Hypnosis NLP

Private Clients

Apart from my training courses given in different countries, I do see individuals on a 1-2-1 basis. It is work I love to undertake, as I meet new people, see new places and help people make the changes they want, quickly.

fearFor many years I have been sent clients, who have had many ranges of problems they wanted to deal with. The people who sent me clients or had given my name, range from people who have heard of my work, previous clients, doctors, or just from surfing the web or reading the many articles written about me.

Problems can be varied, from stopping smoking, weight loss, compulsive disorders like hand washing or continually returning to check if some action like turning off the gas has been done, fears and phobias like fear of heights, flying, train journeys, the dark, spiders, driving on motorways, leaving the home. See a list of phobias and their descriptions, click here.

Other problems can be lack of confidence, self esteem, social interaction, presentation skills, sleeping, blushing. Many social associated problems have been given to me.


Last night I was asked by a doctor, to see a young lady who had been promoted by her employers to be to give presentations to their clients and potential customers.

Although she had the knowledge and she wanted the job, she went to pieces with fear as she started the presentation. She had resorted to drinking alcohol before she went into the meeting, but knowing this was not the answer, asked the doctor for pills. This is where I come in, the doctor knew I could help her.

It is very unusual for clients to visit me in my home, and I have no office, I prefer to visit people in their own environment, their home of office, and so it was last night. I was able to get some fresh air nd travel into central London to visit this young lady in her own flat.

I only see people once. Some of my unique selling points, (USP), include seeing people in their own homes and only seeing them once. As a trained hypnotherapist and licensed trainer (click) with the NGH for hypnotherapy, I can do the usual week after week treatment, but I do not have time, so I work quickly, and remove the problem in one session. It may take two minutes or two hours, but that leaves me free to see other people and travel, giving my courses.

I soon spotted the problem and removed it, and then set about giving her the tools and anchors which she can use from now on to give her the calm she seeks, the confidence to make those presentations. The session ended with a trance, a hypnotic story, which reinforced the work we did together. Buy The Castle MP3 (click).

Perhaps we will see each other again, I hope so, but certainly not a proffessional basis, because I know she will be making many presentations, and loving every one of them.

                                                                        the presenter the presenter

Oh I love my work.

NLP Türkçe

Türkçe versiyonu. Feedback from Participants and Clients

                                                                                                                                                          English version

Katılımcılar kursu bitirdikten sonra ya da bire bir seanslardan ayrıldıktan sonra, takip eden kurslarda tanıdık yüzlerle karşılaşsam dahi genellikle onlardan tekrar haber almıyorum, demek ki bir şeyleri doğru yapıyorum.
İnsanlardan geribildirim aldığımda ise, özellikle de onlar için önemli bir değişim yarattıysam, bunu duymak beni hem şaşırtıyor hem de büyük bir tatmin hissi veriyor. Gaziantep’teki NLP kursu katılımcılarımdan Bells Palsy (yüz felçi) olan katılımcımdan bu mesajı aldığımda da aynı şeyleri hissettim.

Merhaba ben Dr. Ceyda Paşa,

2000 yılından itibaren hep NLP ve uzantısı olan konularla ilgilenmiştim ama hiç birebir pratik yapma fırsatım olmamıştı. Bay Holt’un Mehpare Hanım vasıtasıyla Gaziantep’e geldiğini duyunca çok sevindim. Böyle bir duayenden NLP öğrenmek benim için inanılmaz bir hayaldi.

Eşimin de desteğiyle bu hayalim gerçekleşti. Başlangıçta eğitim için çok çelişkilerim oldu. Bu bilgileri öğrenebilecek miyim, uygulayabilecek miyim diye tereddütlerim vardı. Ama Bay Holt’un öğretirkenki farklı tarzı, kendine özgü hikayelerle bezenmiş anlatımları sayesinde bizler hızlı ve kolay öğrendik.

Önceleri o bizimle oynadı, sonra bizler onunla beraber oynamayı öğrendik. Sonuçta hayatla oynamayı öğrenmeye başladık.

Mehpare Hanım’ın sıcacık yüreği ve engin bilgisiyle yaptığı çevirileri sayesinde NLP daha kolay ve anlaşılır oldu.

İlk dakikalarda başlayan o tedirgin, meraklı ve heyecanlı bekleyiş yerini mutlu ve huzurlu anların yaşandığı saatlere bıraktı. İlk günün sonunda ikinci günü iple çeker olduk.

Sonuçta bir doktor olarak önce kendimde, sonra yaşamımda ve mesleğimde daha ilk anlardan itibaren küçük küçük adımlarla anlamlı ve büyük değişimler olmakta.  Özellikle Bay Holt’un bende yarattığı değişim mucizevi denecek kadar inanılmaz.

Bu fırsatı bize sağladıkları için Bay Holt’a, Mehpare Hanım ve ekibine teşekkür ediyorum.


Dr. Ceyda Paşa
Alıntının sonu.

Mesajınız için teşekkürler.


Feedback from Participants and Clients

                                                                                                                                                  Türkçe versiyonu

It is not often after participants leave a course or a 1-2-1 session that I hear from them again, although I see many familiar faces on subsequent courses, so I must be doing something right.

It does come as a surprise and gives me great satisfaction when I receive feedback, especially when there has been some special change in a person, and so it was when I received this message from the lady in the Gaziantep NLP course who had Bells Palsy.


Hello, I’m Dr. Ceyda Pasa.
Since year 2000 I had been interested in NLP and it’s extensions but I’d never had the chance to practice it one-to-one. Then I was very happy to hear that Mr. Holt was coming to Gaziantep through Mrs. Mehpare. For me, learning NLP from such a guru was an unbelievable dream.
My dream came true with the support of my husband. At the beginning I had many contradictions. I had doubts: Will I be able to learn and practice these informations? But Mr. Holt’s distinctive teaching style with metaphors and stories made us learn quickly and easily.
At first, he played with us, then we learned playing together with him. An in the end, we started to learn playing with life.
NLP became easier and more understandable with Mrs. Mehpare’s warm heart and knowledge.
The jumpy, curious and excited wait starting at the very first minutes left it’s place to hours lived with happiness and serenity. At the end of the first day, we started to look for the second day already.
Finally, as a doctor, some vast and meaningful changes have started with baby steps in my life, my profession and me, myself. Especially, the change that Mr. Holt created on me was miraculously unbelievable.
I’d like to thank Mr. Phillip Holt, Mrs. Mehpare and her team for this opportunity.
Dr. Ceyda PASA


Thank you for your message.