Coaching NLP

S.M.A.R.T. – The SMART Model

When you have a plan, set a goal or outcome, if you have the correct intensions, objectives in place, you will have a greater chance of achieving what you want.   Be SMART.

An model, the S.M.A.R.T. Model, can be used to help you become aware of if you have all the steps or objectives in place to meet your outcomes or goals. The acronym stands for :- 

   S      Specific
   M      Measurable
   A      Achievable, Attainable
   R      Realistic
   T      Timely, Time-bound


What you wish to achieve, should be concrete, you should define and detail the outcome or goal, to know what you want. 

Consider the following questions to being specific :-

  • WHO is going to do this, and will be responsible?
  • WHAT is to be achieved?
  • WHERE will this take place?
  • WHY are you doing this?
  • WHEN do you want to do this and to be completed?
  • HOW are you going to do this?


Can you see or measure the progress you are achieving and when you have completed the task?

If you plan to read three books in a week to research a subject, how will you know as each day passes that you have read so many pages, chapters, or a book? How will you know you have read the three books at the end of the week?


Another word could be attainable, is the goal or outcome within your reach?

Have you got the right resources available to you, have you enough knowledge? Is the time-frame correct, have you given yourself enough time, or is the time too long that you loose motivation and have no commitment?


Can the outcome be achieved? Is it physically possible to do this? Have you all the resources available to you, finance, materials, do they exist? At this time it is not realistic to build a house on the Moon.


Another word can be time-bound. Have you set a timetable or deadline to achieve the outcome or goal?

Is the time the correct time to do the task? Skiing in the Scotish mountains in the summer months is not feasable as there will be no snow.

Do you wish to loose 20lbs in weight? To do it in one week is not timely, you have not allowed enough time.

      Time must be measurable, attainable and realistic.

Be S.M.A.R.T. use the SMART Model on all you do, and be aware of it when working with others, setting tasks for your employees, your students, your coaching clients.

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Coaching Course ends

Today is a day of rest.

I have worked for five days on a coaching course and at the same time, ran three session a day with participants learning English. I am quite tired as it has been a difficult time, for once the facilities have not been up to the standard I have been used to over the years, I have needed Mustapha here with me in Turkey.

Today I will do nothing, except write the blog, go for a walk to get food, and prepare for the next round of courses starting tomorrow with Memory Skills, following on with an NLP Practitioner course, then a Mind Map course. Nine days without a break.

I enjoyed the participants over the five days, they inspired me, as they wanted to learn despite background problems. It is when you get students eager to learn that you move up a gear, and proceed with enthusiasm.

Durring the course we looked at many aspects of coaching, especially saying nothing with style. Graham Alexander the World’s number one Executive Coach, once told me the art of a good coach is to say nothing with style. The exercises to learn this technique were fun, and the participants soon got the hang of it.

We looked at the S.M.A.R.T. Model. (click to read) and the levels of beliefs (to follow).

As normal the course ended with sadness that all good things come to an end, we had become a team a group of motivated people, but the participants left with a knowledge that they had learnt a lot, and to know that they were on their way to achieve what they wanted from the course.

Me? I missed the ferry, missed the last train of Tunel, and entered an empty flat again. But joy, I found an internet signal, I can watch British TV on Slingbox via my computer in peace, eating one of my favourite wrap meals from La cantine, near Taxim Tunel, before having a good nights sleep.

The Smart Model