
PhotoReading in Milan, Italy

The weekend of the 2nd – 4th November 2007 saw me in Milan, giving a PhotoReading course, a course I find demanding, but worthwhile and exciting.

It was a course that gave me many headaches, not in the contents of the course, or the participants, but for having to get up so early, (3:30 am), to fly to Milan, Melpensa airport, which is a long way from the city center compared to Milan, Linate’s airport, and the loss of my computer and all my data and work.

We had no music, well not the music I am used to, nor any Power Point slides. I always say when I give presentation skills trainings, do not use Power Point presentations, and I had non.

But, the course outcome was the best. The participants got through up to six books (7 if you consider the PhotoRead of the Paul Scheele PhotoReading book), of 300 pages each, and gained a great comprehension of the contents contain there-in. On book contained what seemed like 3,000 pages on Italian law.

With Elena my translator we all had a great learning experience, and I hope to see them all again in the future.

    /images/71606-62901/photoreading_Milan_1.JPG” width=282 border=0> Food for thought, we all need input/food.

Today, (Saturday), see another trip to Milan, this time into Linate airport to deliver an NLP Master Practitioner module. More on that on my return.


Further on being Browned Off.

Further to my blog on the 28th October 2007, (click to read), where I described my experience of my brown sludge shower in the Peradoor Hotel in Istanbul, I mentioned the Istanbul marathon.

From my vantage point of the fifth floor of NLPGrup’s offices where I was giving an NLP and presentation skills course, I could look down on the runners far below.

        /images/71606-62901/runners_Istabul_07_2.JPG” width=282 border=0>    More runners, enjoying the day. Istanbul 2007

Although the pictures do not show the vast numbers of runners, I had to work and train the participants, that is what they paid NLPGrup for, you can see the Turkish flags everywhere. As I have written before, I find the Turkish people a very nationalistic people, (click too read) proud of their country, (click too read) and founder Ataturk (click too read).

They will often have demonstrations in the streets, it seems every day there is one in Taxim Square, calling for change, waving and carrying their national flag. These pictures were taken as they demonstrated against the PKK and the loss of Turkish soldiers lives.

    /images/71606-62901/Demo_PKK_2.JPG” width=282 border=0>  loss of Turkish soldiers lives. October 2007.

A further demonstration of their pride in their country, was shown in the National Day celebrations on the founding of the Turkish nation to follow.


The Basil Diner, Kingston upon Thames

Travel has allowed me to taste many varieties of food, some I like, fish and chips from England, some I cannot take, sambal from South East Asia. Some food likes me, fish and chips, some foods do not like me, red and green peppers.

It is when I find a restaurant that serves real authentic food, provide good quality in their food, staff and facilities, and give value for money, that I am happy.

I me it does not matter if it is the best hotel like the Ritz in London, or the little corner café, Kevilcim Cafe ev Yemekleri in Kadikoy, Istanbul, if I enjoy the experience, I am happy.

                /images/71606-62901/Turkeylunch120407r1.JPG” width=282 border=0>

I found one such restaurant in my home town Kingston upon Thames (click to watch a small video of my town), here in the UK, called The Basil Restaurant.

                                           NLP-Time (Istanbul), and Gap Consultancy (Gaziantep). I hope to see old and new participants soon in my courses.

See my web site NLPNOW (