
A time to myself

Perhaps it is my lifestyle, perhaps it is because I need my own space after a full day of training, perhaps because at heart I am an introvert, but when I have a day without any training, presentations or talks, I often find myself by myself in a foreign land.

So it was in Milan. I was not going to be training everyday, and I found myself with no-one to talk to, no-one to share my time, so it was to read Owen Fitzpatrick’s book, to walk a lot, and try to see The Last Supper without success.

Although I have said there is not a lot to see in Milan, there are some great sights to see, and some that are not.

I am quite interested in aircraft, so the display at the Museo Nazionale Della Scinza e Della Tecnologia, Leonardo De Vinci, (National Museum of Science and Technology),Leonardo De Vinci disappointing with only three aircraft was disappointing, compared to some museums in the UK (see links).

Some of the sites and buildings are well worth seeing, like Duomo, Teatro Alla Scala, Milan’s famous opera theatre, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a glass roofed shopping area off Duomo, and Castello Sforzesco with the fountain that they call The Wedding Cake, and more are worth a visit, but they do seem to be spread-out, being far and few between.

Duomo Basillica, Milan Italy

Detail of Duomo Basillica, Milan

The Wedding Cake fountain, Castello Sforzesco , Milan