekiyor.
Bu yoğun materyallerin altından nasıl kalkacağız? Daha verimli okuyarak.
Okuma hızımızı artırabiliriz.
Daha seçici okuyabiliriz.
Yalnızca ihtiyaçlarımıza ya da amacımıza uygun olan bilgileri okuyabiliriz.
Eğitimde, yukarıdakilerin tümünü öğretiyor olacağım.
Normal okumada, dakikada yaklaşık 180 kelimeyi %60 anlama oranıyla okuruz.
Hızlı okumada, dakikada 800 kelimeyi %60 anlama oranıyla okuruz.
PhotoReading ile dakikada 20.000 – 30.000 kelimeyi okuma amacımıza yönelik olarak %80 oranında anlarız.
İki buçuk günlük bu eğitimde, her biri 300 sayfalık altı kitabı tamamlayacağız, dolayısıyla yanınızda kitap getirmenizi isteyeceğim.
PhotoReading, daha önceki okuma deneyimlerinizden tamamen farklı olacak.
Daha önce bu eğitimi almış olanlar, eğitime yeniden katılıp öğrendiklerini pekiştirebilir. İkinci sefer katılacak olan katılımcılarımızı, cüzi bir katılım miktarıyla aramızda görmekten memnuniyet duyarız. Bu katılımcılarımızın Learning Strategies kurumundan kendilerine verilen orjinal sertifikayı yanlarında getirmeleri gerekmektedir.
Daha fazla bilgi için Coach4Life ile irtibata geçin ya da bana e-posta gönderin.

nlpnow logo 6Istanbul, Türkiye’de, 19-25 Mar, 14-20 Mayis, 2016 tarihlerinde, Richarch Bandler’ın Society of NLP kurumundan lisanslı, NLP Practitioner Eğitimi veriyor olacağım. Bu eğitim, mükemmelliğe ve özgüvene ulaşmak, kendinizde ve diğerlerinde değişim gerçekleştirmek için ilk adımınız olacak.

1990’ların başlarında NLP’yi Richard Bandler’dan öğrendikten ve uzun yıllar onun asistanlığını yaptıktan sonra Society of NLP kurumunun lisanslı bir eğitmeni olarak tüm dünyada düzenli olarak lisanslı Practitioner ve Master Practitioner eğitimleri verdim. Dünya genelinde ve özellikle de Türkiye’deki eğitimlere iş ve özel hayatlarında, eğitimlerinde, ailelerinde mükemmellik elde etmek isteyen çok sayıda kişi katıldı.
Katılımcılarımız doktor, öğrenci, ev hanımı, emekli ya da çeşitli mesleklerden kişiler olabildiği gibi yalnızca ilgisini çeken kişiler de olabilmekte.
Kendinizde ve diğerlerinde değişim yaratabilme özgüvenini kazanın, nasıl iletişim kurduğumuzu ve insan beyninin nasıl çalıştığını öğrenin.
Daha fazla bilgi için Istanbul’daki NLPGrup ile iletişime geçiniz ya da bana e-posta gönderebilirsiniz.
İtalya ve Türkiye’den sonra birçok ülkede eğitimler vermeye ve konuşmalar yapmaya devam edeceğim. Eğitim konuları arasında farklı seviyelerde Lisanslı NLP, Tony Buzan’ın Lisanslı Zihin Haritaları, Hafıza Becerileri, Hızlı Okuma, Koçluk, Hipnoz ve Sahne Hipnozu yer alıyor.
Birçok özel firma ve kuruluş için ihtiyaçlarına yönelik olarak şirket işi eğitimler ve seminerler düzenlemekteyiz, şirket içi eğitim ve danışmanlık ihtiyaçlarınız için de benimle irtibata geçebilirsiniz. 
Italian Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Stage Hypnosis Türkçe Turkish

Corsi di lingua in Italia e in Turchia, Novembre 2012

 English version

Ho un certo numero
di corsi in arrivo e, per quelli che mi seguono e quelli che hanno
chiesto di essere informati sui corsi futuri, qui ce ne sono due che
terrò in Italia e Turchia.

In Italia terrò un
corso di PhotoReading dal 9 all’11 Novembre 2012 e si terrà presso
l’Hotel Residence Golf, Opera, Milano.

