Eating Out Mind Maps

Eating out. Should it be Mcdonalds or not?

Sitting here in a friends flat in the ancient Italian town of Bologna, at the end of an enjoyable, but hard two weeks of study and work, perhaps along the way breaking a deep seated belief in myself, I have had a weekend to myself.

It was a comment a friend on Facebook said to me when asking where was I, and I replied, Bologna, she said, don’t I ever go home?

Well, yes I do, but not often.

I thought, what would I be doing? Perhaps much the same as i am doing here. Resting, catching up of odd bits and pieces, alone, not wanting to go out.

I became very hungry, and my mind began to sift through the alternatives of eating.

The disadvantage for me of being away from home so much, living in hotels mostly, is that I do not have a store of food, a fridge with cold snacks, a cupboard with biscuits or cereals, a bottle of milk or cold drink, a kettle so I can make a nice cup of tea, with milk of course.

I can always go to the hotel restaurant, the café, the bar. But they are usually to expensive, and the one thing I do not like is eating by myself in a restaurant.

Upon entering the restaurant, eyes fall upon you, as the other diners look you up and down.

Looking round for a friendly face, a waiter, owner, someone to welcome you, you are often left standing wondering what to do. Should you find yourself your own table, or wait to be seated?

The diners seem to smile under their breath, knowing the dilemma you are going through.

Eventually, a waiter comes to the rescue and takes you to a table, and hands you a menu, and chances are that if you are in a foreign country, you will not understand one word written there. What are the sections? Are they soups? Starters? Deserts? Main course? Drinks?

What seems an age, the waiter comes back, and you feebly point to what you may or may not like, at least it is something, and as the waiter writes the order down, they repeat back in their own perfect language what you ordered, looking down their noses, thinking “dumbo“.

Sorry, I did not know that the letter “J” in your language is pronounced the same way we English speakers pronounce a letter “G” and not “jay“.

Now you must wait for the first course. What do you do?

Do you take a book with you because it will be at least ten minutes?

Do you take a computer game?

Do you watch other people eating, twiddling your fingers, knowing that they are talking about you, “oh that poor person, sitting all by themselves, no-body loves them“.

Do you try to make conversation with the next table, the one with the two lovers on their first date, or the other table with the businessmen talking about the next sale? Anyway, you don’t speak the language.

The food comes, and you know that the cook is deliberately making the gaps between the courses long so that you will have to sit there self conscious, so you eat in small mouthfuls, with pauses so that the meal will last longer.

But no, the waiter and cook has seen that tactic before, and they rush out the next course before you have finished the the one you are eating.

And the food. You did not know that the main course you pointed to “Pesce“, or as it is written in Chinese “鱼”, is fish and you hate fish,
When the meal is finished, do you sit there for five minutes to start the digestion system working and to relax a little?

You sit there pondering, does the waiter bring you the bill or do you go to the main desk and pay there?

Eating out alone is a strain.

Now, with the restaurant chain McDonald’s, I know that I can walk in, go to the counter, point to the pictures of the food behind the counter staff and just make a sound, “ug“, and I know what I will get in a very short period of time.
I can sit by myself, licking my fingers, making a mess, everyone else is doing the same.

I know I can take as long as I like, or I can take it back to my room and eat in the privacy of my own four walls, a watch TV.

Throughout the world in every town, the quality is the same, I know what I will be getting, I know the tastes, and yes I know that if I eat an extra Big Mac for every meal for the next two months I would be very ill, just like a friend of mine who eat raw carrots for every meal, his skin turned orange.

Once in a while, a Macdonald’s will do me no harm, and especially if I have a salad like the one in the photograph, a lovely Caesar’s Salad.

Well I am in Italy, the birth place of Caesar, so it is good Italian food, isn’t it?

Mind Maps PhotoReading Türkçe

Famous in Gaziantep – GAP Danışmanlık’dan Zihin Haritaları Ve Fotografik Okuma Eğitimleri

This article appeared on the web site of medyantep.

GAP Danışmanlık’dan Zihin Haritaları Ve Fotografik Okuma Eğitimleri

GAP Danışmanlık
dünyaca ünlü eğitimcilerle mesleki ve kişisel gelişim eğitimleri düzenlemeye devam ediyor. Bu hafta Gaziantep’e gelen dünyaca ünlü eğitimci Phillip Holt; Zihin Haritaları (Mind Maps) ve Fotografik Okuma (Photoreading) eğitimleri veriyor.

1960’ların sonlarında Tony Buzan tarafından ortaya çıkarılan zihin haritaları günümüzde, zihinlerini daha etkin kullanmak isteyen, gencinden yaşlısına kadar milyonlarca insan tarafından kullanılıyor.

Zihin haritaları
, yol haritalarına benzer bir biçimde:
 Geniş bir alana / konuya yukarıdan bakmayı,
 Doğru karar almayı, nerelerden geçtiğinizi ve nerelere gideceğinizi görmenizi
 Büyük miktarlarda veri toplayıp bunları tutmayı
 Yeni ve yaratıcı yollar göstererek problem çözümüne katkıda bulunmayı sağlıyor.

