
We Influence Others

I am often asked if NLP is manipulative, can it be used to make people do things against their will. The short answer is NO.

Every experience, every learning, either at a conscious or at an unconscious (we are unaware) level, will lay down a memory pathway, whether we remember it or not, it is there. It will be used in the future as a reference, to know what is occurring to us at that time, to make an understanding of the situation.

If we are shown what a car is, our brain will store that information, the next time we are presented with a similar image, our brain will access the previous learning and will make a connection and know the new image is a car.

We are influenced by all our experiences.

Therefore, our whole life will manipulate our very existence, as our experiences, our knowledge or learnings increase.

I came across a client who suddenly became depressed, sad, without the usual energy they usually displayed.

Why the sudden change?

What influenced them to make the sudden change?

There are many factors that could be at play, but on investigation it was found that the client had been in a high state of energy for some time. But, problems had occurred.

The clients partner, a highly qualified professional, was well respected in their trade, and competitive.

The company they worked for provide essential services to the community, and as such, received income from a higher authority for the amount of work they did, and the number of jobs or customers they had on their books.

The systems put in place by the higher authority were not secure enough to stop some abuse, for a company to add more fictitious jobs to their books and exaggerate the amount of work they did. 

Of course, this abuse will be found by the higher authority, and audits and checks would be made on the integrity of all companies work.

My client had worked hard, given true value for money, kept to the rules and was really well liked and respected by the company’s customers. But the company’s management gave false information, well they did not inform the higher authority when their customers no longer were with them, they had left. So their customer list was over inflated, too high.

The management had also failed to keep adequate records of the work carried out by my client’s partner, and a history of work done, although a computer database was available at the time.

My client’s partner was asked to help sort out the problem, the problem that was no fault of theirs.

They set about the task, sorting the problem that had been created by others. My client’s partner was always they to do this and the management knew this. They knew my client’s partner would do this extra work without extra pay, and without complaint.

But there was a deadline, a date when the work the records had to be correct.

My client’s partner worked through the lunch hour, stayed late, became tired, but still that deadline approached and more work needed to be done. So the management brought in extra help, someone not as qualified to do the work, who was slow and did not want to work, and this person experienced the strain, the pressure felt by my client’s partner.

The extra help complained to the management, and started blaming the situation, their stress and inadequacies on anyone but themselves, especially my client’s partner, who had no blame, and done more than expected. The management did not counter the extra helps complaints and comments.

This created a very bad feeling in my client’s partner, so much so that they took their feelings back home with them, and pored them out to my client who tried to console support and advice.

The stress and strain was being experienced by my client, they had too. To understand something you have to process the information.

Do not think of a pink elephant. You have to see a picture in your mind of a pink elephant to understand what was being said.

Thus my client was pulled into the stress and strain, and they were brought down the same depths.

Have you ever been with people who are happy, laughing, what happens to you?

Have you been with people who were sad, depressed. What happens to you?

My client coped well in supporting their partner, they felt the stain but did not show it. But one incident, a misunderstanding maybe of language, perhaps the wrong information was given, and the strength of my client was lost.

We must be aware of how we influence others by our actions, our looks, our words, as everything we do will manipulate the way others see and understand the world around them.

With NLP we can reframe beliefs, understandings, views of the world, to help people see things as they are and not as others see them.

If this is manipulation, to bring happiness and wellbeing, then good.

Memory Mind Maps


Many of my courses, presentations, speeches and talks I give around the world are given to the public, with attendees ranging from as little as two to many hundreds.

I also give training courses to the corporate world, and for two days this week, I gave two courses of Mind Maps and Memory to a division of the number one mobile telephone company Turkcell here in Turkey. To keep the sixteen people on their toes and interest, I combined to two courses together, something I wish I could do this weekend, because yes I am giving Memory and Mind Maps courses to the public Saturday and Sunday this weekend.

Many corporate courses give problems, in that, the attendees are often sent, not knowing what they are going to be taught, or have no interest in the subject. Perhaps I may have had one or two on this course.