Nel mondo di oggi,
la nostra mente, viene sopraffatto da materiale scritto, da
giornali, riviste, manuali, libri, e-mail e dobbiamo per mantenere
noi stessi al top con le conoscenze necessarie per essere
competitivi nel nostro lavoro e a nostro agio nella vita sociale.

Come possiamo
selezionare questa grande quantità di materiale?

Leggendo in modo più

Siamo in grado di
accelerare la nostra velocità di lettura.

Siamo in grado di leggere
in modo più selettivo.

Siamo in grado di leggere
solo le informazioni che sono rilevanti per le nostre esigenze o

Il corso vi insegnerà
tutto questo e molto altro.

Lettura normale, ci si può
aspettare di leggere a circa 180 parole al minuto (WPM) con il 60% di

Con lo Speed Reading
è detto che possiamo ottenere 800 WPM con il 60% di comprensione.

Con il PhotoReading siamo in grado di raggiungere 20.000 – 30.000 WPM con l’80% di
comprensione per lo scopo con il quale stiamo leggendo.

Nel corso due giorni
e mezzo giorno arriverai a foto leggere fino a sei libri, ciascuno
con 300 pagine. Ecco perché ti chiedo di portare con te alcuni libri
e tutti di 300 pagine circa.

PhotoReading non è
un modo di leggere che avete sperimentato prima.

Per coloro i quali
hanno completato il primo corso perché non venite a praticare ed a
rafforzare l’apprendimento, sarà fantastico rivivere il seminario
con un piccolo costo per coprire il noleggio della sala, ecc .

Ricordiamo a titti i
partecipanti che ritornano al corso di portare con se il certificato
originale firmato da Paul Scheele.

Coach4Life per ulteriori informazioni opuure scrivetemi una email.

A Istanbul, Turchia,
17-23 novembre 2012, terrò un corso di Programmazione
Neurolinguistica della Società Richard Bandler. Il famosissimo
Practitioner PNL, il tuo primo passo verso l’ottenimento dell’
eccellenza, la fiducia in te stesso ed il cambiamento anche negli

Ho imparato la PNL
con Richard Bandler nei primi anni ‘90 e sono stato uno dei suoi
assistenti per moltissimi anni e, dopo aver conseguito la licenza
come Trainer con la Society of NLP ho insegnato a Practitioner e
Master Practitioner
in tutto il mondo, su base regolare e,
soprattutto, in Turchia molte persone hanno partecipato per ottenere
l’eccellenza nella loro vita, nella loro vita lavorativa, la loro
attività, la loro educazione, la loro famiglia.

I partecipanti alle
edizioni precedenti avevano estrazioni di ogni genere: casalinghe,
medici, studenti, principessa, disoccupato, pensionato o
semplicemente interessati al funzionamento della mente. Infatti tutti
sono invitati a partecipare a questo corso che cambia la vita.

Conquistare la
fiducia di apportare modifiche in voi stessi e negli altri, imparare
come si comunica e come il cervello umano elabora le informazioni per
ottenere il cambiamento.

Contatta NLPGrup a
Istanbul per maggiori informazioni anche tramite posta elettronica.

Continuerò a
fornire ulteriori corsi e conferenze in Italia e Turchia oltre a
molti altri paesi, insegnando PNL diversi livelli e, con licenza di
Tony Buzan, mappe mentali, abilità di memoria, lettura veloce,
Coaching, Ipnosi e Ipnosi da palcoscenico, per citarne solo alcuni.

Molte aziende e
organizzazioni hanno avuto “tailor made” corsi e seminari
studiati appositamente per le loro esigenze, se anche nella vostra
azienda necessitate di formazione interna o di consulenza, di
altissima qualità vi prego di contattarmi direttamente.