Zihin Haritalama tekniği; bakması, okuması, üzerinde düşünmesi ve hatırlaması eğlenceli bir teknik. Gözü ve beyni uyararak dikkatini çekiyor ve hem resmin genelini hem de detayları aynı anda görmeyi sağlıyor.

Zihin Haritalarının Uygulanması

Zihin haritaları, hayatın herhangi bir öğrenme ya da düşünme gerektiren çoğu alanında uygulanabiliyor. Kişisel olarak: planlama; yapılacaklar listeleri; projeler; iletişim; organizasyon; problem analizi ve çözümü bunlardan bazıları. Ayrıca öğrenme sürecinde hatırlama, not alma, not oluşturma, raporlama, denemeler, sunumlar, sınavlar, düşünme ve konsantrasyonda da etkili. Zihin haritası, çalışmayı, işi ve düşünmeyi daha zevkli hale getiriyor.

Photoreading eğitmeni Phillip Holt dakikada 25.000 ila 30.000 kelime absorbe edebiliyor. Diğer bir deyişle bu saniyede bir sayfa anlamına geliyor. Holt, ayrıca Buzan Merkezleri’nin “Zihin Haritaları” ve I-Mind Mapping bilgisayarlı zihin haritalama konusunda lisanslı eğitmeni.

Gaziantep’de son 3 yıldır Gap Danışmanlık’ın organize ettiği eğitimleri vermekten memnuniyet duyduğunu belirten Phillip Holt, fobilerin, sigara içme, fazla yemek yeme gibi istenmeyen alışkanlıkların ortadan kaldırılmasına yardımcı birebir seanslarla da hizmet veriyor.

03 Haziran 2009 meydantep

Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading Türkçe Turkish

Ailece sınava hazırlanıyoruz

Phillip Holt, beynin bir şeyi üç kez öğrenmesi gerektiğini, eğer üç kez tekrar edilirse o konunun hatırlanacağını söyledi.

Dünyaca ünlü NLP uzmanı, zihin haritaları ve  hızlı okuma teknikleri alanında lisanslı eğitmen Phillip Holt, beynin bir şeyi üç kez öğrenmesi gerektiğini, eğer üç kez tekrar edilirse o konunun hatırlanacağını söyledi.  

Özel Sanko Okulları’nın veli ve öğrencilerine yönelik ikinci kez düzenlediği  ‘’Ailece Sınava Hazırlanıyoruz’’ konferansına katılan Holt, hatırlamak ve daha verimli ders çalışma becerileri  konuları üzerinde durdu.

Her bireyin beyin kapasitesinin  dünya hafıza şampiyonu Tony Buzan’ın beyin kapasitesiyle aynı olduğunu, farklılığın beynin kullanılma biçiminden kaynaklandığını vurgulayan Holt hafızanın kullanımı için nesneleri hayal edip onu resme dönüştürmenin önemini belirtti.

Verimli öğrenme ve hatırlamanın tekrarlamalarla mümkün olacağının altını çizen Holt ‘’Beynin bir şeyi üç kez öğrenmesi lazım, eğer üç kez tekrar ederseniz hatırlarsınız’’ dedi.

Holt  düzenli uykunun öğrenilenin özümsenmesi için şart olduğunu, rahatlama tekniklerini bilmenin ise stresi azaltacağı için öğrenme ve hatırlamayı kolaylaştıracağına dikkati çekti.

Holt, sunumunun ardından dinleyicilerin sorularını yanıtladı.

As in the Gaziantep Telgraf


Mind Maps PhotoReading

Mind Maps and PhotoReading in Turkey

Today, Sunday I am off again. An early start to catch one of the first flights of the morning from Heathrow airport, I hope Turkish Airlines give a better offering than the non meal Alitalia served on my last fight with them on Monday, because I will need my breakfast..

The trip to Southern Turkey, the town of Gaziantep with Gap Consultancy, will be for Mind Maps and PhotoReading, courses I love to run, but the trip will be for only five days, then back to London.

A quick stopover both inbound and outbound via Istanbul will not allow me time to go into the city, just to stay in the airport, but perhaps the next time, my next trip, then I can meet old participants and friends in that great city.

But here’s looking to seeing and meeting all my friends, past participants, new participants and the great eating places with a wonderful array of foods, some I have never experienced before.

Memory Mind Maps

Mind Maps and Memory Skills at the Woodlands Scool, Great Warley

With Jill Lawday last week, we had a day at Woodlands School, Great Warley, in the Essex, teaching Mind Maps and memory skills.

The whole of year 6, took part in the day, and with their two teachers, we went from the basics of mind maps through to making Mind Maps versus using lists, using a Mind Map as for revision, planning with Mind Maps and more.

For memory we learned how to remember facts, lists of fifteen random words, and recall them in order after only being told the words once. Not only were they able to recall the list of words given them in the order I gave them, but they could repeat the list backwards.

Mrs Harding, the Head Mistress came into the classroom at the end of the day, and the children were able to demonstrate to her what they had learned during the day, plus being able to count from 1 to 10 in Japanese. I am still struggling to count up to 7 in Turkish after over five years of giving training there, and up to the number 5 in Italian after over ten years delivering training there. I think I must apply what I teach to my own learning.

