
Just like a bus

We have a saying in Great Britain,

You wait hours for a bus and then two come at once.

Oh how true this seems to be, and there is a science which will prove it is true.

One answer as to why two buses come at once is not due to the fact that both buses left the start point or depot together, it is due to us, the passengers.

We do not space our travel time out, in other words, we all want to catch a bus at the same time.

What happens is that the first bus stops on-route at each and every busy bus stop.

Passengers will need to buy a ticket (pay for the fare), and there may be a mother with a pushchair, an old age pensioner, someone asking the driver a question. This delays the bus at the each stop.

Everyone gets on, no-one is left behind, the bus stop is empty.

The bus may be delayed at each bus stop for an extra minute or two.

The following bus leaves the start point or depot, and arrives at the first bus stop, no-one is there because the first bus has picked-up all the passengers. The bus arrives at the second bus stop, again there is no-one to pick up, and no-one to drop off, unlike the first bus, which is picking up and dropping off.

Therefore, the second bus does not stop gaining many minutes on the timetable, catching up on the first bus.

The first bus is packed to the gunnel’s, whilst the second bus is empty, and the bus diver thinking “it must be August, everyone has gone on holiday“, or “no-body loves me”.

And so it is with the cactus on the window ledge.

All year the cactus plants just sat there, slowly growing, well I think they do, then they flower. See the previous articles, Little pieces of beauty and Another bloom coming.

For a couple of days another cactus plant has been growing two stems from its’ bulbous body. Then yesterday, the tip began to open.

Within an hour the picture changed as the flower opened up, emitting quite to me a pungent smell, but to others a quite good perfume.

Cactus possibly Echinocactus grusonii

Perhaps the bloom will only last for a few hours or days, but the joy, the beauty it brings should be savoured, and held in the memory, to be remembered when times get hard.

I am still waiting for the second bloom to open. Perhaps it is not like a bus, I had to wait so far two days.