Memory NLP

My photograph the correct way up, how our brain works

Modified photograph of Phillip Holt

This is the same photograph, but rotated by 180 degrees. See article Does the brain interpret what it sees correctly?
Now look at the eyes and mouth, they are up-side-down. I do not look like this in real life.

When you re-look at the first photograph , the picture looks fine, except it is upside down, the face looks acceptable, and yet now you can see it is wrong. Why?

The human brain is very selective in what it takes in, in what it recognises. The brain will break an image into constituent parts, it will go on a transderivational search to make matches on those parts, and then says those are eyes, that is a mouth, and so on, which individually are correct, but as you now you can see are up-side-down or reversed.

Thus, even though the eyes and mouth are doctored on the rotated photograph, so that they are up-side-down, they appear correct to the brain, and the brain accepts it.

Oh Poo Poo ,

Cat on the mat?

The original photographs can be seen here.

Original unmodified photograph and modified up-side-down photograph

View article Does the brain interpret what it sees correctly?