
I am like a theatre

Some years ago, a participant attending one of my courses said to me that “I am like a theatre“.

This confused me, and I did not have chance to asked why I was like a theatre until the next day. All sort of ideas raced through my mind as I tried to unravel the saying.

Was it that I was run down, repeating the same production time after time?

Was it that I was producing material which was for a small specialised audience?

Was it that I am only open certain times of the day?

What was it?

When I met with the participant again, I asked what did they mean “I am like a theatre“.

It was explained that, I was like a play in a theatre.

I am the author, putting together the content of the course, and arranging the sequence of the content so the participants can follow.

I am the producer, often arranging the venues, the facilities, handouts, the dates, the advertising and marketing.
I am the theatre manager, making sure that the facilities and layout of the room/s are correct.

I am the stage manager, arranging the running of and the timing of the course, making sure any assistants and translators are doing the job correctly.

I am the administration, or the back office, collecting the course fees, printing the certificates, sending and receiving messages, keeping the diary.

I am the musicians, making sure that the appropriate music is played at the right time.

I am the director, keeping the course on track, making any changes that need to be made.

I am the actor, standing in front of the participants, giving the information.

That is what I love about my job.