We got off to a good start, but I had to get them used to my voice, as I did not have a translator, they all spoke English, but mine is British English, so some people find it difficult to tune in. Once I had established my voice was being understood, we progressed through the course.

They learnt how to construct Mind Maps (visit http//, why they should do this, why the brain needs to be used in a new way, and we looked at situations where they could use Mind Maps.

We also during our time together, learnt how our brain works in respect to remembering and recalling information, that our memory (visit http//, is infinite, if only we used it, had new strategies of the World Memory Champions, and Gianni Golfera, the man with the biggest memory.

We learned, we played, we practiced.

At the end of the course, they could remember the sixteen fictitious names they had given themselves, a list of twenty random words given quickly to them, how to remember numbers like telephone numbers, formula, not only after the first exercise, but hours after they had learned the facts, lists or numbers.

It was great at the end of the course for each and every one, to come to me and thank me with a big smile on their face. One person came up to me and said.

   “Some courses you are sent to you know you will not like them, this was one such course, but I found I really enjoyed it and I learnt such a lot, thank you.”   

It is times like this that I get a real buzz, a high, and as James Brown sings:


The same the world over

Today is a down day.

Everyone should be allowed sometime space to dwell in their own thoughts, to review their life, to review their plans for the future.

Near to the office/school every Tuesday and Friday, there is held a very large market or bazaar. I had not been to this place in all my visits, and I needed to clear my head, relax, to think about the future, which directions should I follow.

I love markets, for here, you see life of the locals living a natural life, going about their daily routines.

Near Cuscu and Lake Titicaca, we were taken to a small town off the tourist trail on the market day. All the women wore the traditional dress, selling food, fresh vegetables, cloth and general goods. 

Our tour members had been “on the road” touring and visiting various places as we traveled from Lima in the north to The Nazca Lines in the south, and we wore typical Western tourist clothes, cameras at the ready, but we were told categorically not to take any photographs, as this was not in and against the culture of the people.

As we wondered through the market, it was us the tourists who were out of place, the aliens, the locals looked at us as we were the odd ones, as if they had never seen Western people before.

I found it exciting to reach out to the people, to communicate with them without the spoken language, and yet be understood, as they wanted contact with me.

Language has never been a barrier, it is just that we misunderstand.

I admire the translators I have worked with, as I have no other language other than English, how do they do the translation? I in my small world cannot comprehend how one can think and process information in another language. Oh the poor education system in the UK when I was at school.

I understand the structure of the English language, but do not ask me about verbs, adverbs etc, I speak English naturally I am a native speaker, the structure is unconscious, implicit. Other languages are structured differently, the word sequence is different, and there are many different meanings for an English word in a foreign language.

We often get a participant who “speaks” or has knowledge of English, say that the translation is wrong, when I know that it is not as I have worked with the translator many times and know their work.

I walked around the local Kadikoy/Istanbul market/bazaar, watching the shoppers, the sellers or stall holders, watch the interaction. I observed the reaction of all, as I walked amongst them, for I look different I am told, I look British, I listen to the stall holders trying to attract my attention, first in Turkish, but getting no reply, trying in English.

Do I look that British?

The fruit and vegetable stall holders take pride in their displays, polishing the apples until they shine, cutting off the dead leaves from the cabbage, stacking the oranges and lemons like the walls of the many palaces that abound in Turkey straight and regimented.

Clothes, dresses, knitwear hang from ropes strung between the stalls, very Turkish styles, perhaps Islamic, yes there is a style that can be seen, not seen in the large shopping centres which cater for the fashion conscious, and seem to be more very Western. Many shops you would find on the British High Street you will find here, Marks and Spencer, Next, Debenhams, Top Shop, all are here.

I lost myself in the market for an hour, with the strong wind playing and pulling at the sheets of plastic they had strung up above the market, it was about to rain, not spending any money, not emptying my mind, but filling it with new experiences which will be used I am sure in future courses.   

I still have no resolve to my thoughts.