NLP Thoughts

Oil spill: Obama to ‘make BP pay’, chunking down

Further research to my article “Oil spill: Obama to make BP Pay” I asked to look at all the facts before coming to a conclusion.

With limited time I looked deeper into the oil spill in the Mexican Gulf, in NLP terms , I chunked down, what else did I need to know, what was I not being told? I needed to go “below the surface level“.
What about the other parties involved in the project of abstracting the oil from deep below the sea’s surface?
Straight away I found that the project is not wholly owned by BP, 25% is owned by Anadarko, which is now moving all blame to BP. I wonder if they still want their share potential profits?

Are they being held responsible?
A little more research told me that oil rig is owned by Transocean Ltd and leased to BP, and there is a further sub-contractor named as Halliburton who was responsible for capping the oil well with cement. Another company, the US company Cameron, built and supplied the failed blow-out preventer.

Are they being held responsible?

I still do not know all the facts, in fact, does anyone? I do not know the US law. I do not know what terms of contract and responsibilities that were entered into by the companies. I am not taking sides.

Obama never mentioned the above companies in his “speech to the nation”, only attacking BP, and that is only what the population hear and thus believe.

So what are we being told by our governments, our leaders, the media, teachers, families and friends?

What are we to believe?