
Get in contact

Not by chance today I met a old friend who I had not been in contact with for a long time.

I have often thought about my friend Bill, but always put off for one reason or other making that contact. I would see pictures on the TV, the internet or in books and magazines, that would remind me of our good and bad times together. Even walking down the street, sometimes I would see someone who had the same hair style, the same posture, and my memories would go back to Bill.

So I made the effort, and made contact with Bill and we met. It was such a relief, we still got on. After a good hand shake, we talked about the good times we had together, recalling memories, asking each other about other friends.

“Where was Richard?”

“What has happened to Sidney?”

Bill told me that Sid had got together with an old friend Jenny, and that they were happy with their situation, pity really, as I know Bill had always wanted a long term relationship with Jenny. But, Bill I found out had moved away and lost contact.

Like me, Bill had failed to keep in contact.

I made a resolution to keep in contact with Bill in the future, and go out of my way to contact others.

You never know what may come up.

Memory Mind Maps NLP Travels

Another trip to Turkey

Today I have finalised my plans for my next trip to Turkey to give training in NLP, Mind Maps and Memory skills.

The dates – should you wish to attend – will be:-

            NLP Practitioner (Society of NLP)   11th – 17th August 2007.
            Mind Maps                                      18th August 2007.
            Memory Skills                                 19th August 2007. 

More details can be found on the NLPGrup web site

I love my work, as I meet so many people, and together we go on a journey of discovery of how we as humans interact with and communicate with the world around us, and how we interact with ourselves. Yes interact with ourselves, with our inner mind and our conscious mind.

As we take the journey, changes happen, they have to, as every experience we encounter will have influence upon the way we understand the world, how we interpret what is happening to us, meeting new people, seeing new sights, hearing news sounds, tasting new tastes.

For some it will be a new journey, like taking an overnight bus trip to far of lands, taking a cruise ship across the oceans, or catching a flight to different countries and cultures.

Some will come across experiences that will amaze them, some will come across experiences that will shock them. It is these experiences that enrich our lives, they give us the learning to be able to cope with our future life, to see things in perspective about our previous life.

I love taking this journey with the participants, as it is like helping someone to cross a road, we also have to cross the road with them.

For me the journey we will take is a well trodden one, I have done it so many times, and it is a joyous journey, one that I also enjoy finishing, because I know I will feel good at the end.

Just like my flight to Istanbul on Friday, the journey may be difficult. There will be procedures I will have to go through, booking-in, security, there may be turbulence in the flight, the food may not be to my liking, and I do not know who or what will be waiting for me at Istanbul Antaturk airport.

One thing is for certain, the clock will continue to tick, time will not stop. The time in Turkey as I write this blog may be 12:00 mid day, people may be eating their lunch, but here in London it is only 10:00 in the morning, I have only just had breakfast.

Time as we perceive it, is only relative to our own place in space. We must learn to enjoy what we have now, for do we know what is at the end of our journey?

Let us plan for a good outcome on our journey together.