Coaching Hypnosis Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Presentations Stage Hypnosis

Is this the real Phillip Holt

Is this really me, the real Phillip Holt?
Do I really look like that?
Phillip Holt, International Trainer, Speaker and Coach
Is this as others see me?
In my head, when I am training, out on stage, or just being me walking around the shops, I do not conceive myself looking like that. In my head my body looks nothing like the above, it is as it was when I was eighteen.
I a recent NLP Practitioner course held in Italy with Coach4Life, there were lots of photographs taken, and when I was shown them, I could not believe my eyes. Surely I do not look like that? Surely I do not act like that?
In Turkey I have often been accompanied by perhaps a young lady translator, and after a hard days working together delivering a course, to go for an evening meal. On the way to the restaurant as we walk past a shop window, I catch sight of the two of us, and it becomes a shock, because there I see a young woman walking next to a “95” year old man. Yet in my head as we are walking together I feel as one, the same age.
In the NLP Practitioner I teach the subjects of The Cat on the Mat and Perceptual Positions.
The Cat on the Mat teaches us to realise that what we take as the truth or reality, is seen in a different way by another person, each and everyone of us have different beliefs, even of the same subject matter. Just look at religions.
With the subject of Perceptual Positions, we learn to see ourselves as others see us, and to many participants or clients I have, it becomes a shock to look at themselves as if through another’s eyes. 
To hear ourselves as others hear us is most peculiar, our voices does not sound the same as the sound waves we hear in our ears are not carried by the air around us, but by the bone structure and skin between our voice box and ear drums.
It is not only the sounds we make as we speak that are completely different from our own ears to those of our listeners, but it is what we say, the content, which is often different to what is received and understood by the listeners to what we meant to say, as with the tonality of how we say our words.
It is when we can step outside our own shoes and look back at ourselves and hear ourselves as others see and hear us, that we may find we need to change our ways.
It could be a parent who treats their offspring as a child, but in reality that “child” is an adult in their twenties.
It could be that a parent wants their child to be of a certain character type, to dress in a certain way, to behave in a particular way, yet that child is different to what the parent expects. This problem arises when a young person realises that they like the same sex partners, and dress and act in their parent’s eyes inappropriately.
It could be that the parent disapproves of the boyfriend or girlfriend, but the two potential partners are hopelessly in-love, enough to get married. The parent only sees the boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife with distaste and ruins their child’s life as well as their own. 
It could be that two partners see the world in a different way to each other, leading to arguments, disagreements and fights.
It is when we see ourselves from another’s perspective or point of view, that we can often see how wrong we could have been, that actually we should change our ways. 
By stepping outside our shoes, as if looking back upon ourselves, we can often see how much harm we have done, how much distress we have caused to others. Or, perhaps, how much good we have done, yet had not perceived it.
So, looking at the photographs from the recent courses I gave, the images were not of me as I perceived myself, yet, the role plays I create, the tonally and words I use, the way I give information, the games I play, the stories I tell, all combine to take the participants on a journey of learning with fun and laughter, in an easy and quick way.
Would I change the way I am?
Perhaps, perhaps not. I am what I am, so accept it.
Coaching Hypnosis Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Stage Hypnosis

NLP-NOW has nothing to do with NLPNOW

Readers and followers of this blog and Phillip Holt should note that the web site has nothing to do with Phillip Holt nor NLPNOW.

The web site must have inserted tags into it’s web site with ” NLPNOW “, plus hidden code within it’s web site so that search engines will rank above and or, both domain names owned by Phillip Holt for over ten years.
Phillip Holt has been trading under the name of NLPNOW for again over ten years, offering courses in NLP, Hypnosis, Stage Hypnosis, PhotoReading, Mind Maps, Memory Skills and coaching, in many countries of the world, including the UK.
Phillip Holt takes it as a compliment that Pegasus NLP and it’s owner, Reg Connolly, of has deemed it as a necessity to hijacked the word NLPNOW in an underhand way to gain traffic.
Memory Mind Maps NLP Phobias PhotoReading Stage Hypnosis Türkçe

Istanbul’da NLP Practitioner Kursu

                                                                                                                                                         English version

Türkiye’deki herkese güzel bir haber; Istanbul’da 17 Nisan 2010 tarihinden itibaren 7 gün sürecek bir Society of NLP Practitioner kursuna daha başlıyoruz.

Türkiye’yi uzun yıllar ziyaret ederek, Istanbul, Ankara, Gaziantep, Antalya başta olmak üzere birçok bölgede Society of NLP standartlarında NLP Practitioner ve Master Practitioner kursları verdim.