It was a wonderful experience shared with Jill to deliver the training to the twelve year olds, but also to go back in my memory to my school days, sharing the school lunch with some of the youngest pupils at the school sitting at tables designed for their body size, and trying to squeeze into a vintage school desk without success.

Phillip Holt trying to fit into a desk at the Woodlands School, Great Warley     Jill Lawday trying to fit into a desk at the Woodlands School, Great Warley.
Jill and Phill trying to fit into a desk at the Woodlands School, Great Warley.

It was after lunch that Jill and myself walked around to the playing field, where children were playing, and we were approached by some young pupils who were preparing for a competition of hoola hoops (also spelt hula hoops). A hoola hoop is a large plastic ring, which you spin around the waist. The last time I had tried it successfully was when I was these children’s age, using my cousin Glynis’s hoop, now my physic, my body shape is not conducive in spinning the hoola hoop around my tummy when encouraged to have a go.

Memory Mind Maps Thoughts

Be prepared

The is nothing like getting ready for a trip, but I have the tendency to put things off until the last moment, so as I sit in my hotel room at the start of a ten day tour of giving training in the UK and Italy, I know I am ready.

The Boy Scouts have a motto which is Be Prepared, perhaps I should have been a member of that organisation, but I was a member of the Boys Brigade which had the motto Sure and Steadfast., and I think I am that. See picture of me blowing my own trumpet.

Boys Brigade Badge

Yesterday trying to get prepared resulted in ironing some twenty plus shirts, a number of trousers, watering the plants, tidying-up, meetings, banking, and travel. It was a rushed day.

But I am ready to face a group of school children for the day to teach them memory skills and Mind Maps, or Mappe Mentalli in Italian.

Eating Out Mind Maps PhotoReading

Real Chocolate Cakes

Today was my special day, although at 95 who cares?

Actually it has been a surprise to me how many people do care with wishes for my birthday I have received from around the world.

Thank you all.

Here in Milan, Italy, I have been conducting a PhotoReading and Mind Map course, It was after lunch that I was greeted with the Happy Birthday song, and taken to the back of the room, to be presented with two chocolate cakes.


Two Chocolate Cakes
Two Chocolate Cakes for my birthday 2009

The girls on the PhotoReading and Mind Maps course, Milan        The boys on the PhotoReading and Mind Maps course, Milan
The girls and boys on the PhotoReading and Mind Maps course, Milan 2009

Mind Maps PhotoReading

PhotoReading and Mind Maps in Rome

It was very tight in getting to the PhotoReading and Mind Map course in Rome last weekend. I had half an hour to spare upon reaching the hotel venue, the nH (formally the Jolly Hotel) Leonardo Da Vinci, until the start of the course in fact many participants were already waiting.

But, I was in state, sleep was not good on the overnight flight from Gaziantep Turkey, were I had finished a course the previous evening.

Some 23 participants attended the PhotoReading and Mind Map course in Rome, which gave a fantastic atmosphere. I believe there will be even more in Milan in a couple of days.

PhotoReading and Mind Maps, Rome

PhotoReading and Mind Maps, Rome

I am now travelling up towards Milan for the next PhotoReading and Mind Map course. More of that soon, as internet access is costly in hotels in Italy, 5 Euro for half an hour.

Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading

I am off again

Having only just returned this week from Italy where I was giving a training in NLP for a group of eager Italians in Bologna, I find myself packing again to go to Gaziantep in Southern Turkey.

This trip will take me to Turkey, Istanbul, Gaziantep, for an NLP Practitioner course and a Coaching course, then on to Italy to give PhotoReading and Mind Map courses in Rome and Milan. My return to the UK towards the end of March, will see me giving the Stage Hypnosis course in London. So I have a busy month ahead.
I love my work, although I get very tied, I meet so many people, and in a way, give them the opportunity to look at and try new ideas, bring out the excellence that they seek.
But, sometimes I feel like a ship passing in the night, visiting through many ports, perhaps going un-noticed to some who are not looking, but like the ship, leaving its’ cargo, I leave information and knowledge for those who stay behind, so they are free to use what I deliver to them, to use as they see fit.
I hope my visits leave a good memory, so that the knowledge will open their eyes and free them to do what they wish to do, as I sail my ship to another port with a cargo of knowledge.  
Memory Mind Maps NLP PhotoReading

NLP, PhotoReading, Memory and Mind Map Courses in Malaysia

Great news.

We have now finalised dates for this months (January 2009) courses in Malaysia.
I conduction with a company in Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia, we will be offering the following courses :- Please note that this partnership never happened, and NLPNOW seek other partners.

PhotoReading      – 13-15 January 2009 (2.5 days)
Mind Maps            – 16
January 2009
NLP Practitioner — 7 days from 18th January –
24 January 2009.

For details of the courses and to book please visit the web site of NLPNOW, click on the links above, or telephone
NLPNOW (Malaysia) +60174491308 (mobile)

Please note that the above partnership never happened, and NLPNOW seek other partners.