Society of NLP’nin lisanslı eğitimeni olarak uzun yıllar Richard Bandler’ın ekibinde çalıştım ve doğrudan kendisinden eğitim aldım. Bu nedenle, benim katılımcılarım da NLP’yi Bandler’ın öğrettiği şekilde öğrendiklerini biliyorlar.

Malcolm Gladwell kitaplarında, bir kişinin belirli bir konuda ya da disiplinde uzman olabilmesi için o konuyu 10,000 saat öğrenmiş olması, içinde olması ya da kullanmış olması gerektiğini söyler. Katılımcılar bu zamanı benimle birlikte alacağından emin olabilir.

Yakın zamanda yine kurucularından PhotoReading, Zihin Haritaları (Mind Maps), Hafıza (Memory) ve Hipnoz (Hypnosis) eğitimleri de veriyor olacağım. Dolayısıyla umarım Istanbul’da görüşürüz…

17 Nisan 2010 tarihinde Istanbul ‘da yapılacak NLP Practitioner kursuyla ilgili daha detaylı bilgi için web sitesini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

Hypnosis Stage Hypnosis

Stage Hypnosis course finishes

It is now down-time for me after a two day intensive Stage Hypnosis course held in London.

In the two days we cover a lot, although I have learned to frame the content in such a way that it is fun, easy to learn and enjoyable, and perhaps the participants only realise at the end of the course, how much they have learned, how much content they have absorbed.

Our intentionally small group, so that we can give near 1-on-1 tuition, came from many countries, the UK, Poland, Italy, Albania and Slovenian, some having had no experience of even being hypnotised before in their life, (well they thought they had not), one studying for a PhD in the art of Stage Hypnosis, hypnotherapists, NLPer’s and those just interested.

Some of the participants from the stage hypnosis course

It is always interesting bringing the group to the same level of knowledge enabling them to stage a show if they so wished.

Unlike other courses where the trainers seem to like their own voices, and just lecture, the participants actually put into practice the different elements, the inductions, re-inductions and routines, bringing all together at the end of the second day with a show of their own, performed with real “stars” and in front of others.

Learning hands-on the art and tricks of Stage Hypnosis.

I am going to look forward to the many more course I will give around the world and the next one in London, March 2009. If you want to be part of that group, book early now. Click link here to book.

Thank you guys, you made my weekend a great experience, and remember, I want to see you again on my future courses as always free of charge.

Hypnosis Stage Hypnosis

Stage Hypnosis course starts

It is 6am, and I am up ready to start after daze of preparations to start my two day Stage Hypnosis course.

Even at this late hour people are joining the course.

I only like a small number of participants, so that I can work on a near 1-2-1 basis, training the new people all the skills they will need to start in a career of Stage Hypnosis if they wish.

Some participants have never been hypnotised before, some are very experienced in the art of hypnosis.

Whatever, many previous participants have gone on to become full stage performers.

It will be good to see some old faces, people who have worked with me before, been on previous courses, work with me on other issues, and new faces.

It will be fun but hard work.

So, thank you for all the good wishes I have received.

Oh, I love my work.

Hypnosis Stage Hypnosis

Stage Hypnosis

Over the years I have met some wonderful stage hypnotists, and have had the honour to work and be trained by many of them, including, Paul McKenna, Ormond Magill, Jerry Valley, Tommy Vee and Paul Goldin.

From their input I have become a Stage Hypnotist myself, appearing on TV and stage.

From this knowledge I give a Course on Stage Hypnosis, a course I love, and one that has run now for a number of years.

I have recently completed a course in Istanbul on Stage Hypnosis, and it was a wonderful experience for me to be amongst participants who may never put a live show on stage, but who were eager to learn new skills and hone their hypnosis skills.

Practice hypnotic inductions for the stage hypnosis course in Istanbul.

Oh it is so cold, some of the stars of the show feeling the cold weather, Istanbul.

Stars of a hypnosis stage show in trance following the hypnotists instructions, Istanbul.

Keep up the good work, I am sorry we could not have more on the course. Next time come to Istanbul to learn Stage Hypnosis.

The next Stage Hypnosis course will be held in London,  Saturday and Sunday, 20-21 September 2008.

You can book and pay for your place on the web site  

More information telephone UK  (+44) 08451306213 .